Christian Worship and festivals Flashcards
why do Christians worship
allows them to praise and thank God for his blessings, to ask for forgiveness of sin or to seek God’s help for themselves or others who may be suffering
describe liturgical worship
set order, priest leads congregation in formal prayers that have set responses. bible passages read out, particularly from gospels, and may be sermon based on these
describe non-liturgical worship
doesn’t have to be set order or ritual. nonconformist churches, eg Methodist, baptist and United Reformed may choose theme and place emphasis on the word of God in bible, service focused on bible readings and sermon based on readings
describe informal worship
depends on spontaneous prayers or sharing of thoughts
describe private worship
can take place anywhere. may have liturgical structure. allows individuals to spend time with God either alone or with close friends or family. involve prayer, meditation, studying or meditating on bible passage
define prayer
communicating with God in silence or aloud, using set or informal prayers. prayer helps Christians build up discipline which gives them strength to cope in times of trouble, find peace and sense of communion with god through prayer
describe The Lord’s Prayer
reminder to Christians that God is the father of whole community. when used as private prayer, reminds Christians that they must forgive others in order to be forgiven
define sacrament
an external and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace
describe the sacrament of baptism
baptism is initiation rite by which people become members of christian church. person formally acknowledged as child of God and receives God’s saving grace; persons sins forgiven and they enter new life with Jesus Christ
describe infant baptism
removes original sin. rites vary, but all use water and Trinitarian formula used baptising them in name of father, son, and holy spirit. cross made on head of child to show child is called to fight against all that is wrong and remain faithful to Christ
describe believers’ baptism
for teenagers and adults. baptism involves total immersion. rites vary but usually minister talks about importance of baptism and asks if candidates willing to change their lives. each person may read bible passage and give brief testimony of their faith in Jesus as personal saviour. minister goes in pool with them and baptises in name of father, son, and holy spirit
why do many Christians favour believers’ baptism
when children older might resent promises made on their behalf when they were babies. for many people infant baptism is meaningless practice that just names child. those old enough really know what they’re dong and are fully committed to decision
describe the sacrament of holy communion
known as Eucharist or mass, uses bread and wine to celebrate sacrifice of Jesus on cross and resurrection. used to thank God his great love in sending Jesus to save people from sin
how do Catholics, orthodox and Anglicans interpret holy communion
- bread and wine become body and blood of Christ
- divine mystery, belief that Jesus fully present in bread and wine
- holy communion allows them to become present at death and resurrection of Christ which saves them
how do protestant christians interpret holy communion
- holy communion reminder of Jesus’ words and actions at last supper
- bread and wine symbols of Jesus’ death and resurrection for their lives today
what does holy communion remind Christians of
reminds Christians while they break bread together there are many in world who are starving. holy communion encourages them to work for equality and justice for all. many churches collect money during service
define pilgrimage
journey made for religious reasons, alone or with other religious believers, to a sacred place
describe the pilgrimage of Lourdes
- in south-west france
- dedicated to Mary
- in 1858, Bernadette had visions of Mary in a grotto near river. Bernadette spoke of praying rosary with Mary who looked lovingly upon her,Mary told her to dig for spring of water which had healing properties
- pilgrims visit to pray at grotto, recite rosary and bathe in water
describe the pilgrimage of Iona
- island off west coast of Scotland
- 6th century AD and Irish missionary who brought Christianity to Scotland established small monastic community
- daily services held in abbey church, by Iona community, who also lead 7 mile hike to island’s holy and historic spots, and conduct workshops on christian themes
describe the festival of Christmas
- commemorates incarnation of Jesus
- celebrated on 25th, lasts 12 days ending with epiphany
- trees and home decorated with lights and nativity scenes
- lights represent Jesus as light coming into world of darkness and nativity scenes show him being born in poverty
describe festival of Easter
- most important festival
- celebrates resurrection of Jesus
- week leading up to Easter Christians remember events that led to sacrifice of Jesus. Jesus crucified on ‘good Friday’
- on Easter Sunday churches filled and hymns sung, orthodox Christians walk around church at midnight on Saturday then enter darkened church with lighted candles/lamps. , symbolises entering tomb