Aztecs Chapter 7 Flashcards
Define Aztecs.
Name given to the civilization created by a nomadic tribe (the Mexica) who settled in the Valley of Mexico during the 15th century.
Define aqueduct.
A channel used to move water, usually supported on a bridge structure when it had to cross a valley.
Define chinampas.
Floating islands built in the water around Tenochtitlan to grow crops.
Define tribute.
Valuable gifts and taxes collected by the Aztecs from a conquered group or city.
Define compulsory.
Required by law.
What is the place where the Aztecs were called today?
Modern-day Mexico.
Where is Mexico?
In North America, along with the USA and Canada.
Where are Mexican borders?
Mexico borders two coastlines and three countries.
How were mountains viewed by the Aztecs?
As sacred or holy sites.
Why were mountains viewed as sacred/holy sites?
They brought people physically closer to the gods.
What were the worlds of the Aztecs? (2)
- Physical.
2. Sacred.
What was the relationship between the physical and sacred worlds of the Aztecs?
They were closely connected.
How were Aztec temples shaped? Why?
Aztec temples were pyramid in shape so as to resemble mountains.
What was Tenochtitlan surrounded by?
How did the Aztecs feel about being surrounded by mountains? Why?
They gave the Aztecs a sense of security. The mountains protected the people from invasions.
What havoc did mountains wreak upon the Aztecs? (2)
- Steep mountains mean rainstorms. That can cause flash floods in low-lying areas.
- Mountains can keep out the clouds; meaning that not enough freshwater was available to survive.
What was the solution for flash floods caused by mountains?
Earthen dam - kept water out.
What was the solution for the lack of fresh water caused by mountains?
Aqueducts - bring fresh water in from underground springs.
Which god led the Aztecs to Tenochtitlan in Lake Texcoco?
Why was Lake Texcoco less than ideal? (3)
The island of Tenochtitlan was small, swampy, and the water salty.
Why did the Aztecs stay in Tenochtitlan even though it was not a good living environment?
Religion was extremely important to them, so they trusted their god and the decision to establish a civilization on the small island.
How did the Aztecs make use of Tenochtitlan being an island?
It was surrounded by water. Causeways were built to connect the island and mainland. These bridges could be easily destroyed when invaders were spotted to prevent them from arriving on the island.
What connected the island and mainland?
What was the earthen dam good for? (2)
Kept water out (floods) and helped to separate the saltwater from the freshwater.
What were the chinampas used for?
Agricultural needs; to grow crops.
What did the creation of the chinampas do?
It greatly expanded Tenochtitlan.
What were the steps to building chinampas? (3)
- Drive stakes into lakebed in a rectangular shape.
- Lay down reed mats, cover with soil.
- Repeat process until you have a thick “sandwich” of mud and mat layers and mats rise above water level.
What did farmers grow on chinampas? (3)
Farmers planted flowers, vegetables and medicinal herbs.
How was labour in agriculture done?
By hand.
How did farmers acces the chinampas?
By canoe.
How did the Aztecs think of the different gods?
The gods controlled every aspect of their lives; they looked to the gods for signs on how to live. They believed in many gods, but some gods were more important than others.
What did Huitzilopochtli do?
Encouraged his people to leave their homeland and settle in Tenochtitlan.
What did Huitzilopochtli require? What for?
The blood of a sacrificial victim to give him the strength to overcome the night’s darkness/evil (survive Tezcatlipoca).
What kind of god was Huitzilopochtli? What did that mean?
A tribal god; therefore had warlike aspects.
Which was the most powerful of gods?
What does Tezcatlipoca’s name mean?
“Smoking mirror” - from the black mirror he used to see visions of the future.
Who was Tezcatlipoca also known as?
Lord of the Night Sky.
Which two gods were locked in an eternal struggle with one another?
Huitzilopochtli and Tezcatlipoca.
What was Quetzalcoatl the god of?
What does Quetzalcoatl’s name mean?
Feathered serpent.
What offerings did Quetzalcoatl accept? (3)
- Flowers.
- Incense.
- Birds.
Which god left Mexico?
Who did Quetzalcoatl have a fight with?
What did Quetzalcoatl prophesize?
That he would return from the East in the year “OneReed” bringing destruction to the Aztec empire.
What was Tlaloc the god of?
What could Tlaloc do?
Unleash deadly floods or withhold rain to cause drought/famine.
Which God did Aztecs fear most? Why?
Tlaloc. He controlled their survival.
The Aztec Calendar had strong connections between… (2)
- Gods and humans.
2. The sacred and physical landscape.
What were the Aztec calendars? (2)
- Solar.
2. Sacred.
What was the relationship between the solar and sacred Aztec calendars?
The sacred one was 260 days long and took 52 years to catch up with the solar calendar.
When was the Aztec calendar carved?
In the mid-1400s.
Who was the Aztec calendar dedicated to?
What did the Aztec calendar show?
Where the world began and will end.
How was the first era destroyed?
By jaguars.
How was the second era destroyed?
By hurricanes.
How was the third era destroyed?
By rain.
How was the fourth era destroyed?
By floods.
What is the current era?
The fifth era.
How will the fifth era be destroyed?
By earthquakes.
Who is the god of the fifth sun?
What is in the centre of the Aztec calendar?
A god, Tonatiuh.
How is Tonatiuh in the Aztec calendar drawn? What does it mean?
With his tongue sticking out; this shows that he wants to be fed blood.
What was the strongest expression of the Aztec’s devotion to their gods?
Human sacrifice; killing another person for sacrifice was deeply rooted in their religious beliefs.
Why did the Aztecs believe that they had to feed their gods blood?
They believed the victim’s blood nourished the gods; without it the gods would get sick and die, and then the world would end.
What would the Aztecs do with their victims of war?
They would sacrifice them.
Who would the Aztecs sacrifice? Which ones? Why?
Their victims of war. The strongest warrior caught would be sacrificed so that his strength could feed the gods’ strength.
How often did the “New Fire” ceremony take place?
Every 52 years.
What happened during the “New Fire” ceremony? (4)
- People would fast for days.
- Their fires would be burnt out.
- Then, people would wait on their rooftops to see the sacred flame be lit near Tenochtitlan.
- The fire would then be transferred from house to house to relight the fires.
How did the Aztecs believe that the world looked?
They believed the world was a round, flat disc divided into four sections. Tenochtitlan was at the centre; the capital city. The city itself was also divided into four sections for the different directions. At the center, there was a large square that contained large temples. To the Aztecs, Tenochtitlan was a model of the world, with the Great Temple being the center of the world.
What did the Aztecs believe was at the center of the world?
What did the Aztecs build?
Alliances and trade partnerships with their neighbours.
How were the Aztecs known?
Although they were great warriors and conquered several other people, they were also known as independent and resourceful people.
What kind of mentality did the Aztecs have?
Group mentality.
What was important to the Aztecs with regards to their group mentality?
Society was more important than the individual.
What were the Aztecs prepared to do to contribute to society?
Every Aztec was prepared to sacrifice their life for the good of the group.
Who was military service compulsory for?
What was compulsory for men?
Military service.
What was the worst insult an Aztec could make?
To call someone a coward.
How did the Aztecs consider cowardice?
A lack of courage in any soldier weakened the army, which then threatened the state.
What did the Aztecs do with the tribes/empires they conquered?
They collected tribute from them. They also kept very accurate records of these collections.
What was the tribute paid to the Aztecs good for? (2)
- Profited the Aztec empire.
2. Helped sustain the people.
What was the Aztec form of currency?
Cocoa beans.
What was the deal with the Aztecs and hot chocolate?
They drank hot chocolate, but it was liquid chocolate with chili peppers - hence hot chocolate.