Religious Studies - 5 - Christianity - Beliefs & Teachings - 180,181 - Jesus Christ - Salvation And Atonement Flashcards
Atonement (Key-Concept)
The belief that Jesus’ death on the cross healed the rift between
humans and God.
What is Jesus’ death on the cross considered for Christians?
An act of atonement.
Atonement is the reconciliation between God and humanity through the sacrifice of Jesus.
What event is referred to as ‘The Fall’?
When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
This event is believed to have destroyed the perfect relationship between humans and God.
What concept do some Christians associate with the idea that all people are born with sin?
‘Original sin’
Original sin refers to the inherent sinfulness of all humans due to the Fall.
What do the daily sins committed by people do to their relationship with God?
Take them further away from God.
Daily sins create a barrier between individuals and their relationship with God.
Why do Christians believe Jesus was sent to earth?
To repair the broken relationship between humans and God.
This belief is central to Christian theology regarding redemption and salvation.
What does Jesus’ death offer humankind?
Salvation allows humans to live eternally with God in heaven after death.
What method did Jews often use before Jesus to atone for sins?
Animal sacrifices
This practice is documented in passages of the Old Testament.
Fill in the blank: The act of atonement is seen as a way to repair the _______ relationship between humans and God.
Atonement restores the connection that was severed due to sin.
True or False: Christians believe that Jesus’ death was a necessary sacrifice for the salvation of humanity.
This belief underscores the significance of Jesus’ crucifixion in Christian faith.
What is the process described in Leviticus 16:20-22 regarding the live goat?
Aaron lays his hands on the goat, confesses the iniquities of the people, and sends the goat into the wilderness.
This act symbolizes the transfer of the people’s sins onto the goat, which is then sent away to signify their removal.
What does Aaron confess over the live goat?
All the iniquities, transgressions, and sins of the people of Israel.
This confession represents the acknowledgment of the people’s wrongdoings.
Where is the live goat sent after Aaron confesses the sins?
Into the wilderness.
The wilderness symbolizes isolation and separation from the community, signifying the removal of sin.
What role does the man in readiness play in the ceremony described in Leviticus 16:20-22?
He is responsible for sending the goat away into the wilderness.
This indicates the importance of having someone prepared to carry out the ritual.
True or False: The goat is intended to bear the sins of the people and return to the community.
The goat is sent away to a solitary land, symbolizing the complete removal of sin.
Fill in the blank: The goat shall bear all their ________ upon him to a solitary land.
This phrase emphasizes the burden of sin transferred to the goat.
What is the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice according to Christians?
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross atoned for the sins of humanity.
What metaphor is used to describe Jesus in relation to his sacrifice?
Jesus is referred to as the ‘sacrificial lamb’.
What was the effect of Jesus’ sacrifice on the practice of animal sacrifice?
There was no longer any need to sacrifice animals.
Fill in the blank: Jesus paid the price for human sins _______.
once and for all.
What did Jesus do with the bread during the meal?
He took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to his disciples saying, ‘Take and eat; this is my body.’
This event is commonly referred to as the Last Supper.
What did Jesus say when he gave the cup to his disciples?
‘Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.’
This signifies the establishment of the New Covenant in Christian theology.
What is the significance of Jesus’ blood according to Matthew 26:28?
It is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
This emphasizes the theme of redemption in Christian belief.
Fill in the blank: ‘I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my _______’
Father’s kingdom.
This statement reflects the eschatological hope in Christian teachings.
True or False: Jesus drank from the cup after giving it to his disciples.
He stated he would not drink from it until the day in his Father’s kingdom.
What event does this passage from the Gospel of Matthew (26:26-29) refer to?
The last supper Jesus shared with his disciples before his death.
This event is significant in Christian tradition.
What Jewish festival is Jesus celebrating during the last supper?
The Passover.
The Passover commemorates the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt.
What new significance does Jesus give to the bread during the last supper?
The bread represents his body.
This is a foundational concept for the Eucharist.
What does the wine represent in the context of the last supper?
His blood.
This symbolizes the new covenant and sacrifice.
What does Jesus predict during the last supper?
His death on the cross.
This prediction is central to Christian belief about salvation.
What is the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice according to this passage (Matthew 26: 26-29)?
Human sins will be forgiven.
This concept is key to Christian theology regarding redemption.
What Christian practice is based on the last supper?
The Eucharist.
This practice involves sharing bread and wine in worship.
What do Christians believe about eternal life?
Christians believe in the promise of eternal life in heaven.
This belief is central to Christian faith and doctrine.
Who foretold the suffering and death of Jesus?
The prophet Isaiah in the Old Testament.
Isaiah’s writings are considered prophetic in the context of Jesus’ life and mission.
What title do Christians believe Jesus holds?
Jesus is referred to as the Messiah or the ‘Christ’.
‘Messiah’ means ‘Chosen One’ in Hebrew.
Fill in the blank: For Christians, Jesus is the _______.
The term ‘Christ’ is derived from the Greek word for Messiah.
Who was despised and rejected by mankind?
Jesus - A man of suffering, familiar with pain
What did Jesus take up and bear?
Our pain and suffering
How did people perceive Jesus despite his suffering?
Punished by God, stricken, and afflicted
What was Jesus pierced for?
Our transgressions
What was Jesus crushed for?
Our iniquities
What brought us peace?
The punishment that was on him (Jesus)
What do Jesus’ wounds provide?
We all, like sheep, have gone astray; each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the _______.
Iniquity of us all
How did Jesus respond to oppression and affliction?
He did not open his mouth
He (Jesus) was led like a lamb to the _______.
What was Jesus assigned after his death?
A grave with the wicked
With whom was he (Jesus) buried?
The rich in his death
What was found in Jesus’ mouth?
No deceit
Was he guilty of violence?
Who protested against his judgment?
No one from his generation
He was cut off from the _______.
Land of the living