Physio Flashcards
Tetrodotoxin (TTX)
Blocks vg Na channels (puffer fish)
Lowers AP threshold (causing more AP firings)
Blocks vg K channels (longer duration of AP)
Multiple sclerosis
Demyelination of CNS
Less AP conduction rate
Sensory abnormalities and motor problems
Smaller length constant and greater time constant
Cleaves any SNARE protein preventing release of ACh
Skeletal muscle weakness and paralysis
Cleaves synaptobrevin
LEMS = Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome
Ab formed against vg Ca++ channels at NMJ = skeletal muscle weakness
Binds N1/Nm receptor blocking ACh binding on motor end plate
Treatment = block ACh esterase
Blocks acetylcholinesterase = enhancing ACh
Used to improve skeletal muscle function in myasthenia gravis
Blocks choline re uptake into NMJ
Affects lower motor neurons of SOmatic nervous system = paralysis
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Degeneration of skeletal and cardiac muscle = paralysis and death
Muscle hypertrophy
Increase in muscle fiber size due to increased activity or pharmacological agents
Blocks vg Na channels (no depolarization = no AP)
Nerst Equation
Eion= 60/z x log ([ion]out/[ion]in)
K+ Em
Na+ Em
What happens when spinal cord is severed above L1 in micturition reflex
Input from higher centers is eliminated, lower bladder capacity, frequent voiding and loss of voluntary control.
Lumbar center for bladder controlled via
Filling; beta 2 on detractor muscle via hypogastric nerve
Alpha 1 on IUS via hypogastric nerve for contraction
Sacral center for bladder controlled via
Voiding; M3 on detrusor for contraction via pelvic nerve
M3 on IUS for relaxation via pelvic nerve
Pudental nerve is:
Controlled by somatic NS and causes contraction via N1 receptor
Length constant equation
Lambda = square root of rm/ri
Time constant equation
T = rm x Cm
Ejection Fraction
EF = SV/EDV x 100
Two equations for MAP
MAP = 1/3PP + diastole
Pulse pressure equation
PP =systolic - diastolic
Flow of vasculature equation (Q)
Q = deltaP / R
Phasic contraction, what muscle and examples
Single unit smooth muscles
Stomach/intestines and esophagus and bladder
Tonic contraction, what muscle and examples
Constant stimulation over time
Multi unit smooth muscle
Sphincters and blood vessels and airways
Ca2+ sources for contraction of smooth muscle (5)
Leak channels DHP receptors (vg) - primary source P2X receptor (ligand gated) ECM Ca2+ influx RyR receptors (LG) IP3 Ca2+ release from SR
Ca2+ lowering mechanisms for smooth muscle (3)
Call membrane Ca2+ ATPase
Na+/Ca2+ exchanger
SR membrane Ca2+ ATPase
Players involved in SM contraction:
NO troponin
Light chain myosin
Calmodulin (CAM) –> Ca2+-CAM binds to myosin light chain kinase activating MLCK
Latch state of smooth muscle
Slow myosin ATPase activity allowing a low level of smooth muscle tone utilizing minimal ATP (latch bridges)
Shortening velocity, phosphorylation and Ca2+ levels kept low
Only occurs in multi unit SM
Max shortening velocity
Slow fibers (I) myosin w low ATPase activity Fast fibers (II) myosin w high ATPase activity
Major pathway to form ATP
Oxidative fibers
Glycolysis fibers
Type I skeletal muscle
Slow oxidative fibers
Recruited first
Smallest in diameter
Fatigue resistant (standing
Type IIa Skeletal Muscle
Fast-oxidative-glycolytic fibers
Fast fatigue resistant (walking and running)
Type IIb Skeletal Muscle
Fast-glycolysis fibers
Largest in diameter, recruited last (galloping and jumping)
Fast fatiguable
Passive tension (preload)
Force generated by stretching connective tissue
No stimulation by somatic muscles
Active tension (Afterload)
Force generated by contractile protein
With stimulation, cardiac/skeletal/smooth
Supraventricular tachycardia and cause
HR > 100 beats/min, crammed QRS
Abnormal electrical conduction at SA or AV node
Beta blocker
Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome
First degree AV block and cause
Long PR interval, with everything else normal
AV disease, high vagal tone (athletes), MI
Beta blocker, AcH inhibitor
Second degree AV block and causes
Mobitz type I
Elongated PR interval with a drop in QRS, not consistent
AV node disease
Mobitz type II
Normal PR interval with a QRS ratio (count P waves)
His-Purkinje disease
Third degree AV block
Complete heart block
Atria and ventricles beat at own rate
Atrial fibrillation
No clear pattern, No clear P waves, incomplete ventricle filling
Lub sound
Start of systole when AV valve closes
“Dub” sound
End of systole when AOrtic valve closes
Starling equation
Net fluid movement = Kf x (Pc + #IF) - (Pif + #c)
Net force same without Kf
Cardiogenic Shock
Inability of heart to pump sufficiently
Heart failure
Lower SV, lower CO –> decrease in MAP
Hypovolemic Shock
Inadequate blood volume
I.e. Hemorrhage
Lower blood volume —> decrease MAP
Anaphylactic/Septic Shock
Immunological response resulting in vasodilation
I.e. Allergic rxn (histamine)
Decrease central venous volume, decrease peripheral vascular tone NS TPR —-> decrease MAP
Neurogenic Shock
Fall in sympathetic nerve activity of increase in parasympathetic activity due to trauma, etc.
Decrease TPR and peripheral vascular tone —> decrease in MAP
Phase I of Valsalva
Aortic pressure: increase in pressure, mild increase SV
HR: decrease to compensate
Phase II in Valsalva
Aortic Pressure: less blood flow to heart therefore reducing EDV, SV, CO, and systolic BP
HR: increase to compensate
Phase III of Valsalva
Aortic pressure: released causing re-expansion of aortic and pulmonary vessels = fall in systolic BP, and relieve of compression in veins causing them to expand and fill w blood reducing amount going to heart
HR: slight increase
Phase IV of Valsalva
Aortic pressure: expanded vessels are filled w blood and increase blood to heart increasing CO
HR: decrease, MAP back to normal
Capacity Equations: (4)
Minute Ventilation
Alveolar Ventilation
MV = TV x RR
AV = (TV-DS) x RR
Transpulmonary Pressure
Pressure difference bw alveolar pressure and intrapleural pressure
Airway resistance equation (Poiseulle’s Law)
R = 8nl/pie r^4