Renal/GU Flashcards
what is unilateral transilumination of an inguinal mass in a male infant mean?
testicular torsion is most likely
how do you differentiate between a hyrdrocele and a incarcerated inguinal hernia?
In hernia:
- signs of bowel obstruction
- mass typically firm discrete, tender and surrounded by erythema and edema
- testicle may appear bluish
In hyrocele:
- baby tolerates feeds
what’s the key differential of a scrotal mass in a boy or adolescent male?
painful vs. painless?
what is cryptorchidism?
undescended testicle
most common disorder of sexual differentiation in males
when there is bilateral cryptorchidism, what should you do?
do a genetic workup to determine if there is a genetic disorder
how is micropenis defined?
penis length <2.5 SD for gestational age
what is the prevalence of circumcision in the US?
about 80% for males 14-59 in the US
what’s on the differential for girl with painful urination and vaginal pain, redness?
- non-specific vulvovaginitis
- specific vulvovaginiits (bacteria/yeast, but generally not the right environment in young girls)ych
- pinworms
- foreign body
- vulvar skin disease
- trauma/abuse
- psychosomatic vaginal complaints
- masturbation
what needs to be high on the differential for children with a fever of unkown origin?
what is the risk of UTI in children?
renal scarring with resulting HTN and CKD
what is the epidemiology of UTI in peds?
approx. 5% among all infants with fever age 2-24 months
>2:1 female:male
slightly more common <12 months
What are the risk factors for pediatric UTI?
- Girls
- white race
- age <12 months
- temperature >39
- fever of 2 or more days
- no other source
- Boys
- non-black race
- temperature >39
- fever of 2 or more days
- no other source
what is the treatment for enuresis if other therapies are unsuccessful?
Desmopressin (DDAVP)
risk of hyponatremia and seizures (reduce water consumption)
what is hypospidiasis?
When the urethral meatus is located other than at the tip of the glans
usually located along the bottom of the tip, or along the shaft of the penis
what frequently accompanies hypospidiasis?
and cryptorchidism
how is hypospidiasis treated?
what is hydrocele?
it is a fluid collection within the scrotum
caused by: congenital (develop); injury/trauma; infection
- if it communicates with the peritoneal cavity is it communicating and can re-fill
- if it is non-communicating the swelling and fluid is confined to the scrotum
what is the treatment for hydrocele?
communicating - surgery
non-communicating - usually watchful waiting, but if tense and painful, then may require surgery to avoid impaired blood flow
what is the peak age of testicular torsion and in whom is it more likely to occur?
12-18 years
bell clapper deformity
What are the signs/sx of testicular torsion?
sudden onset of testicular pain
swollen and tender testicle
- Prehn’s sign
- absent cremasteric reflex on ipsilateral side
how do you diagnose testicular torsion?
test of choice: venous doppler