Day 2 Highlighted Parts Flashcards
Chemically pure and optically colorless variety of calcite
Iceland spar
Cellular deposits formed around hot or cold calcareous springs are known as
Travertine of tufa
Compact and cryptocrystalline magnesite may be associated with
Opaline silica
Magnesite found in talc, chlorite, mica schists, and in dolomitic limestones
Cleavable magnesite
Siderite also occurs as ___________, with admixed clay minerals, in concretions with concentric layers.
Clay ironstone
Siderite is also found in shales and coal measures as:
Blackband ore
Yellow variety of smithsonite
Turkey-fat ore
The orthorhombic polymorph of calcite; the pearly layer of many shells and the pearl itself
Aragonite (CaCO3)
Gives a yellowish-green flame test
Witherite (BaCO3), Barite (BaSO4)
Gives a crimson flame test
Strontianite (SrCO3), Celestite (SrSO4)
Shape of dolomite crystals that are strongly curved
Ankerite becomes yellowish brown due to
iron oxidation
Barite forms frequently in divergent groups or tabular crystals forming _________ or __________
crested barite, barite roses
Anglesite (PbSO4) frequently occur as earthy, in concentric layers that may have an unaltered core of which mineral?
Galena (PbS)
Found in much the same manner as gypsum, but is less common than gypsum
Anhydrite (CaSO4)
Fibrous gypsum with silky luster
Satin spar
Fine-grained massive variety of gypsum
Gypsum variety that yields broad, colorless, and transparent cleavage folia
Most of these mineral will fluoresce with bluish-white color in short ultraviolet radiation
Scheelite (CaWO4)
Massive, cryptocrystalline variety of apatite, constituting the bulk of phosphorite or phosphate rock
Phosphate materials of bones and teeth are members of the __________
Apatite group
Gives a diagnostic red coloring
Ruby red in transparent crystals variety of cuprite
Ruby copper
Red gem corundum
Gem corundum of any other color
Black granular corundum; forms when magnetite is intergrown with corundum
Micaceous and foliated hematite
Specular hematite
Red earthy variety of hematite
Red ocher
Platy and metallic variety of hematite
Coarsely crystalline variation of pyrolusite with 6-6.5 hardness
Most common manganese ore mineral
Reniform with radiating fibrous appearance variation of cassiterite
Wood tin
Cassiterite variety that occurs as rolled pebbles in placer deposits
Stream tin
Massive or botryoidal form with a banded structure variety of uraninite
Characterized by strong radioactivity (as detected by a Geiger counter or scintillation counter).
Uraninite (UO2)
Magnetite variety which may act as a natural magnet
Characterized by its strong magnetism
Magnetite (Fe3O4)
This mineral commonly alters to pyrolusite
Manganite (MnO(OH))
Hard botryoidal masses formerly called ____________ are mixtures of mangangese oxides of with romanechite is a major contritutent
Generally loose and porous goethite
Bog ore
Constitutes the gossan or “iron hat” over metalliferous vein deposits
Goethite (FeO(OH))
Term used for very fine-grained to amorphous mixtures of brown ferric hydroxides whose real identities are unknown
Bauxite consists of very fine-grained intergrowth of three aluminum hydroxides namely:
Diaspore, Gibbsite, Boehmite
Major ore of aluminum
Formed in the tropics, is a soil consisting mainly of hydrous aluminum and ferric oxides
Term used to describe the shape of a halite when the faces of the cube have grown more at the edges than in the center
Halite crystals or granular crystalline masses showing cubic cleavage is known as
Rock salt
Valuable deposits found in intrusive masses, in which their roots are in thick, bedded deposits
Salt domes
Characterized by its salty taste and yellow flame color
May show fluorescence under ultraviolet radiation
Fluorite (CaF2)
Forming chalcocite blankets at the level of the water table in enriched zones of sulfide deposits
Gold (Au)
___________ in large deposits has been precipitated from primary hydrothermal solutions.
Native silver
A diamond variety with rounded forms and rough exterior resulting from radial or cryptocrystalline aggregate. Term is also applied to badly colored or flawed diamonds without gem value.
Black or grayish-black bort
Carbonado or carbon
The primary occurrence of diamonds is in altered peridotites called
Intrusive bodies that are commonly circular with a pipe-like shape is referred to as
Diamond pipes
An area where a large percentage of diamonds are recovered from alluvial deposits
Synthetic diamond simulant
Cubic zirconia
Term for the texture of an igneous rock in which larger crystals– phenocrysts– are set in a finer-grained groundmass
Tarnished to variegated purple and blue mineral
Peacock ore
Red variety of sphalerite
Ruby zinc
Most common mineral ore of zinc
Sphalerite (ZnS)
Major ore mineral for nickel
Pentlandite (Fe,Ni)9S8
The presence of nickel can be quickly established through a scarlet coloration forming in a test using:
Occurs as a volcanic sublimation product and as a deposit from hot springs
Realgar (As4S4)
A rare mineral often associated with realgar and formed under similar conditions
Orpiment (As2S3)
Pyrite veins are usually capped by a cellular deposit of limonite called
Most common mineral containing arsenic
Arsenopyrite (FeAsS)