Day 3 Finals Flashcards
These are zones of increased content of chemical elements in natural formations associated with deposits of useful minerals.
Halos of dispersion
This halo of dispersion arise in the surrounding rock simultaneously with the formation of the mineral body
Primary halo
It is a sampling method where a specimen is picked up from a portion of mineralized outcrop/ore body.
Grab sampling
True or False. Grab sampling is not a true sampling method.
This type of sampling is done perpendicular to the vein, with chipped or not intact samples gathered.
Trench Sampling
Sampling method with highest efficiency due to ease of gathering samples.
Chip or Point Sampling
This sampling method is more systematic and commonly done in laterite mines.
Face Sampling
Difference between Face Sampling and Trench Sampling.
Face Sampling uses specific tools to cut, unlike in Trench
What sampling pattern involves acquisition of samples that are equally spaced apart, both vertically and horizontally.
Regular (sampling pattern)
Enumerate the common sampling patterns.
REGULAR - equal both vertically and horizontally;
STAGGERED - window window;
EQUIDISTANT - window window pero equal distance (forms equilibrium triangles)
It is considered the most reliable method for
accurately determining the content of gold, silver,
and platinum-group metals (except osmium and
ruthenium) in ores or concentrates. This process
involves melting a gold-bearing sample in a clay
crucible/cupel at >1000 °C with a mixture of fluxes
(such as silica and borax), lead oxide (called
litharge), and a reducing agent (frequently flour).
Fire Assay
This method subjects the sample to very high temperatures to separate the elements from the concentrate.
This method involves mixing of flour with borax to produce litharge on the sample.
Fire Assay
What is the Frasch Process?
It is a method for extracting sulfur from underground deposits.
What is AAS?
It is a part of Fire Assay, specifically in the geochemical analysis.
What process refers to the dissolution of silver in a dore during boiling in nitric acid?
What is Annealing?
Annealing is a heat treatment process used mostly to increase the ductility and reduce the hardness of a material (gikan sa google kay wla naexplain kaayo ni sir sa lesson)
What process separates gold and silver from others by melting the other components?
The process referring to the dissolution through acid reactions.
Chemical digestion
Cyprus, Kuroko, and Besshi-type VMS
deposits can be found in what areas in the
Philippines, respectively?
Barlo - Bagacay - Rapurapu
What is the strongest acid?
Fluoroantimonic Acid (HSbF6)
Who was the infamous Filipino
geologist who salted crushed core
samples with gold shavings in Busang,
East Kalimantan, Indonesia in 1997?
Michael De Guzman
What is the most common coal rank in the Philippines?
Where can we find cinnabar in the
Philippines? The powdered cinnabar
used for pigment is called
Palawan, Vermillion
The Negros Trench was formed in response to the collision of these two.
Northern Palawan and Philippine Mobile Belt
One karat of gold is equal to how many percent gold content? Three-nines fine correspond to gold of ____% purity.
4.17%, 99.9%
What are the raw materials of Poland Cement?
Limestone and Clay
What are the raw materials of Portland Cement?
Argillaceous and Shale (Alternatively, a material of high lime content, such as limestone, chalk, shells, or marl, and a material of high silica and alumina content such as clay, shale, or blast-furnace slag from goolge)
What are the raw materials of Concrete?
Aggregate, Cement and Water
What are the raw materials of Brass?
Zinc and Copper
What are the raw materials of Bronze?
Copper and Tin
What is the “Revised Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the
Republic Act (RA) No. 7076, otherwise
known as the People’s Small-Scale
Mining Act of 1991” ?
DAO 2022-03
SSM contract area must not exceed how many hectares?
20 hectares
It is a Glencore managed company that
processes and exports refined copper and
precious metal by-products of international
standards located in Isabel, Leyte. The smelting
process employed by this company is _________.
Company name: PASAR (Philippine Associated Smelting and Refining Corporation),
Smelting process: Flash Smelting
Parts of a Technical Report. It has higher resolution on bigger paper (sizes).
Parts of a Technical Report. The caption is found below (this).
Parts of a Technical Report. The caption is found above (this).
Parts of a Technical Report. It is usually hand drawn and rarely used anymore.
Annex or Appendix, it has a LONGER additional attachment.
Annex or Appendix, it has a SHORTER additional attachment.
Run of MINE or Run of MILL, refers to the PROCESSED counterpart.
Run of Mill
Run of MINE or Run of MILL, refers to the UNPROCESSED counterpart.
Run of Mine
True or False. Chips and Cuttings are the same.
Previous RA 4209
RA 10166
Arrange in order of priority: Detailed Study, Detailed Geochemical Survey, Detailed Geological Mapping
- Geological Mapping
- Detailed Study
- Detailed Geochemical Survey
This refers to the THICKNESS of individual beds.
It refers to the TRUE VERTICAL THICKNESS of beds.
This line denotes SAME AGE AND/OR TIME of formation.
Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering
Psammitic rocks are composed of ______ -sized particles.
What is pycnocline?
Water density increases with depth
What are the other names for barite?
barytine, barytite, barytes, heavy spar, tiff, and
blanc fixe
In the absence of a sample splitter/Jones riffle
splitter, what will you do to get a representative
Composite sampling or Quartering method
Measurement of zircon crystals from a granite
yield parent/daughter ratios of 25 percent parent
(uranium-235) and 75 percent daughter (lead-206).
The half-life of uranium-235 is 704 million years.
How old is the granite?
704 x 2 = 1408 my
Refers to the parent material, it is unstable.
Refers to daughter isotopes, it is stable.