Mocks Flashcards
Define denominations
A distinct group within the Christian faith with its own organisation and traditions
Define catholic
A branch of Christianity .The religion that everyone started out as
Define orthodox
Type of Christian that stricter than Catholics and came about no long after jesus’ death
Define fundamental Christian
Christians that take the bible literally and believe everything is true
Define liberal christians
Christians that say that whilst God exists, lots of stories are just used to help us understand the importance of our belief and the stories are just that… stories
Define trinity
A belief that God is 3 in 1 : father,son and the Holy Spirit. There is only one God. Each person of the trinity is fully God but they are all individual and do different things
Define monotheistic
A belief that There is only one God
What is a creed
A key Christian statement of faith
Define incarnation
An important belief that means Jesus is fully God and fully human. Becoming flesh;taking human form
Who discovered the empty tomb on Easter Sunday
Mary magdaliene
Define prayer
A form of communication with god
Define Protestant
A branch of Christianity formed generally as a result of the reformation. Named because they protested about the practices of the Roman Catholic Church
Define nature of God
A belief that God is universal and created and sustains everything
Define ascension
The event 40 days after the resurrection when Jesus returned to God the father in heaven
Define blasphemy
A religious offence which includes claiming to be God
Define crucifixion
Roman method of execution by which criminals were fixed to a cross, how Jesus was killed on good Friday
Define resurrection
Rising from the dead , as Jesus did on Easter Sunday
Define sin
Any action or thought that separates human from God
Define heaven
A state of eternal happiness in the presence of God; the place of eternal peace ruled over by god
Define atonement
Restoring the relationship between people and god through the life,death and resurrection of Jesus
Define forgiveness
Showing grace and mercy and pardoning someone for what they have done wrong
Define mass
A ceremony also called Eucharist in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus is celebrated using bread and wine
Define justice
Bringing about what is right and fair according to the law or making up for a wrong that has been committed
Define sanctity of life
Life is sacrifice, holy and god given
The act by which God brought the universe into being
The process by which living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms of life during the history of the earth
The word
Ten used at the beginning of john’s gospel to refer to god the son
Belief that there is life of some form after the death of the physical body
Apostles creed
Statement of faith, referring to s belief in the resurrection of the body of Christ
Eternal life
Belief that life continues in heaven after death
Place of eternal suffering or the state of being with ought god
The intermediate state where souls are cleansed in order to enter heaven
Name for the devil- the power and source of evil
Natural selection
Survival of the fittest
Argument against Jesus rising from the dead
- the women went to the wrong tomb and when the young man said “he is not here, see the place where they laid him” he was redirecting them
- the disciples were deluded the appearances of Jesus were just wishful thinking
Original sin
The sin of Adam and Eve when they disobeyed god and ate the apple from the tree god told them not to eat from
What do christians believe that God is
Omnipotent (all powerful) omniscient (all knowing) and omnibenevolent (all loving)
In what order did god create the world and everything in it
The world, plants, fish and birds, animals then finally humans
Types of euthanasia
Voluntary - patients own choice
Non-voluntary - doctors/families choice if patient is unable to
Involuntary - not asked the patient, just kill them anyway
Forms of euthanasia
Active- overdose treatments/actively killed
Passive- withdraw treatment keeping the patient alive
Argument for euthanasia
People argue for autonomy “it’s my choice to do what I want with my own body” also known as the right to self-determination
Arguments against euthanasia
- it will undermine our confidence in doctors
- only god has the right to take a life
Positives of hospices
- lets people have a relaxing time before they die
- they can die in a nice comforting place
Negatives of hospices
- expensive
- money could be spent on saving lives
Teachings about euthanasia
- “sanctity of life”
- “humans are made in the image of God”
- “do not kill”
- “choose life”
- “quality of life
Pro life arguments (against abortion)
- life is sacred
- do not kill
- foetus can’t defend itself so someone else has to
- god has created life and as stewards of this world, humans have to protect life
Pro-choice arguments (for abortion)
- a woman should have right to decide what happens to her body
- could be cruel to allow them to be born
- if it puts the woman in danger then she should have the right to abortion
Teaching about abortion
Jesus said From the parable of the sheep and goats : “whatever you do got the least of my brothers and sisters you are doing for me “ . Surely an embryo is the ‘least’ of all human beings because I cannot speak for itself
Define dominion
The belief that god gave humans the right to decide what happens to the world and all of its species
Define stewardship
Belief that god gave humans the responsibility to look after the world
Scientific truth
- science makes a hypothesis then tests it
- science and swears what and how questions
- scientific truth is conditional-it can be challenged or changed
Religious truth
- comes from holy books and personal experiences
- answers why questions
- it’s absolute-it is relevant if all times and does not change
Value of the universe teachings
- ” god saw all that he had made and it was good”
- “the earth is the lords and everything in it”
- “fill the earth and subdue it”
- “love thy neighbour”
Teaching of using animals for food
“Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you”
“The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for god has accepted them both”
3 Christian responses to environmental problems
- bishop of Liverpool and bishop of London set an example by cutting personal carbon use for lent
- individual christians try to lead greener lifestyles by switching of electricity,recycling, using the car less etc.
- Christian aid encouraged people to ask their MPs about their party’s response to climate change so whoever was elected new climate change issue people were concerned about
Beliefs towards abortion
- In Judaism life of the mother takes priority as hers is an actual life and the foetus only a potential life
- in Islam abortion is frowned upon, however, for many abortion may be permissible before ensoulment
Beliefs towards euthanasia
- in Christianity passive euthanasia is generally accepted
- Roman Catholics believe it is always wrong
Beliefs towards animal experimentations
- some christians think it’s wrong
- Roman Catholics accept animal testing within reasonable limits
- in Judaism they accept animal testing as human life has more values
Causes of war
Teachings against war
Do not kill Turn the other cheek Blessed are the peace makers Love the neighbour Love your enemy
Teachings for war
“If you don’t have a sword sell your cloak and buy one”
“If there is a serious injury,you are to take life for life, eye for eye and tooth for tooth”
Holy war
Fighting for a religious cause or controlled by a religious leader for god
Features of holy war
Authorised by a religious leader
Defend Christian faith against attack
Gain spiritual rewards if die in battle
What are the 6 conditions for the war to be “just war”
- War must have a just cause-not gain anything about protection
- Must be declared by the correct authority
- the intention of the war has to be to defeat wrong doing and promote good
- it must be last resort
- It must stand a reasonable chance of success
- methods of fighting must be proportional to achieve success
Unilateral disarmament
One country decides what o disarm nuclear weapons
Multilateral disarmament
Multiple countries decide to disarm nuclear weapons
Nuclear proliferation
Everyone has nuclear weapons
Peace beliefs
- buddhists belief is pacifist
- self defence is ok for Muslims
- quakers belief is pacifist
Christian aid
“We believe in life before death”
Established in 1940
Creates chain breaks
Helps to eliminate poverty
Biological weapons
Weapons that have living organisms or infective material that can lead to disease or death
Chemical weapons
Weapons that use chemicals to poison, burn or paralyse humans and destroy the natural environment
Define just war
A war which meets internationally accepted criteria for fairness, follows traditional Christian rules for a just war and is now accepted by all other religions
Define nuclear weapons
Weapons that work by a nuclear reaction, they devastate huge areas and kill large numbers of people
Define pacifism
The belief of people who refuse to take part in war and any other form of violence
Define peace
An absence of conflict which leads to happiness and harmony
Define peacemaker
A person who works to establish peace in the world or in a certain part of it
Define reconciliation
A sacrament in the Catholic Church; also when individuals or groups restore friendly relations after conflict or disagreement
Define retaliation
Deliberately gaming someone as a response to them harming you
Define self defence
Acting to prevent harm to yourself or others
Define terrorism
The unlawful use of violence, usually against innocent civilians to achieve a political goal
Weapons of mass destructions are weapons that can kill large numbers of people and/or cause great damage
Causes of crime
- poverty
- poor education means lack of opportunities
- substance abuse
- gang culture
- dysfunctional family
Teachings about crime
- “do unto others as you would have the do unto you”
- “do not kill”
- “do not steal”
- “do not bear false witness”
- “hate the sin not the sinner”
All religions response to crime
Laws should not be broken and if you break the law you should be punished
Types of punishment: imprisonment
- stops people from committing more crimes so protects society
- a deterrent
- overcrowded,poor education facilities
- reoffending when they get out or inside
- academies of crime
Type of punishment: fines
- deterrent
- use money to help society
- rich find a fine less of a deterrent
- poor could take money that might be used to feed the family
Types of punishment: probation/suspended sentence
- reintegration
- support
- less likelihood of reoffending
- offenders able to harm or hurt
- wrong message to criminals
Types of punishment: community service
- repay society
- effective for lesser crimes
- soft option
- nothing to fear so no deterrent
Long term effect of prison
- no qualifications
- unemployment
- can’t see children grow
- mental illness
Short term effects of prison
- little money
- excluded from education
Advantages of non-custodial sentences
- less expensive
- less suicides
- opportunities to reform/work
Disadvantages of non-custodial sentences
- might reoffend
- public might be scared
- not a deterrence
Death penalty teachings
“Whoever shed human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed”
“Life for life,eye for eye, tooth for tooth”
“I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked,but rather that they turn away from their ways and live”
deliverance from sin and its consequences, believed by Christians to be brought about by faith in Christ.
Violence beliefs
- Quaker society in non-violent
- in Buddhism they are taught not to harm other sentient beings
WMD beliefs
- Quaker society utterly condemn them
- Hinduism would argue that using wmd goes against the teaching of ahimsa
Aims of punishment
- deterrence
- reformation
- protection
- retribution
Teachings of forgiveness
“Forgive is or sins,as we forgive those who sin against us”
“Lord,how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to 7 times Jesus answered ‘I tell you,not 7 times but 77 times”
Problems of evil
- if god is all powerful all knowing and all loving ho come he doesn’t stop bad things happening
- he must know bad thing are happening if he is omniscient and so if he knows everything then he must know the future so why doesn’t he stop bad things from happening
- if god is omnibenevolent why doesn’t he stop things like war or disease
Christian belief about life after death
Many Christians believe that after death, they will be taken into the presence of God and they will be judged for the deeds they have done or failed to do during their lifetime. Some of the guiding principles for what will happen upon death include:
Some Christians believe that this judgement will happen when they die. Others believe that there will be a Day of Judgement at the end of time, when everybody will be judged at the same time. Some believe that judgement will happen in two stages: an initial personal judgement when you die, followed by the definitive judgement at the end of time.