Renal Physiology Flashcards
Hypertonic Expansion
Hypertonic NaCl
NaCl tablets - no liquid involved
Isotonic Expansion
Isotonic Saline
Lactated Ringers Solution
Hypotonic Contraction
Chronic sweating (NaCl depletion) Adrenocortical Insufficiency (no NaCl retention)
Hypertonic Contraction
Sweating without fluid replacement
Diabetes Insipidus
Isotonic Contraction
Hemorrhage (whole blood loss)
ECF 14L ICF 28L TBW 42L IF 10.5L Plasma 3.5L
20-40-60 rule
20% body weight 1/3 TBW 40% body weight 2/3 TBW 60% body weight (kg) 3/4 ECF Plasma 1/4 ECF
Juxtaglomerular apparatus consist of
Macula densa - thick LOH meets DCT
Juxtaglomerular/granular cells - secrete renin
Extraglomerular mesangial cells - smooth muscle involved in blood flow via sym system
Filtration Fraction
GFR/RPF normally 20%
Constrict AA = smaller GFR & RPF same FF
Constrict EA = greater GFR, large FF
Kf x Pf
Controlled by BP and AA, EA resistance
Myogenic response
Increase MAP, greater Na+ influx -> Ca2+ -> SM contracts
Tubuloglomerular Feedback
Up to one minute
Increase MAP = increase GFR and Na & Cl to macula densa, increase in ATP & adenosine release via mesangial cells -> calcium increase -> vasoconstriction of AA (inhibit renin release via juxtagl. Cells) to decrease GFR
Function of ANP and BNP
Decrease Na reabsorption (CT)
Released during high blood volume, reduces blood pressure
ANP - (Atrium stretched)
BNP - (ventricle stretched - natriuretic peptide)
Both cause vascular relaxation of intraglomerular mesangial cells and AA and constriction of EA
Inhibit Renin release, inhibit ADH, inhibit aldosterone,
Inulin clearance
C inulin = GFR
Creatinine Clearance
E = F + S
All filtered, Never re absorbed
C creat = GFR
GFR inversely proportional to [serum]
PAH Clearance
Freely filtered, complete clearance
C pah = RPF = CV/P
True RPF = C pah/0.9
(90% truly cleared) - 5 vasa recta, 5 fat