renal mcqs Flashcards
KD01 [Mar96] [Apr01] Renal blood flow is dependent on: A. Juxtaglomerular apparatus B. [Na+] at macula densa C. Afferent vasodilatation D. Arterial pressure E. Efferent vasoconstriction
Factors (not) affecting ?renal blood flow/GFR: A. Sympathetic nervous system B. Sodium flow past macula densa C. Afferent arteriolar vasodilatation D. Arterial pressure E. Efferent arteriolar vasoconstriction
d - arterial pressure only affects renal blood flow outside autoregulatory range
KD01b [Jul97] Renal blood flow:
A. Is 600-650ml/min per kidney
B. Is directly measured by infusing PAH
C. Is increased by sympathetic tone
KD01c [Jul98] [Feb04] Renal blood flow:
A. Greater per unit mass than cerebral blood flow
B. Is greater in the medulla compared to the cortex
C. Is closely related to tubular sodium reabsorption
D. Only sympathetically mediated
E. Some noradrenergic endings on JG complex and tubules
F. Parasympathetic via hypogastric plexus
KD02 [Mar96] [Feb12] Which has the greatest renal clearance? A. PAH B. Glucose C. Urea D. Water E. Inulin
KD03 [Mar97] [Jul99] [Apr01] The ascending limb of the Loop of Henle is:
A. Impermeable to Na+
B. Involved in active transport of K+ into the lumen
C. Involved in active transport of Cl- out of lumen
D. Involved in active transport of Na+ into lumen
E. Hypotonic at the top
F. ?None of the above ?Actively transports water
c and e
KD04 [d] [Jul98] [Feb00] Regarding glucose handling in the kidney
A. Reuptake is passive
B. Tm is the same for all nephrons
C. D-glucose more rapidly absorbed than L-glucose
D. Reabsorption is inversely proportional to lipid solubility
KD05 [Jul97] Water filtration by the kidney:
A. Is 180 l/hr
B. Is 125 ml/min
C. Up to 90% is reabsorbed
D. Most drugs have MW less than 600 and are freely filtered
KD07 [Mar98] ?Secretion/?absorption of urea takes place in:
A. Proximal convoluted tubule
B. Distal convoluted tubule
KD08 [Jul98] Glomerular capillary permeability is:
A. Less than in ordinary capillaries
B. 50 times more than skeletal muscle capillaries
KD09 [Mar99] Which ONE of the following is not involved in the regulation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR)? A. Juxtaglomerular apparatus B. Arterial pressure C. Efferent arteriolar tone D. Na content in distal tubule E. Afferent arteriolar tone
KD10 [Jul98] [Jul01] With regard to glomerular filtration:
A. Autoregulation maintains flow
B. ?Afferent arteriole driving force
C. Is equal for cationic & anionic molecules
D. All cross if ?>/?
The permeability of glomerular capillaries:
A. Equals that of other capillaries
B. Is much less than that of other capillaries
C. Is equal for cationic and anionic molecules of equal size
D. Approaches 100% for neutral molecules of 8mm diameter
E. Is about 50 times as great as that of a skeletal muscle capillary
KD11 [Mar99] [Feb06] Kidney:
A. Maximum urine osmolality of 1200 mOsm/l
B. Min urine osmolality 100mosmol/Kg
C. Minimum osmolality = 20mOsmol/kg
a - actually 1400mosml/l, min is 50mosm/l
Significant tubular reabsorption occurs with: A. Phosphate B. Creatinine C. Urea D. Sulphate E. All of the above
d - 95%, phosphate 90%, urea 50%, Cr none
KD14 [Feb00] [Apr01] Increased GFR is caused by
A. Increased cardiac output
B. Afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction
C. Efferent arteriolar vasodilatation
D. Increased chloride delivery to the macula densa
[[Apr 2001 version: Which of the following is involved in the regulation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR)?
A. Juxtaglomerular apparatus
B. Afferent arteriolar tone
C. Efferent arteriolar tone
D. Chloride transport at the macula densa
E. All of the above
KD15 [Jul00] The formula for GFR is: A. GFR = Kf (HPG - HPB + OPG - OPB) B. GFR = Kf (HPG - HPB - OPG + OPB) C. GFR = Kf (HPG + HPB - OPG + OPB) D. GFR = Kf (HPG + HPB - OPG - OPB) E. GFR = Kf (HPG - HPB - OPG - OPB)
KD16 [Jul00] [Jul01] The effect of PTH on the kidney is to:
A. Increase Ca excretion and increase phosphate excretion
B. Increase Ca excretion and decrease phosphate excretion
C. Decrease Ca excretion and increase phosphate excretion
D. Decrease Ca excretion and decrease phosphate excretion
E. None of the above
Water handling by kidney (% reabsorption) A. 93% B. 94% C. 99% D. 99.4% E. 99.9%
ganong 99.4% - under max ADH
Vander 99%
KD18 [Jul00] [Feb04] Resistance to renal blood flow is chiefly determined by: A. Renal artery B. Afferent & efferent arterioles C. Interlobular & arcuate arteries D. Peritubular capillaries
KD19 [Jul00] Tubuloglomerular feedback:
A. Increased solute delivery to macula densa causes decreased GFR.
KD20 [Apr01] [Feb04] For renal clearance of a substance to exceed Inulin,
A. Increase in GFR
B. Must be secreted by either the proximal or distal tubules
C. Must have a lower molecular weight than Inulin
Alt version: If a substance is cleared by the kidney at a rate greater than inulin, it must be: A. Freely filtered B. Actively secreted C. ? D. Actively reabsorbed