Networking Tools & Safety Flashcards
(Wire Crimper) If you’re already a network administrator, then the most common tool that you have probably used is the ____ _______.
wire, crimper
(Wire Crimper) A Wire crimper is used to make ______-______ network cables.
custom, length
(Wire Crimper) It crimps ________, such as the RJ45 to twisted-pair cables.
(Wire Crimper) after you have attached your RJ45 adapter to your cable, you just place it into the _______, give it a squeeze, and the cable is done.
(Punchdown tool) A punch-down tool is a tool that resembles a ___________, and this is simply used to connect or punch wires to a _____-____ _____.
screwdriver, punch, down, block
(Media Tester) after making a custom-length cable using your wire crimper, it’s a good idea to ____ the cable to make sure it’s wired correctly.
- So, you would just connect ____ ends of the cable into the tester, and then the tool will check the cable for you.
test, both
(Cable Stripper) The plastic shielding around a network cable must be _______ in order to crimp a connector, and this is done by using a _____ ________.
removed, cable, stripper
(Cable Stripper) The cable is then inserted into the tool, and then the outer plastic shielding is _______.
(TDR) A time-domain reflectometer is a piece of electronic equipment used to ____ ______, such as unshielded twisted-pair and coaxial cable.
test, cables
(TDR) This test is done by transmitting a _____ through a _____, and then the signal is reflected back to the ___. (PT.1)
signal, cable, TDR
(TDR) The TDR then analyzes the _________ ______ and from there is able to pinpoint if there are any ________. These problems include conductors, loose connectors, shorts, crimps, bends, and so on. (PT.2)
reflected, signal, problems
(OTDR) An optical time-domain reflectometer or OTDR does the same thing as a TDR, but it is used on _____ _____ _____.
fiber, optic, cable
(OTDR) Instead of transmitting a signal, OTDR transmits light through the cable to ______ ________.
detect, problems
(Multimeter) A multimeter is a device that is used to test __________ ________.
electrical, circuits
(Multimeter) It’s a popular tool that is used for many different ______.
(Multimeter) It can measure _______, __________, current, and continuity, just to name a few.
voltage, resistance
(Multimeter) it comes in both ______ and ______ versions.
analog, digital
(Butt set) A lot of telephone technicians carry a piece of equipment called a ____ ___.
butt, set
(Butt set) a butt set is a device that resembles a _________, and it is used to test and monitor _________ _____.
telephone, telephone, lines
(Butt set) The technician will hook up the device, and as its name implies, “____” into a line to hear a conversation to determine if there are any ________, such as noise or something simple like just detecting if there is a ____ ____.
butt, problems, dial, tone
(Voltage Event Recorder) A voltage event recorder is a device that is used to collect ____ about the quality of __________ _____.
data, electrical, power