Religious pluralism and society Flashcards
reasons for multi faith society
- travel is cheaper
-better quality of life
reasons for multi faith society
- travel is cheaper
-better quality of life
-atheism and agnosticism have become socially acceptable
challenge of MFS for christianity
positive of MFS for christianity
-demonstrate peaceful coop living
- encourage Christians to consider why they hold their beliefs
- missionary work
church of england ‘sharing the gospel of salvation’
daily life dialogue
- informal convo that is natural about belief
common good
- different groups work together to benefit others
mutual understanding
gather for formal discussion
spiritual life
- different religions all pray and worship
DAVID FORD two strands
- christians rethink their relationship with played a part in anti-semitism
- christians and muslim discussed similarities and differences
- mission of redeemer
-only one saviour jesus christ - use holy spirit to bring people to our faith
- inter faith dialogue is our mission
-acknoweledge truths in other religions but ,only way t salvation is through christ
sharing gospel of salvation want christians too?
- go beyond tolerance of other faiths and engage with people
- their own faith is a result of the missionary work of others
-reaffirms beliefs about jesus
church of england ‘sharing the gospel of salvation’
daily life dialogue
- informal convo that is natural about belief
common good
- different groups work together to benefit others
mutual understanding
gather for formal discussion
spiritual life
- different religions all pray and worship
inter faith dialogue ?
- communication between people of different beliefs
- exchange of ideas and perspective
sharing gospel of salvation
- gods plan for salvation is uniquely achieved in Jesus christ
-response to paul eddy (2006)
‘should christians publicly claim salvation is only found through christ’
Scriptural reasoning movement
- Jewish scholars discussing texts
-christians asked to join as listeners and it became a inter faith forum - goal not to achieve agreement but foster openeness and respect
challenge of MFS for christianity
- children may be lead to false beliefs
- Christians become uneasy about insistence on tolerance of belief
- undermines unique christian message by providing alternatives
church of england ‘sharing the gospel of salvation’
daily life dialogue
- informal convo that is natural about belief
common good
- different groups work together to benefit others
mutual understanding
gather for formal discussion
spiritual life
- different religions all pray and worship
inter faith dialogue ?
- communication between people of different beliefs
- exchange of ideas and perspective
church of england ‘sharing the gospel of salvation’
daily life dialogue
- informal convo that is natural about belief
common good
- different groups work together to benefit others
mutual understanding
gather for formal discussion
spiritual life
- different religions all pray and worship