existence of god and relevation Flashcards
two types of general revelation
nature or holy scriptures
general revelation- holy scripture Buddhists
scripture significant because it points to the truth, and helps people find enlightenment. not regarded as ‘god’s word’ as buddhists don’t believe in god, but still sacred as have power to change people’s lives
general revelation- holy scripture christians
believe that bible id god’s way of revealing himself to mankind, tells history of god’s relationship with us. fundamentalists take it literally whereas liberal christians use it as a guide
2 types of special revelation
visions or miracles
special revelation- visions Buddhists
Mahayana Buddhists believe in visions,eg Tibetan book of the dead was supposed to been written following special revelation. chant mantra and take part in special rituals believe it’ll bring them into contact with Buddha or Bodhisattva, but these not gods
special revelation-visions christianity
- might see religious figure
- many examples of visions in bible
special revelation-visions athiest
-argue that brain reacts differently in times of stress when different chemicals are released. can change brain’s chemistry by taking drugs or mental illness can have impact on brain
special revelation- miracles buddhists
-according to buddhists, people who meditate are ale to develop special powers, not considered miraculous but simply demonstrate what is possible if reach higher consciousness. in stories about Buddha miraculous events regarded as symbolic
special revelation- miracles christans
-one problem is it seems god is partisan (has favs) or arbitrary (selects people randomly or for no reason
the design argument christians
god designed world because everything is so intricately made in its detail and those things couldn’t have happened by chance must have been designed eg human eye
the design argument Buddhists
for Buddhist no god and no creator. universe is in continuous cycle and has no beginning, so its complexity and beauty are just fact. evolution recognises creatures evolve to fit their environment ones who don’t adapt die out, dependent arising
first cause argument Buddhists
doesn’t work because they believe universe has always existed in an endless cycle, was no beginning of time so no first cause
first cause argument Christianity
Aquinas argue that everything that happens has a cause. if trace back there must be something that started off this great chain of causes, that was in itself not caused by anything else - god
Weaknesses of the design argument
If god designed world why so much suffering ?
-natural selection, reason why everything seems to fit so well together is because over millions years each part of universe adapted and evolved to fit its environment , all happened by chance no need for designer
Weaknesses of first cause argument
Doesn’t really to god that believers want you to follow. The first cause god doesn’t have to be loving or even interested, he doesn’t need to be intelligent or wise or caring . He could have just cause by accident he could be as impersonal as the Big Bang just random event
The argument from miracles Christians
- believers argue that when amazing things happen, for which no scientific explanation these events must be attributed to god and prove his existence
- one example when Moses parted Red Sea so children of Israel could cross to escape pharaohs army which sent to recapture them
The argument for miracles atheists
Argue miracles don’t prove gods existence , usually just happy coincidences
Evil and suffering argument against existence of god
Believers argue god cannot be all 3- omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent. If he knows about our pain and cares about it then this suggests he is powerless . If he has power and knows but does nothing suggests he doesn’t care. If has power and cares suggests he doesn’t know
- free will
Science argument against existence of god
Have scientific explanations for creation of world and evolution
- some say science explains how god works
- believers creating a ‘god of gaps’, as science develops we have more and more explanations so god reduced being an explanation and gradually being squeezed out as fewer and fewer gaps
God as personal
He gets involved in lives of individuals and has relationship with them . He ‘speaks’ to them through visions or scripture and loves them and wants the best for them. He became human so knows what like to experience human emotions
God as impersonal
He is beyond our human comprehension. His influence is on creation as a whole, but doesn’t have personal relationship with us because we would never understand him
God as transcendent
He is outside and above all that exists, god the creator
God is immanent
Means he’s all around us
How is it possible for god to be immanent and transcendent at the same time
Because believe in trinity. God the Father transcendent in heaven, but Holy Spirit immanent