Remote Access Protocols & Services Flashcards
(RAS) Remote Access Service is a technology that enables you to connect to a computer from a ______ ________, for example, from your home to your job.
remote, location
(RAS) It allows the services, which would be available on a remote network, to be accessed over a ____-__ __________.
dial, up, connection
(RAS) RAS was originally developed by _________ and built into their _______ __ line of server software.
Microsoft, Windows, NT
(RAS) It works with major network protocols such as ___/__, _______, and ___/___.
(SLIP) SLIP stands for ______ ____ ________ ________.
Serial, Line, Internet, Protocol
(SLIP) This is a protocol for communication between ___ computers using a ______ __________, such as a typical phone line.
two, serial, connection
(SLIP) But SLIP is rarely used anymore because it’s not a ______ ________.
secure, protocol
(SLIP) During a dial-up connection, it sends all data, including sensitive data like passwords, in _____ ____.
clear, text
(SLIP) So SLIP falls short because security is a _____ _____ in today’s world.
major, issue
(SLIP) SLIP also does not provide any _____ ________ and is limited to using only the ___/__ ________.
Error, checking, TCP/IP Protocol
(PPP) A better protocol was needed to address the Issues involving SLIP, and that protocol was _____-__-_____ ________.
Point-to-Point Protocol
(PPP) PPP stands for _____-__-_____ ________, and this is a standard remote access protocol that is used today.
Point-to-Point Protocol
(PPPoE) It works by encapsulating PPP frames in ________ ______.
Ethernet, frames
(PPPoE) People who use this protocol have a ___, _________, or ________ connection to the Internet.
DSL, broadband, wireless,
(PPPoE) It’s also used for connecting multiple users on a local area network to a ______ ____, sharing a common device.
remote, site
(PPPoE) This protocol uses PPP over ________.
(PPTP) This is called Point-to-Point _________ Protocol, and this technology is used for creating _______ ______ ________ or VPNs.
Tunneling, virtual, private, networks
(PPTP) In fact, this is the _______ ________ associated with VPNs.
- This ensures that the transfer of data between one device to another is secure by creating a secure tunnel between the ___ ______.
default, protocol, two, points
(GRE) GRE or _______ _____ _____________ is a protocol that is used with Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol in the creation of a ___ _______.
Generic, Route, Encapsulation, VPN, Network
(GRE) GRE is what actually creates the tunnel in ____. It is used to encapsulate the ____ in a secure manner.
PPTP, data
(VPN) A VPN is a _______ _______ _______.
Virtual, Private, Network
(VPN) It’s a private network that uses a public network, such as the ________, to establish a ______ __________.
Internet, remote, connection
(VPN) The data is _________ as it is sent and _________ when received.
encrypted, decrypted
(VPN) It provides a dedicated link between ___ points over the ________.
two, internet
(VPN concentrator) the way a VPN is created and managed is by using a VPN ____________.
(VPN concentrator) A VPN concentrator is a device that creates the ___ __________ and manages the delivery of the messages between the VPN _________ and _______.
VPN, connections, computers, devices
(VPN concentrator) also authenticates _____, encrypts and decrypts the data, and assigns ______ __ _________ to users.
users, tunnel, IP, addresses
(VPN concentrator) VPN concentrators are not always needed to manage and create VPNs. They are mainly used in organizations that are going to use a lot of ___ __________ and need a device to handle the _____ _______ that VPNs create.
VPN, connections, heavy traffic
(VPN concentrator) If an organization is only going to use a small number of VPN connections, they can just use the VPN software that is built into their ______ or ________, rather than using a VPN concentrator.
router, firewall
(VPN Site-to-Site) there are three different types of VPN connections.
(VPN Site-to-Site) One type is called site-to-site, and this is when an organization has two offices in different ____________ _________ and they want those offices to be networked and share data with each other over the public Internet.
geographical, locations
(VPN Site-to-Site) So they would just need to set up a site-to-site VPN connection, and the VPN will encrypt the data as it goes through the Internet and then _______ the data as it enters the organization’s _______ _______.
decrypt, private, network
(VPN Site-to-Site) Creating a site-to-site VPN creates an alternative to an _______ ______ line at a much _______ cost.
Internet, leased, cheaper
(VPN Host-to-Site) if you’re at home with your computer and you need to connect to your office at a different location so you can access files, then you would need to set up a ____-__-____ VPN connection.
(VPN Host-to-Site) this type of connection doesn’t require any additional ________ on your end at home.
(VPN Host-to-Site) To establish this type of connection, you would basically just need your computer’s operating system to connect to your ______ ___ ________.
- once the connection is made, then you can access your office’s network over the ________.
office’s, VPN, Hardware, internet
(VPN Host-to-Site) So all the special VPN hardware would be on the office or site side of the __________ and not at your ____.
connection, home
(VPN Host-to-Host) there is the host-to-host VPN connection, and this is simply when you want to establish a ___ __________ between two computers over the Internet.
VPN, connection
(VPN Host-to-Host) This type doesn’t require any additional ___ ________ at either end.
VPN, Hardware
(VPN Host-to-Host) It only requires ________ on each ________ to create a simple host-to-host VPN connection.
software, computer
(PPP) It was developed to replace SLIP’s limitations in _______, _____ ________, and ________ _______.
security, error, checking, protocol, support
(PPP) And like SLIP, this is a protocol that’s used for communication between ___ computers using a ______ __________, such as a typical phone line.
two, serial, connection
(PPP) But unlike SLIP, this is a ______ ________.
secure, protocol
(PPP) Most Internet service providers use this protocol for their customers who want to access the Internet using a ____-__ __________.
dial, up, connection
(PPPoE) Point-to-Point Protocol over ________ is exactly what its name implies.