Patterns & Trends in Religious Belief & Practice Flashcards
Traditional Views of Social Class Differences in Religious Belief
religiousity = stronger among WC - Weber & Theodicy of Dispriviledge & trad M idea of opium of masses
M - relig performs dif roles for dif soc classes - RC legits pos & success for WC = hope of afterlife reward
Contemporary Society View of Religious Belief & Class
= some evi relig = higher in MC - 2015 survey 62% ch goers = MC = opps for social networking etc which MC make use of X nec inc relig faith
Anglican Church
m MC = established ch seen as religion of RC
often takes anti estab pos on soc issues
Roman Catholic Church
m WC in UK - predom in some well-estab & newer migrant coms - areas trad pop w/ Irish Ims = large indust cities - Liverpool
Cath trad seen as m conserv but in UK m likely to vote Labour
m WC than CofE - geo areas where faith = well estab - indust N Eng & history as a sect & issues around sects appeal to WC indus
New Age Movements & Cults
appeal to MC - sense of spiritual dep
Bruce (1995) spiritual needs become m NB to those w/ fewer material needs
MC indus can still feel rela dep - seek answers for why not as successful
Gender & Religiousity
women m likely to attend ch & report = relig
2005 ch census - 57% women 43% men - 1990 = 84% & 64%
Tradtional View of Women & Religiousity
expressive role = good match for relig
raising children in relig & taking to ch = part of role
proximity to childbirth & caring for sick & elderly = reason to pray & seek spiritual sup & guidance
women trad marg in dom roles - gave m time to devot to relig - men little time away from work m likely = leisure
Modern View of Women & Religiousity
women live longer - older ppl sig m relig
soc - women = compliant & passive - fits w/ relig - men = dom - take Lship pos = less happy to accept what told in ch
Simone de Beauvoir - women sold false ideology - encour to believe will get reward in heaven
Women & Sects
Glock & Stark (1965) - due to m dep - mat spiri & rela bc of patri
Women, Cults & NAMs
Woodhead - men have drifted away from trad religs faster but have not replaced spirituality - MC women esp attracted to holistic millieu
NAMs may = conciously female-orien / women don’t seen as religion = therapy, weightloss & exercise & = m attracted than men
Miller & Hoffman - Gender
men m willing to take risk than women - inc levels of religiousity in risk averse - risk = X going to heaven - convinced atheists would not consider it a risk
Feminised Churches
Woodhead (2005) sec has had bigger impact on men - Bruce - religion becomes m priv than public appeals m to women partic those w/ dom role
Evaluating Gender
data can = ? women appear to attend ch m X mean m likely to believe - may = other reasons - friendship - men may X attend & have faith
may be reasons women m likely to respond to survey about faith - see as soc desireable & so answer accordingly bc of history - young men may think uncool
some sects = male dom - extreme conserv views of women - fewer women - New Christian Right
Age & Belief
older ppl m relig = ethnocentric view - in UK applies to christianity
2011 census - 22% christians over 65 = 3.9% muslims 88% muslims under 50 - no belief = mainly younger 1/3 under 25
Christianity = rapidly ageing pop - Islam = younger age profile