Religious Studies - 5 - Christianity - Beliefs & Teachings - 187,188 - The Afterlife - Judgement Flashcards
What do Christians believe will happen on Judgement Day?
People will be judged by God for the quality of their lives
What is the term used for the belief in Jesus’ return to earth?
According to Matthew, how will Jesus judge people on Judgement Day?
He will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats
What will happen to the sheep according to the parable in Matthew?
They will be placed on the right and invited to inherit the kingdom
What does the King say to the sheep regarding their actions?
Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
What is the fate of the goats in the parable?
They will depart into eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels
What will the righteous receive according to Christian belief?
Eternal life
What does the Apostles’ Creed state about God’s judgment?
God shall come to judge the living and the dead
What transformation is believed to occur at Judgement Day?
People will be bodily resurrected and transformed into a glorified state
Fill in the blank: Illness, pain, and _______ will no longer exist after Judgement Day.
What will happen to the world on Judgement Day according to Christian belief?
It will be purified of sin
True or False: Christians believe that the quality of life is not relevant on Judgement Day.
What actions are highlighted by Jesus as significant for judgment?
- Feeding the hungry
- Giving drink to the thirsty
- Inviting in strangers
- Clothing the needy
- Looking after the sick
- Visiting those in prison
What does the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man illustrate about the afterlife?
There is a clear divide between those rewarded in heaven and those punished in hell, achieved by faith and good actions.
What was the status of the rich man in the parable?
He was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day.
Who was Lazarus in the parable?
A beggar covered with sores, longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table.
What happened to Lazarus after he died?
The angels carried him to Abraham’s side.
Where did the rich man find himself after death?
In Hades, where he was in torment.
What did the rich man ask Abraham for while in torment?
To send Lazarus to cool his tongue with water.
What was Abraham’s response to the rich man’s request?
He reminded the rich man of his good things in life and that Lazarus is now comforted.
What did the rich man request for his family?
To send Lazarus to warn his five brothers about the place of torment.
How did Abraham respond to the rich man’s request for his family?
He said they have Moses and the Prophets to listen to.
What did the rich man believe would convince his family to repent?
If someone from the dead goes to them.
What was Abraham’s final conclusion regarding the rich man’s family?
If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.
Fill in the blank: The parable shows that success or wealth in an earthly life does not determine one’s _______ in the afterlife.
True or False: Lazarus received good things during his lifetime.
True or False: The rich man was able to cross over to Abraham after his death.
What is a parable?
A short, often simple
story which contains a deeper