Religious Organisations Flashcards
Troeltsch Typology
claim monopoly over truth = true other relig = false
= closely connected to state - countries may have offic / state relig - UK King = head of state & ch & Bs sit in HOL - sim to Iran & SA w/ Islam
have heir bur struc = clear lines of seniority in paid cler
despite rules place few demands on mems - can fit around life = accessible
= conserv orgs defend status quo - seek to be open & universal but = attractive to UC
= born into not expected to prove faith eg Roman Cath
Examples of Churches
Roman Catholic
Church of England
Explanations for the growth/ decline of Churches
soc change can bring about change in relig - dec ch inc S&D
chs tend to inc in countries with strong link w/ ch & state - others = comp w/ S&D can dec chs
some soc groups - young, fems moving away from trad org relig bc of conserv patri beliefs
Evaluation of Church
in mod w socs = less usual for ppl to belong to ch - UK CofE = less than 1 mil active mems
Bruce (1995) Ts points don’t fullt apply to modern soc= religion pluralism - CofE X claim MonT - not always conserv crit gov pols
Robertson - inc disagreements between estab chs & govs bc of sec - less concerned w/ ch op
Troeltsch Typology
orgs that have broken away from ch through schism bc dissat w/ teachings/pracs
claim monop of truth - hostile to other relig orgs, state & mainstream soc (Wallis called world rejecting) - no complex bureau hier = charasmatic leader = small
demand total commitment - not accessible w/o sig sac
often marginalised deprived groups, low incomes EMs
Sect Examples
Jim Jones - The People’s Temple
David Koresh’s Branch of Davidians
Rise & Fall of Sects
grow quickly if = charas leader - can dec quickly if built around leader - if make predictions & then don’t come true
if survive & grow = likely to lose charas of sect & become m formal establishment & respectable = life cycle of a sect - suggests won’t last m than one gen - either die / = denom
Stark & Bainbridge Life Cycle of a Sect
result from schims - splits in existing orgs - break away from chs over disagreement over doctrine
Evaluation of Sects
wallis - may = m useful to disting between dif types accor to orien to wider soc - WR, WA, WA - argues X all WR
= v few orgs which fit criteria - means may = too exclusive to = useful
Niebuhr recog that sects change overtime becoming m formal & ch like = denom
not closely connected w/ state & will comment & camp on soc issues
membership = bigger than sect - smaller than ch
have some heir & bureauc
don’t claim MoT eg Methodists, Baptists
Examples of Denominations
Methodists & Baptists
Explanations for Growth & Decline of Denominations
growing comp between ch & denom led to inc
denoms have m mod povs on soc issues = m appealing
Evaluation of Denominations
concept could be too broad to be useful = disagreements over whether some orgs = sects
Italy RC = ch - Uk = m like denom
reality many don’t fit typology & have dif charas in dif countries
cults = new religs - scientology / ones imported from other culs - offer world bens - health to richer ppl suffering from normlessness (psychic depri) / orgasmic depri - health probs
Audience Cults
religion & spiritual movements as if = businesses - ptps = clients - passive comsumer - attend lectures/ read books to hear message - no necessary ongoing rela/ expects
scientology began like this
Client Cult
has rela w/ adherents - dr/patient rela = service provider & enter prolonged rela like therapy - choose when, how often/ long wish to ptp
scientology developed from this is CM = form of psych therapy
Cult Movement
not just one service - looks to fulfill all spiritual needs m like trad ch/denom/sect rela w/ clients m like mems of congregation - iden selves as mem of group & a believer = wide range of orgs w/ some expecting m commitment than others
scientology now CM
Examples of Cults
Evaluation of Cults
can move through stages / have charas of sev
eg scientology