adrena physiology Flashcards
what are the products from the Zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex
- mineralcorticoid = aldosterone
what are the products from zona fasciculata
- glucocorticoids = corisol and cortiocosterone
what are the products from zona reticularis
- androgens = DHEA and aldrostenedione
How does ACTH increase adrenal steroid synthesis
- ACTH controls the conversion of Cholesterol to Pregnenolone by P450cc (Pregnenolone is required by all sterioid)
- ACTH binds to and activates the GPCR melanocortin 2 receptor on the surface of adrenal cortex cell
- upregulates steroidogenic enzyme expression
what are the effects of cortiosl
- increases blood glucose
- Increases bone matrix reabsorption and calcium excretion
- increased cardiac output
- increased expression of receptors for epinephrine and norepinephrine
- inhibits immune system
- decreases fibroblast proliferation (leads to decrease in CT)
what are the effects of aldosterone
- increases blood volume and pressure
- increases Na and H20 reabsorption and decreases K reabsorption
how does cortisol increase plasma glucose levels?
- in liver, increased gluconeogenesis and glycogenesis
- in skeletal muscle decreased gluc. uptake and increased glycogenesis and protein catabolism
- in adipose, decreased gluc. uptake and increased lipolysis
how does aldosterone increase water and sodium reabsorption
- aldosterone binds to and activates mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) in distal convoluted tubule and colelcting ducts cytoplasm
- MR translocates to nucelus to increase gene transcription of ENaC and Na/K pumps
- ENaC transports Na into cell and Na/K ATPase transports it out to blood
What catecholamines are released by adrenal medulla
- epinephrine and norepinephrine
how does cortiosl regulate synthesis of epinephrine
- cortisol increases expression of the enzyme that converts norep into epinephrine
How does cortisol facilitate the effects of norepinephrine and epinephrine
cortisole induces expression receptors for norep and ep
describe cushings syndrome
- pituitary hypersecretion of ACTH –> leads to over secretion of cortisol
- Adrenal adenoma –> hypersecretion of cortiosl and neg feedback on pit so low ACTH
- Ectopic ACTH production occurs in lung cancer
- Latrogenic cushing syndrome (prescribe cortisol can cause this)
describe addison’s disease (primary)
- autoimmune destruction of adrenal cortex zones
- causes deficiency in cortiosl, aldosterone and androgens
- High levels of ACTH and CRH
- Hypotension from unresponsiveness of smooth muscle to catecholamines
- Hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, wt loss, hyperpigmentation etc
describe secondary adrenal insufficiency
- caused by pituitary or hypothalamic disorders or chronic glucocorticoid therapy
- symptoms are similar to primary.
- aldosterone secretion is usually preserved however
describe the effects of 21-hydroxylase deficiency
- aldosterone and cortisol can’t be formed
- most newborns screened for this
- virilization due to accumulation of androgens
- Females with male genitalia, or males with adult size sex organs
- aldosterone deficiency can lead to salt wasting, shock and dehydration
Describe the effects of 17alpha-hydroxylase deficiency
- normal values of aldosterone but no glucocorticoids or androgens
describe the effects of 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency
- results in no aldosterone or glucocorticoids but normal values of androgens
describe the effects of 11beta-hydroxylase deficiency
- results in no glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids (aldosterone and cortisol)