Removable Pros - Problems, Causes and Solutions Flashcards
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
You are trying to fit a new set of upper and lower complete dentures but the patient is not happy with the position of the six upper anterior teeth. All other teeth are in the correct position.
The patient did not have adequate opportunity to check the tooth position at try-in stage
Record in notes pt is unhappy
Give ample opportunity to ensure pt is happy at next try in
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
You are trying to fit a new lower partial acrylic denture. The fit surface seems well adapted to the underlying tissues, but the denture teeth are too high
The flask was not closed together properly when acrylic was being packed into it to make a denture
Trim occlusal surfaces of teeth using articulating paper
Or retake interocclusal record and send to lab then set new teeth in wax and ensure correct height
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
You are trying to fit a new upper complete denture, but it does not seat down very well on the underlying mucosa and wobbles when you apply pressure on the occlusal surfaces.
Alginate impression material distorts if it is allowed to dry out or if it is left too long before casting.
Relign and Rebase (new fit surface)
Or Use PIP to re-adjust
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
Your patient has been wearing their new upper partial acrylic denture for a week. The patient says it is loose and wants to know if something can be done about it.
There are no clasps on the denture
Speak to lab about adding clasps
Send overimpression with denture in situ
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
Your patient has been wearing the upper and lower complete dentures for two weeks. The patient comes back saying that their jaw ache and they had to take the dentures out to ease the discomfort.
There is an error in the amount of freeway space provided for this denture patient.
Trim teeth to reduce OVD
Or Remake one or both dentures
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
Your patient has been wearing the new partial cobalt chrome denture for a few months, but all of a sudden, the denture has become very loose.
A denture clasp is no longer working properly. This might be because it has broken or because it is no longer engaging with the tooth surface because it has distorted.
Reposition or remove clasp
Speak to lab about potentially adding a new clasp
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
There are “acrylic pearls” on the fit surface of a finished (processed) denture which you are about to fit in a patient’s mouth.
When an impression is cast in stone or plaster, tiny air blows can occur at the surface of a master cast.
Trim off acryclic pearls with an acrylic bur
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
A patient has come back after wearing a new denture for a few days and some teeth have fallen off.
A layer of wax or separated medium was accidentally left on one or several denture teeth before acrylic was packed into the flask.
If you have teeth send back to lab to re-fit
If teeth are lost send back to lab with overimpression in situ with correct shade
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
An acrylic denture flange on a finished (processed) denture seems noticeably shorter than it should be when compared with the master impression that was taken by you earlier in treatment.
The denture flange was not waxed up to the full depth of the sulcus on the master cast shortly before the denture was flasked.
Take overimpression of denture in situ and send to lab
Could also leave as it is
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
The labial surfaces of the anterior denture teeth are a lot smoother than they were at try-in stage which makes them look a bit less natural.
The denture teeth were over-polished at the finishing off stage of flask, pack and finish.
Can take old teeth off and replace teeth
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
The denture fit surface does not fit against the oral mucosa at all well and the denture might even be ‘rocking’ when seated in the mouth.
The denture base distorted because the processed denture was removed from the flask before it had cooled down properly.
Rebasing or Relign
Or Use PIP to find and reduce high spots
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
On fitting and upper complete denture the patients’ occlusal vertical dimension is larger than intended (greater than try in stage)
The 2 halves of the metal flask were not close down properly to the intended final position when the acrylic was packed.
Shorten down the teeth
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
A patient has broken their new lower partial cobalt chrome denture after wearing it for only a few days. The lingual bar has now snapped in two.
There was porosity in the cobalt chrome which made it weak
Start again
Send to lab to confirm porosity of metal
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
A new lower partial cobalt chrome denture comes back from the laboratory with one of the clasps bent out of shape.
Metal components sometimes get caught in the fabric polishing discs when dentures are polished.
Use Adams pliers to bend back in shape
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
You’ve adjusted a patient’s new upper and lower complete dentures so they both fit properly against the supporting tissues, but then you find there’s still an occlusal error.
You can see the opposing posterior denture teeth do not inter-cuspate fully like they did when you last carried out the denture wax try-in (in the patient’s mouth).
One or more denture teeth have moved from their intended position when packing the acrylic during the processing
(FPF) stage.
Try adjusting at chairside
Take a new bite registration and rearticulate
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
When fitting an upper complete denture you notice lots of voids dispersed evenly throughout the acrylic which affects its appearance. This is known as ‘contraction porosity’.
Not enough acrylic dough was packed into the flask when the denture was processed, or there may not have been enough pressure on the flask keeping it fully closed during curing
Send back to lab and they will redo the base
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
A new upper acrylic denture comes back from the laboratory with patches of small spherical voids where the acrylic is thicker. This is known as ‘gaseous porosity’.
When the denture was cured the temperature was raised much too high during the earlier part of the curing cycle.
Send back to the lab and they will redo the base
What caused this problem and what will you do about it?
An acrylic denture has just been removed from the flask and the surface doesn’t look right. It appears rather opaque and rather rough. This known as ‘granular porosity’.
There was insufficient monomer in the dough mix.
Send back to the lab and they will redo the base.