Renal/GU Flashcards
Rate of correction of chronic hyponatremia and hypernatreima and consequence
Hypernatremia correction-> cerebral edema
Hyponatremia correction-> central pontine myelinolysis
Presents with thirst, neuro sx, doughy skin
presents with confusion, lethargy, muscle cramp, hyporeflexia, nausea
presents with n/v, intestinal colic, areflexia, weakness, flaccid paralsis, arrythmia paresthesia
presents with fatigue, muscle weaknes, ileus, hypotension, yporeflexia, rhabdo, asc paralysis
EKG for hypokalemia
T wave flattening, U waves, ST-segm depr
treatment hypercalcemia
IV hydration + furosemide, avoid thiazide diuretics
Type I vs II vs IV RTA: Defect, K+, urine pH, tx
Type I: H+ secr (distal), urine ph >5.3, replace HCO3
Type II: HCO3 reabs (proximal), urine ph 5.3 initially, thiazides and volume depletion
Type IV: aldost def (distal), high K, urine ph
indications of pre renal AKI (FeNa, UNa, Spec grav, BUN/Cr)
FeNa 1.02, BUN/Cr >20
Consequences of AKI
metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia–> arrythmia
HTN, volume overload
Definition CKD (time and GFR); when symptomatic?
> 3mo, GFR
Consequences and tx of CKD
Metabolic derangement: azotemia, metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia, ACD, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, impaired coag
Tx: ACEi/ARB, DDAVP for abn bleeding, low fluid/Na/K/PO diet, PO4/calcitriol, EPO
Nephritic syndrome: sx and workup
hematuria, mild proteinemia
Complement, ANA, ANCA, anti-GBM
Ca levels loop vs thiazide diuretcs
Loop: decr Ca
Thiazide: Incr Ca
Nephrotic syndrome: sx and workup
proteinuria (>3.5), edema, hypoalb, hyperlip
Low serum C3, lumpy-bumpy immunofluorescence: dx and tx
PSGN, nephritic; supportive/diuretics