renal 4 Flashcards
define renal clearance
- substance removed from blood and excreted in urine
- clearance is the volume of plasma per unit time from which all of the substance has been removed
calculate the clearance of a compound given the urine volume produced per minute, urine concentration of compound and plasma concentration of the compound?
Cx = (V*Ux)/Px
- Clearance of X = urine flow rate (V) ** urine conc. of X (Ux) / plasma conc. of X (Px)
why is the clearance of insulin a measure of GFR
- insulin is freely filtered, not secreted or reabsorbed
- so amount in urine is amount that was filtered
- kidneys are only excretion route making it a great measure of GFR
Why is clearance of creatinine a resonabile estimate of GFR and why measuring it is easier>
- Creatinine is freely filtered, not reabsorbed, but small amount is secreted so using this is a slight over-estimation of GFR
- constantly released into circualtion from creatine catabolism, so no IV
- don’t have to catheterize bladder either, just collect all urine over 24 hours
is creatinine an accurate measure in patients with renal disease
- in renal disease, GFR is very low and secreted portion ends up being more than the normal amount of secreted creatinine
- creatinine more severely overestimates GFR
If creatinine serum concentration is above normal state, would GFR probably be above or below normal
low GFR leads to high serum creatinine levels
What are the variables used to estimate GFR using cockcrof-gault equation
- blood levels of creatinine, age and lean body weight
what is the effect of age on number of function nephrons and GFR
- 10% decrease in number of nephrons after 40 years of age
- more rapid decline in those with hypertension or diabetes