religious pluralism and theology Flashcards
questions relationship between Christianity and other religions
theology of revision
- ## christian thinking about its relationship with other people who belong to different religions
you must believe that salvation is found in Jesus only to be saved
-there is truth in other religions but no salvation
- Jesus death and resurrection were cosmic events ,significant for everyone
- must believe in saving act of christ
- salvation = christian only
-gods revelation can be seen by others - religion can’t be partially true , you either accept christ or not
- theology of the word
- ## knowledge is given when god chooses to reveal it
N= salvation is for some not all christians.
- augustine - predestination
B= all who accept christ through faith will be saved
- no matter their denomination
Gavin de Costas two kinds of exclusivism
Universal access - christ salvation is offered to all
restrictive access - God will only save who he has chosen
weakness of exc
- causes division and conflict
- arrogant by saying christians know best
- not compatible with idea of omnibenevolent and omniscient god.
- christianity is best route but there are other ways
- disagree god of love would reject someone following him through different faith
- non christians can accept god after death
- truth in other religions is still christian truth (ray of truth)
- non christians call christ other names without realising he’s at work .(Sikhs share free food to poor/doing christ work feeding poor)
- Christianity is absolute offering salvation through christ
- people could be anonymous christians ,following but don’t know
- may achieve eternal salvation
- partial truth to similar religions
-some people through no fault are not exposed to Jesus (those living BC or where gospel hasn’t reached)
weakness of incl
- christianity becomes diluted if christ isn’t needed for salvation
- arrogant , saying christianity is best method
-people who made free choices not to be christian should not be called ‘ anonymous christians’
- many different religions can lead followers to salvation
-religions share the same goal (respond to the divine) - ## no need for conversion instead share styles of worship
- god of love would not deny salvation because someone happened to be born into a non-christian life or chose another religion to seek god
- god wills universal salvation
- COPERNICAN REVOLUTION = god at centre of universe not christianity
-religion is a human phenomenal attempt to understand the noumenal
-truth claims about religion should be myth as religion is flawed and limited
- god makes himself know in a variety of cultural contexts
weaknesses of pluralism
- rejects idea that jesus came to save humanity from sin
- arrogant to assume god will save all to be fair ,god is free to save who he wants
-self contradictory - claiming relativist view is ‘the right view[’ makes it absolute
biblical texts
EXCLUSIVIST - i am the way the truth and the one comes to god except through me (john 14)
PLURALIST - and what does the lord ask of you? to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your god (MICAH 6:8)
INCLUSIVIST - whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,you did for me (MATTHEW 25)