Renaissance Chapter 3 Flashcards
What took place during the Renaissance?
A new way of thinking.
Where did the new way of thinking start?
Northern Italian city-states. Scholars known as humanists looked back to the ancient classical civilizations of Greece and Rome. These scholars studied Greek and Roman writing as arts and applied classical ideas to their own lives and work.
Which two civilizations did the humanists take inspiration from?
Greek and Roman civilizations.
What did the humanists believe? (4)
- Human beings can use the power of reason, that is, thinking to find the truth for themselves.
- It is important for a person to have an open, curious, and questioning mind.
- People can achieve great things through learning.
- Individuals should be skilled in many different areas; they should develop not just their minds but also their bodies and spirits.
Where does the word “civic” come from?
It comes from the Latin word to mean “citizen”.
What did civic humanists believe? (2)
- Educating yourself about history and political issues.
2. Helping to improve society.
What was the most important way a humanist could create change?
Through education.
What career did many humanists pursue?
Many humanists were teachers who ran their own schools.
What did humanists believe it was important to teach? (2)
- Train young people to have good character, good bodies, and minds (educating the whole-child approach).
- Encourage people to be curious and to question things.
What was the whole-child approach?
Training young people to have good character, bodies, and minds.
What was the importance of religion in the humanist’s perspective?
Religion continued to play an important part in their lives, just as it had during the middle ages. But it wasn’t all and everything. Humanists emphasized ideas and values such as individual achievements and the importance of history and the arts. Education was all of a sudden also very important, although religion was still ahead.
What was the purpose of art during the Renaissance times? (2)
- To portray the beauty of the human body and the natural world.
- To decorate private homes or public places.
Who played an important role in promoting the importance of arts during the Renaissance? (2)
- Wealthy merchants.
2. The government.
Art can be expressed in the form of… (6)
- Music.
- Literature.
- Theatre.
- Paintings.
- Architecture.
- Sculptures.
How were sculptors seen in the Middle Ages?
As craftspeople rather than artists. They were part of a construction team and usually didn’t even sign their work.
How were sculptors seen during the Renaissance?
Artistic genius raised the status of artists. Sculptors like Michelangelo became celebrities with international reputations.
What are the key points about literature during the Renaissance? (3)
- In the early Renaissance, writers focused on translating the works of Roman and Greek writers and copying their styles.
- Books/texts written in the vernacular became more accessible.
- Much of the writing during the Renaissance questioned the traditional ways of seeing the world.
Define classical.
The ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome.
Define rhetoric.
The art of making speeches.
Define humanist.
A person who adopts a system of thought that centers on humans and their values, capacities, and worth; concern with the interests, needs, and welfare of humans.
Define aqueduct.
A channel used to move water, usually supported on a bridge structure when it had to cross a valley.
Define Colosseum.
The Colosseum is an amphitheater built in Rome under the Flavian emperors of the Roman Empire; the Colosseum was famously used for gladiatorial combat.
Define philosopher.
One who studies the truth and principles underlying human conduct and knowledge and the nature of the universe.
Define democracy.
A form of government in which people elect representatives to rule the country.
Define patrons.
People who paid artists to produce works of art or any other type of work.
Define vernacular.
The language commonly spoken by the people who live in that region.
What were the accomplishments of the Roman Civilization? (5)
- Great poetry, drama, and history were produced by Roman writers.
- Created a legal code in use in Europe until the end of the 1700s.
- Colosseum in Rome; gladiators sometimes fought to the death.
- Aqueducts still in use today.
- Roads that allowed travel throughout the vast Roman Empire.
What were the accomplishments of the Greek Civilization? (6)
- Masters of drama, sculpture, and architecture.
- Brilliant mathematicians and historians.
- Developed the jury system.
- Developed the Olympic Games.
- Democracy is named after the Greek system of participatory government.
- Had philosophers who taught people how to improve themselves/their society.