Gynecology Flashcards
Age of thelarche and menarche
thelarche: btwn 8-11
menarche: btwn 10-16
Tx of menopause
HRT (combined estrogen and progest)
Contraindicated: vaginal bleeding, breast cancer, hx thromboembolism, liver disease, hypertriglceridemia
Non-HRT: SSRI/SNRI, clonidine, gabapentin
workup, tx of primary amenorrhea
w/u: pregnancy test, bone age radiograph (constitutional delay?), FSH/LH, ultrasound for ovaries, karyotype if no uterus; prolactin, MRI if uterus
tx: (hypogonadism only) low dose estrogen 12-18mo, cyclic estrogen/ progesterone
Defn, workup of secondary amenorrhea
6 consecutive months, no menses (menarche passed)
w/u: pregnancy test, TSH, prolactin
progestin challenge: + challenge (bleeding on withdrawal): anovulation (eg PCOS)
-challenge (no bleeding): uterine or estrogen abn
signs hyperglycemia or hyptoension: dexa suppr to rule out CAH, cushing, addison
virilzation: testosterone, DHEAS, 17-hydroxyprog (PCOS, CAH, cushing, tumor)
noncyclical pain, menorrhagia, enlarged uterus: dx and tx
tx: NSAID/OCP/ progestins
endometrial ablation, hysterectomy
Guidelines for endometrial bx in women with abnormal uterin bleeding
endometrium >4mm
>35yo with risk factors (obesity, DM)
Tx AUB: acute, ovulator, anovulator
Acute: high dose IV estrog, D&C w/in 12-24h
Ovulatory: NSAID, OCP, mirena
Anovulatory: Progestin x10d, desmopressin (vWF/ VIII), OCP, mirena
Newborn female infant with ambiguous genitalia and salt wasting
21-hydroxylase deficiency
Dx criteria and tx of PCOS
(req 2/3)
1. polycystic ovaries
3/ clinical or biochemical evidence of hyperandrogenism (testosterone, DHEAS, DHEA)
Tx: OCP, progestin, metformin (if not trying to conceive)
clomiphene +/- metformin (trying to conceive)
Hirsutism: OCP, antiandrogen (spironolactone, finasteride), metformin
Fluctuant mass 1-4 cm at inferior portion labium nimus: dx and tx
bartholin cyst
If symptomatic: aspiration and I&D if symptomatic; word catheter insertion
Abx only if celluitis
Abx regimens for PID
Regimen A: Ceftriaxone IM or Cefoxitin plus probenecid
+doxycycline x14d +/-metronidazole 14d
Regimen B: oxafloxicin or levofloxacin x14d +/- metronidazole 14d
Inpatient: cefoxitin or cefotetan plus doxy x14d
clindamycin + gentamicin x14d
Perhepitits, RUQ pian, abn liver fxn, shoulder pain with hx of PID
fitz hugh curtis
Abrupt onset of fever (>102), vomiting watery diarrhea, macular erythematous rash in female: dx and tx
Rapid rehydration
Antistaph (nafcillin, oxacillin, vanc)
corticosteroids to reduce severity/ fever
Tx leiomyoma
medroxyprogestrone acetate or danazol to stop or slow bleeding
GnRH analogs (leuprolide or nafarelin) to decr size
myomectomy or hysterectomy or uterine artery embolization
Types of endometrial cancer and etiology
Type I (endometrioid): unopposed estrogen Type II (serous): unrelated to estrogen, p53 mut, older age; poor prognosis