Day 3 Pre-Test Flashcards
Which coal has the highest impurities? (Bituminous, Subbituminous, Lignite, Anthracite)
A geologist cannot work for a grape farm
Which is not a product of petroleum? (Oil, Gas, Asphalt)
None of the above
In potassic alteration, which of these are always absent? (Clays, Chlorite, Sul des, Magnetite & Hematite)
In a nickel laterite deposit, where would you find the most abundant nickel?
Boundary between the limonite and saprolite
What do you call the difference between true north and magnetic north?
Angle of declination
In the process of carbonization alteration, which carbonate is the most abundant? (Dolomite, Calcite, Rhodochrosite, Siderite)
In the field, you noticed that the rocks from all directions are dipping towards a central point. The structure is a?
You have noticed boulders of foreign rocks anchored in a river; what hazard can be assessed in the surrounding areas?
Flash flood
What rock is ultramafic mantle-derived volcanic rocks of low SiO2, low K2O, low Al2O3, and high to extremely high MgO, a host rock for massive nickel-copper sulfide mineralization at Kambada, Western Australia, which accounts for about 14% of the world’s nickel production?
What occurs in an orebody however does not contain a useful element?
The mineral Luzonite is a polymorph of?
Which mineral is used for steel making? (Nickel, Iron, Chromite)
All of the above
Which VMS deposit type is Rapu-Rapu island?
Besshi type
It is the line where a plane at any orientation intersects with a horizontal plane with reference to the north.
Another word for the attitude of a structure
All the minerals are minerals assemblages of green schist except: (Chlorite, Serpentinite, Mica, Glaucophane)
All the minerals or mineral assemblages are of green schist except: (Chlorite, Serpentinite, Mica, Glaucophane)
Which oxides are the most common in crust? (Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, Na2O)
Al2O3 (Aluminum Oxide - e.g. corundum)
Halos of dispersion are usually the result of?
1) primary products of alteration
2) weathering and erosion of ore bodies
Which of these areas are not closed to mining? (Old growth and virgin forests, mineral reservations, areas covered with valid and existing mining rights)
Mineral reservations
What is an agreement between the government and the contractor wherein the government shall provide inputs to the mining operations other than the mineral resources
Mineral Processing and Sharing Agreement
A corporation engaged in mining should be at least ____% of the capital is owned by the Filipino citizens
How much % carbon does lignite contain?
In what rock can you find most petroleum sources? (Limestone, Shale, Sandstone, Evaporites)
In what rock can you find most petroleum sources? (Limestone, Shale, Sandstone, Evaporites)