Death and afterlife Flashcards
what is resurrection
living on after death in a glorified physical form in a new realm
christians on Resurrection
- a miracle from God
- christians believe that after death people will have new life
- Reject the idea of Soul joining another physical body(reincarnation)
-Jesus’ résurrection shows that we too will resurrect after death.
Pauls metaphors in corinthians 1 and 2
- Corin 1 - seed transforming into new plant to show how the earthly body transforms
- Corin 2 - tent being replaced with a solid house to show how life in this world is temporary and will be replaced after death
- Corin 2 - naked in this world and clothed in the after life.N o longer ashamed.
christian symbols of heaven
- surrounded by angels
- the idea of plenty
- no more suffering
-returning to family home - meeting God the father who will be seated on throne
christian view on heaven
- not literal place but spiritual state where person accepts and recognises God
- eternal
- perfection of the whole world through Jesus second coming (parousia)
- parable of rich man and lazarus
arguments against heaven
- raises more question then answers like if bodies are physical then how can we eat or would we age
- how can we be the same person but have different glorified bodies that are eternal
- Bernard Williams - heaven would get boring after a while as we would run out of things to do.
Aquinas beatific vision
- where humans come face to face with God
- Timeless vision where past, present and future are all one
- which removes possibility of getting boring
Karl Rainer - supports timeless afterlife
negative - How can we be the same person in this vision if most human characteristics are within time
- Place of eternal punishment separated from gods presence
- in the bible referred to as fire, torture and downwards from this world
For hell
- wrongdoing and infinitely good god deserves infinite punishment
Against hell
- hell isn’t compatible with idea of an omnibenevolent god
- HUME - could a human do something so bad to deserve eternal punishment
- HICK - a loving god would not let his people suffer for all time and eventually all would have salvation to carry on spiritual journey.(universalist)
- No point in eternal damnation, only acts as deterrent for those who haven’t died.hell is used for social control
Temporary place where people are cleansed from sin before living with god
- Pope Gregory - there could be forgiveness after death
- catholics - prayers of living can help the dead endure experience
-Rahner - souls awareness of consequence of sin
protestants view
-purgatory suggests that Jesus crucifixion did not bring about complete salvation
- selling indulgences for shorter time in purgatory was criticised by protestants
God chooses the eternal destiny for every human soul
people who agree with election
Christian - God is omniscient and must know what will happen before we are born
augustine - limited election which means God will only save some people through grace
Calvin - God chose some for heaven and some for hell
POPE Benedict’s XVI - if all are saved then Christs death becomes pointless
people who disagree with election
KARL BARTH - unlimited election anyone who believes christian message will be saved
Hick - eventually all will be saved whether christian or not
- there will be some judgement from god
idea 1 - saints have fast track to heaven but the rest have to wait until gods choosing
idea 2 - everyone has to wait till end of world for judgment
idea 3 - each person goes to hell or heaven as soon as they die