Religion, peace and conflict Flashcards
Buddhist teaching Dhammapada
- hatred does not cease by hatred, hatred ceases by love
- he should not kill a living being, nor cause it to be killed, nor should he incite another to kill
Christianity against war
- ‘put away your sword. those who live by the sword, die by the sword’
- ‘blessed are the peacemakers for they shall inherit the earth
- ‘love your enemies and pray for them’
Christianity for war
‘if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one’
just war criteria
Freedom from disturbance; tranquility. In peaceful society everybody has enough to live comfortably, so no need for conflict and arguments. When fight war should ensure we bring about peace for citizens from both sides
Peace scripture
“They will turn their swords into ploughs… nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore”
Means everybody gets what they deserve
Justice scripture
“Lose the chains of injustice… set the oppressed free” OT
“Mad in image of god” = equality
“Whatever you do for the least of my brothers you do for me”
Conscious effort to restore relationship.
Reconciliation scripture
Saint Paul - “do not repay evil for evil… but overcome evil with good”
Jesus- “love thy neighbour” “love thy enemy”
Self defence
- defend your own country from attack
- defend a way of life
- defend your beliefs
Throughout history wars have caused enormous loss of life and destroyed infrastructure so that countries take long time to recover. All this made people want revenge and looking for excuse to retaliate against old enemies
In order to gain: more land, power, and resources
Scripture for causes of war
“The love of money is the root of all evil” (greed)
“Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right” (retaliation)
Belief that violence is always wrong and that peaceful means should be used to deal with conflict
Christian Scripture for pacifism
“Do not kill” “Turn the other cheek” “Love your enemies” “Blessed are the peacemakers” “Put down your sword-those who live by the sword die by the sword”
Buddhist teachings for pacifism
“I abstain from taking life”
Bad kamma, unskillful action
Metta, Karuna
Buddha- “it is better to conquer yourself than win a thousand battles
Just war criteria
- must be last resort
- must be serious threat
- must be good chance of winning
- weapons must be used proportionally
- decision to go to war must be made by legitimate authority
- ultimate goal must be to restore peace
- war itself must be fought in a just way
Is just war out of date ?
As many countries develop nuclear weapons, difficult to keep criteria of proportionate use of weapons . Nature of war changed we are increasingly fighting war against terror
Nuclear war and WMD
Weapons of mass destruction include nuclear weapons, chemical weapons and biological weapons. Idea is to kill vast numbers of people, nuclear and biological weapons designed to target civilians
Argue for nuclear weapons
Argue necessary for peace. They refer to ‘mutually assured destruction’. Argument is that countries will be too afraid of war as they know if they use nuclear warheads, the opposing side will be able to retaliate before they are hit. Result will be obliteration on both sides
Scripture for nuclear war and WMDs
“Made in image of god”
“Do not kill”
“Those who live by the sword die by the sword”
Holy war
When believers fight in war, started by religious leader, to defend their faith. Believe that god is “on their side” and will help them win
- terrorist usually have a cause they believe in but use violence to get message across. Many prepared to die for beliefs.
- aim to terrify citizens of a country, so normal life doesn’t continue
“ whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed”
Violent protest
Terrorise attacks specifically targeted, designed to spread terror only within certain group of people
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that” MLK
Describe the Tzu Chi project
Helps victims of war. Eg they set up clinic in Istanbul for Syrian refugees. Also distribute food and other basic necessities. Buddhist gives victims of war psychological and spiritual help. Cultivating compassion for their aggressors helps victims of war overcome their past
Reconciliation after war
- war crimes on both sides must be tried
- prisoners of war released
- peace treaty mustn’t punish one side unfairly
- countries should be given help to re-build infrastructure
- might be new trade deals
- international events organised to bring countries together
Eightfold path and war
Right livelihood and right action, Buddhist wouldn’t take part in job in arms industry developing and selling weapons because would cause suffering. ‘Right actions’ are to remain calm to control feelings of hate and aggression and to relieve suffering by helping victims of violence
Dalai lama quote about retaliation
“ if someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun”