Effect of Globalisation on Religion Flashcards
how soc has become m interconnected across the world econ cul & pol
Beyer (1994)
Key impact of Globalisation
relif inc used as avenue for anti glob
1 feature of glob = cul homogenisation - relig as op of that = how ppl = cul dif from one another contrib to inc fund = feature of pol conflict
Beyer (1994)
Key impact of Globalisation
small fund groups may emph difs but maj relig focus on what unites - emph shared v’s & common concerns - inter faith dialog thro global coms helped to diffuse conflict between relig
Beyer (1994)
Key Impact of Globalisation
relig = inc marg in contemp soc playing less part in public life may = eurocentric view caused by soc change X glob
Huntington (1993) Clash of Civilisations
relig can cause conflict = rad force for change
ppl see selves belonging to civs linked to relig - relig ideas = inc NB in mod world
civs = W, confucian Japanese, Islamic etc
when come into contact = conflict
Use of Communication Technology
can use mod tech to recruit new mems spread word & keep contact w/ mems = ironic for anti mod anti global relig orgs = way relig less linked to nat than was
International Religions
relig iden much less attached to nat iden - m of main world relig = internat in chara & while some countries still have clear state relig = less feature of W iden
Nanda (2008)
argues Hinduism = closely rela to Indian Nat 93% of Indians considered cul sup to others and inc indian nat & hinuism seen as same = civil relig worship of hindu gods = worship of india - Bellah
C,J & I = local b4 glob socios suggest glob led to spread of some religs
Martin (2002) growth of pentecostalism thro developing world - features eg less hier appeal to ppl in poorer areas
Religious Fundamentalism
reaction to glob
texts taken literally & rpovide strict set of rules should live by - clash with norm in contemp soc = highly pol
Fundamentalism, Social Change & Conflict
inc conservative but proposes sig soc change - want to change contemp lib pluralistic soc into conservative trad soc - NCR
conflict w/ other religs & followers of same religion who X agree
Caplan Hunter & Davie
Features of Fundamentalist groups
interp infalliable sacred texts literally - sense of certainty
reject religion pluralism - their’s = only one
find personal exper of god - strengthens faith
op sec & mod for trad - promo conserv beliefs
Causes of Fundamentalism
Almond & Giddens
Almond Appleby & Sivan - sec & mod, low levels of edu & inc levels of inequality, displacement of ppl by war, econ probs, chance events - bad harvest, western imperialism, effective Lship
Globalisation Vs Fundamentalism
Giddens (1999)
fund = new concept growing bc reacting against glob PM direction - sees common trend towards lib & freedom of choice as undermin relig & want to re estab trad relig
Fundamentalism Vs Cosmapolitanism
cos = way of thinking that embraces mod = toll of diversity = threat to many relig - prefer trad closed views reg & order
Fundamentalism as Response to PM
Bauman (1992) diversity choice & freedom inc uncer & risk so fund tries to restore
Castell (1998) - 2 responses to PM - project idens - forward looking - embrace prog & change & resistant idens feel threat so turn to fund
Types of Fundamentalism
Western - usually develops bc of changes w/in own socs eg NCR
3rd world - tends to = respon to outsider culs forcing changes eg Islamic Rev in Iran
Beckford (2003)
Ignore hybrid communs where cos & fund = X polar ops
Use of media tech = fixated on glob effects fund & ignore effects on gen relig
Giddens X disting between dif types of fund - extremism not just reaction to global but also m localised probs
Some socios point out fund + X new = m noticeable bc of glob & in contrast to sec lib beliefs in w Eur
Some countries have wit desec where fund movements have replaced m sec norms (Afghanistan) = other places which have seen largely fund relig in place for many yrs - what = now fund Christ now = norm
Armstrong (2000) rejects idea fund movements = X throwback to medieval relig - was mysterious, elitist & m contemp fund movements = populist use tech & meths of mod sec sic
Fundamentalism as reaction to Secularisation
if in fund = reac to glob then also to sec - almost inevi local parochial & trad reaction to glob as local & partic culs = eroded & replaced w/ glob universal ones - pol develops eg inc nat = pred response
another response is embracing sec cul - pop stars & tech - can = m powerful