Renal Flashcards
Most common cause of peritonitis secondary to peritoneal dialysis?
Staphylococcus epidermis
4 features of ADPCKD?
Hepatic cysts (hepatomegaly)
Intracranial aneursyms
Ovarian cysts
Which drug slows rate of ADPCKD?
Type of tumour in Wilm’s tumour?
Frank haematuria?
Worry about renal cell carcinoma
Which antibiotics can cause acute interstitial nephritis?
Penicillin related antibiotics
Management of renal cell carcinoma?
Radical nephrectomy (usually resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy)
May attempt partial nephrectomy if < 7cm
Nut cracker angle?
Where the renal vein lies between abdominal aorta and superior mesenteric artery
Compression may result in varicocele and can be a sign of RCC
“Best” investigation for hydronephrosis?
USS renal tract
Most common type of malignant renal cell carcinoma?
Clear cell carcinoma
Clear cell carcinoma histology?
Cystic lesion with solid and liquid components
Radiolucent stones?
Xanthine and Urate
Semi-opaque stone?
Cystine stone
Composition of stag horn calculi?
Where do they form?
Form in alkaline urine (due to ammonia producing bacteria)
Bilateral hydronephrosis management?
Urethral catheter
Most common type of renal stone?
Calcium oxalate
What increases risk of VTE in nephrotic syndrome?
Loss of antithrombin III, protein C and S
Which renal cancer is associated with polycythaemia?
Renal adenocarcinoma
Screening test for polycystic kidney disease?
CTKUB: Periureteric fat stranding?
may indicate recent stone passage, if a ureteric calculus is not present
Urine findings in acute interstitial nephritis?
Raised urinary WCC
Causes of normal anion gap metabolic acidosis?
Addison’s disease
Bicarb loss
What drug should all patients with CKD be started on?
Potassium sparing diuretic
Management of a steric calculi < 5mm?
Usually passed within 4 weeks of symptom onset
Management of stones causing obstruction along side infection?
Surgical emergency
Urgent decompression
Management of stone < 2cm ?
Management of stone < 2cm in pregnancy?
Complex renal calculi and stag horn calculi management?
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy
AKI stage 1?
Cr increase: 1.5-1.9X baseline
UO: <0.5ml/kg/hr for 6 hours
AKI stage 2?
Cr increase: 2-2.9x baseline
UO: <0.5ml/kg/hr for 12 hours
AKI stage 3?
Cr increase:3x baseline or >354
UO: <0.3ml/kg/hr for 24 hour or anuric for 12hours
What drugs can cause hyaline casts in urine?
Loop diuretics
Why should blood transplants be limited in CKD?
Sensitises immune system so may attack transplant
Phosphate level in CKD?