Optimization & Fault Tolerance Flashcards
(Bandwidth Shaper) A bandwidth shaper is used to control _______ _______.
network, traffic
(Bandwidth Shaper) You can use it to set upload and download ______ on less important ____, such as recreation.
limits, data
(Bandwidth Shaper) You can also prioritize important data, like business needs, and make sure that it has the highest ______ and ________ limits.
upload, download
(Traffic Shaping) The term “traffic shaping” is similar to what a bandwidth shaper does. It prioritizes ____________ and guarantees _________ for more important services.
applications, bandwidth
(Load Balancer) A load balancer is a piece of ________ or ________ that is used to evenly distribute data activity across a ______ so that no single server or computer becomes overwhelmed with the ________.
hardware, software, network. workload
(Load Balancer) For example, here we have a network, and one of the servers is getting more network activity than the other server. So, to resolve this, we can add a ____ ________ so that both servers are sharing the network activity ______.
load, balancer, evenly
(QoS) QoS stands for _______ __ _______, and in computer networking, this is a term that is used to provide a guarantee of ____ ________ within a certain period of time.
Quality, of, Service, data, delivery
(Port Blocking) Port blocking is one of the ways to provide ________ to a _______.
security, network
(Port Blocking) Port blocking is done on the ________, and as a network administrator, you can control which ports should be opened or closed depending upon the ___________.
firewall, application
(Port Blocking) For example, port 80 and port 110. If we close these ports, then our network will not be able to receive any web pages from ____ or _____. But since we kept port 21 open, then ___ functions normally.
HTTP, email, FTP
(Port Blocking) Port blocking can be a great way to keep your _______ ____, but it can also cause problems if you mistakenly close the _____ _____.
network, safe, wrong, ports
(High Availability) High availability is a term that is used to guarantee a period of ______ or _________ _________.
- In order to keep a network in constant _________.
uptime, continual, operation, operation
(Power Fault Tol) Power outages can happen for several reasons, such as storms and blackouts. So, in order to prevent a disruption in network operation from a loss of power, you need to use a ___.
(Power Fault Tol) UPS stands for _____________ _____ ______. It’s a battery backup that supplies power to your _________ if a power outage were to happen.
Uninterrupted, Power, Supply, equipment
(Power Fault Tol) as an example, if we were to disconnect the AC power from this computer, the computer will remain on because it’s connected to a ___, and it is now running from _______ _____ from the UPS.
UPS, battery, power
(Power Fault Tol) In addition to supplying backup power, UPS also protects against ______ and ______.
surges, spikes
(Link Redundancy)
Link redundancy is having the ability to have a continuous __________ to the network in the event of a _______.
connection, failure
(Link Redundancy) if you are using a broadband connection, you can have an ISDN line as a ______ if the broadband line were to fail. Or you can also have a secondary network card by having one as a primary and the other as a secondary. So if the _______ card were to fail, the _________ card would automatically kick in, and you would still have a continuous __________.
backup, primary, secondary, connection
(Backup Services) There is also backup services, and this could be defined as having backup servers to keep your network in ________ _________.
constant, operation
(Backup Services) A standby server is a secondary server with the _____ _____________ as the _______ ______.
-Now, this server is not actually being used, but its data is constantly being updated with the _______ server. So if something were to happen to the primary server, the standby server would immediately ________.
exact, configuration, primary, server, primary, takeover
(Backup Services) Server clustering is when a company has a group of servers used for ____ _________ and _____ _________. In this setup, the servers would _____ the workload if one of the servers fails.
And this type of setup works best if the servers were in different geographical locations.
load, balancing, fault, tolerance, share
(Disaster Recovery) Fault tolerance can be defined as the prevention of ____ ____ if a network component fails. But in the event that fault tolerance _____, then ________ ________ would be our last option.
data, loss, fails, disaster, recovery
(Disaster Recovery) Disaster recovery is a process of rebuilding an organization’s ____ after a ________ has happened, such as data loss.
data, disaster
(Disaster Recovery) So even if we implemented fault tolerance measures, we still need to back up our ____.
(Disaster Recovery) There are three different types of data backups:
full, incremental, differential
(Full Backup) In a full backup, all the data is simply ______ and backed up into ___ ____.
copied, one, tape
(Full Backup) this is the simplest form of backup because only ___ ____ is used. And if you ever needed to restore the data, then that one tape is all you will need for __________.
one, tape, restoration
(Incremental backup) Now, in an incremental backup, the only data that is backed up is the data that has been changed since the last full or ___________ ______.
incremental, backup
(Incremental backup) for example, let’s say you have a company that does a full back up on a weekend and does incremental backups Monday through Friday. The only data that is copied to tape is the data that has been changed since the last incremental backup, which is each weekday. So Monday will only copy Monday’s data, Tuesday will only copy Tuesday’s data, and Wednesday will only copy Wednesday’s data, and so on.
(Incremental backup) The way an incremental backup knows which data has been changed is by what’s called an _______ ___.
archive, bit
(Incremental backup) This bit informs which files have been _______ since the last ____ ______, and it clears the archive bit when the backup is done.
changed, full, backup
(Incremental backup) When you have to restore an incremental backup, you have to restore the ____ backup along with the ___________ backups, and you have to _______ the incrementals in the same order as you back them up.
full, incremental, restore
(Incremental backup) for example, here we have a full backup tape and a week’s worth of incremental backups. We’ll go ahead and restore the full backup tape first, and then we’ll restore the incrementals from Monday through Friday in the correct order.
And now we have a full restore of our data for that week.
(Differential Backup) In a differential backup, the data that is backed up is the data that has been changed since the last ____ ______.
full, backup
(Differential Backup) So going back to our example, a company does a full back up on the _______ and does differential backups on ________. (PT.1)
weekend, weekdays
(Differential Backup) As data is being added to the database each _______, the differential backup will back up the data that has been changed since the last weekend ____ ______. So Monday will copy Monday’s data, Tuesday will copy Monday’s and Tuesday’s data, Wednesday will copy Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday’s data, and so on. (PT.2)
weekday, full, backup
(Differential Backup) each backup tape copies data not only from their own day but also from the ________ ____ as well since the last full backup, which was done on the weekend.
previous, days
(Differential Backup) The differential backup also uses the _______ ___, but it’s important to note that when a differential backup is done, it does not clear the archive bit.
archive, bit
(Differential Backup) Now, after a differential backup, if you ever needed to restore the data, the procedure is that you will need to _______ the last full backup and the last ____________ ______ to completely restore your data.
restore, differential, backup
(Off-site storage) Off-site storage is where you can back up your ____ and have it stored in a different ____________ ________ for safety purposes.
data, geographical, location
(Off-site storage) for example, let’s say your main office is in Miami, and you chose to have an off-site storage database in New York.
- If some kind of natural disaster were to happen in Miami, let’s say, for example, a hurricane, and your main office was destroyed, you would still have a ____ of all your ____ in New York where it is safe.
copy, data
(Hot spares) A hot spare is defined as equipment that can be _______ ___ without the need for turning off the _____.
swapped, out, power
(Hot spares) example, if you had a server with multiple hot-swappable hard drives and if a hard drive were to fail, you wouldn’t need to shut down the ______. You would just simply remove the ____ _____ and replace it with a ___ one while the power is still on.
server, hard, drive, new
(Cold Spare) a cold spare is similar to a hot spare, but with a cold spare, you must turn off the _____ first in order to replace the piece of _________.
power, equipment