Removals Flashcards
The great iron catastrophe states that:
The majority of the world’s iron deposit went to the core
Based on the Bowen’s reaction series these two minerals should not coexist in the same rock
Quartz and Olivine
In the selection below, which one is the most insignificant erosional agent?
In the selection below, which process does not primarily form joints?
Vein filling
This criteria indicates the uniformity of sediment size in the sedimentary rock
Based on the selection the most active volcanic belt is in the?
Circum Pacific ring
A Cirque can be described as:
A bowl shaped depression at the upper reaches of the glacier
These ate knife-like ridges in between glaciers
Which volcanoes have slopes rarely steeper than 10 degrees because they are composed mostly of low viscosity lava flows?
Shield Volcanoes
An igneous rock that possess a combination of minerals of markedly different sizes is
A tsunami is _____
Seismic sea wave
P-wave is one in which
Movement is forward and back in the same directions the wave travels
Most volcanoes takes place in the
Circum-Pacific Belt
An earthquake’s source of energy is located at the ____ , but the location at the land surface above that point is called the _____.
Focus, epicenter
Which step is essential to the development of an angular unconformity?
Uplift and tilting
Which of the order of increasingly coarser grainsize and perfection of foliation?
The interactions among the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere are major contribution to:
Weathering of Earth materials
Plates are composed of
Continental and Oceanic Crust
Plate movement is thought to be the result of
Convection cells
Rock resulting from the crystallization of magma are:
Which of the following is an example of a divergent plate boundary?
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge;
The premise that the present geologic processes have operated throughout geologic time is the principle of
The person credited with developing the continental drift hypothesis is;
The name of the supercontinent that formed from all landmassess on Earth is:
A pyramidal structure consisting of four oxygen atoms and one silicon atom is known as the;
Silica tetrahedron;
An igneous rock having a composition of diorite and very large mineral crystals is;
The size of the mineral grains composing an igneous rock is a useful criterion for determining whether the rock is and/or
Which of the following pairs of igneous rocks have the same mineral composition?
Which of the following is a discordant pluton?
Its a zone of many individual faults and fractures, their splays is called;
Fault splays;
Which hypothesis states that as strain builds up, it overcomes friction to cause an earthquake?
Elastic Rebound Model;
What evidence proved that South America, Africa, India and Australia were once covered by glaciers?
Glacial deposits and rock surfaces scarred by glaciers
Emplaced bodies of ophiolites in an island arc setting like in the Philippines occur in
Supra-subduction zones
Which of the following might provide evidence that a fault zone exists in an area?
Lines or lineaments on the surface of the Earth as seen from above the zone
Earthquakes that occur along faults are created when;
Stress builds up until rocks break;
Emplaced bodies of ophiolites is an island-arc setting like in the Philippines occur in?
Supre-subduction zones
What happens to rock around a subducting slab?
it goes under the other plate
It refers to presence of individual faults within an area of complex deformation
fault zone;
In the selection below, which one is an iron pyroxene
In the selection below, which one is an iron olivine
Which silicate group is where Olivine belongs?
Which silicate groupies where most clay and mica belong?
Based on the Metamorphic Facies diagram, where would blueschist most likely occur?
Subduction zone
The source of heat for the formation of greenschist is most likely coming from;
In the selection below, which mineral would indicate the metamorphism of the highest grade?
a. Garnet
b. Kyanite
c. Biotite
d. Chlorite
e. Sillimanite
e. Sillimanite
Metamorphic rock consisting chiefly of Quartz
Blocks B is positioned south of Block A, if their overall displacement is northwards with Block B moving faster than A, what type of faulting is A-B?
Thrust fault
This texture can be produced by plutons exhibits equigranular grain sizes with less than 50% relatively larger sizes
A Peridotite with composed of at least 90 % Olivine
These are cartilaginous jawed fish, first appearing in the Silurian Period
These are circular, geochemical markers for exploration
Geochemical halos
Dendritic drainage pattern indicates that;
Underlying lithology is uniform
This process is where a river abandons its channel rapidly to form a new one;
This geomorphological process is where a mature or old river returns to a young or younger stream by tectonic processes, sea level changes, etc.
These are elements that compose mostly of the Earth’s crust;
These are elements that compose mostly of the metal-sulfides;
This magmatic differentiation process indicates that magma evolves as minerals precipitate
Fractional Crystallization
The following are criteria for index fossils except;
This is the oldest intrusion in the Philippines
Lutopan Diorite
This is the agreed age of the Philippine Fault
This is the “age of Philippine Gold” among explorationists
The appearance of this delta is due to being a river dominated delta;
Bird’s foot
This is a collective term for “chaotic” deposits,it may be caused by supra-subduction, submarine landslides, and emplacement;
Elements that the ionic radii is small enough to fit into the spaces along crystallographic sites
Incompatible Elements
Minerals/Elements used as exploration markers, which are not necessarily of economic value
Pathfinder Elements
This fractional crystallization method is where magma begins to crystallize from the outer parts of magma chamber to inward
Inward Crystallization
These are the evidence for magma mixing except one
a. Mingling of Magmas
b. Disequilibrium of Mineral Assemblages
c. Reverse Zoning in mineral assemblage
d. All of the Above
e. None of the Above
All of the Above
Fossils that are composed of footprints, burrows and excreta
Trace Fossils
The geoscientist who first published the geological map of Great Britain
William Smith
All of these deposit type have the commodity intrinsically within the host rocks except:
Nickel Laterite
All of these are supergene deposits, or mostly are enriched through supergene deposits except:
a. Nickel Laterite
b. Bauxite Laterite
c. Gossan deposits
d. High sulfidation Epithermal
e. None of the Above
Nickel Laterite
These occurs on veined type deposits where small low grade veins cm in scale suddenly becomes high grade veins, meters in size
Pinch and Swell
In operating mines, the SDMP find will have to allocated as 1.5 % of the?
Gross Income
This is a 2 year contract, intended for exploration work renewable for 2 terms
Exploration Permit
These type of geophysical survey detects density differences
a. Gravity
b. Seismic
c. GPR
d. Electrical Resistivity
e. A, B, and C
e. A, B, and C
In the selection below, which geophysical technique will be used for groundwater exploration?
Electrical Resistivity
What are the best exploration markers for gold?
a. Small Scale miners
b. Geochemical soil and water anomalies
c. Alteration Markers
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
All of the above
This is termed as the surface elevation of the hole when drilling?
Collar elevation