Religion and Life Flashcards
How do Creationist Christians interpret the Genesis accounts?
Literal historical truth, directly the word of God. Believe it shows God is omnibenevolent, omnipotent and omniscient.
How do Liberal Christians interpret the Genesis accounts?
In a number of different, non-literal ways. They see that the truth of the stories is metaphorical and believe they show that God created us with a purpose.
What is the difference between Creationist and Liberalist interpretations of the Adam and Eve story?
Creationists take the story literally and believe it was at this point original sin entered the world.
Liberal Christians believe it demonstrates the human tendency of disobedience.
What is the scientific method?
Uses evidence to construct hypothesis about how the world works then subjects them to persistent testing.
What does the Big Bang Theory say about creation?
Suggests the universe began about 13-14 million years ago. Something occurred to produce a massive explosion from which all matter originates.
What supports the Big Bang Theory?
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and Red Shift.
What is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution?
The huge variety of life on Earth evolved gradually as a result of genetic changes that enabled species to specialise and prosper in environments they inhabited.
Darwin wrote ‘On The Origin of Species’.
What supports Darwin’s Theory?
His extensive study of nature and fossils.
What is a quote from Genesis on God’s creation of the world?
‘In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.’
What is a quote from Genesis on God’s creation of man?
‘So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them.’
What does Darwin think about his theory in relation to religion?
‘I see no good reason why the views given should shock religious feelings of anyone.’
Which figures accept Darwin’s theory?
Frederick Tennant writes the Anthropic Principle - God created the perfect environment for humans to evolve.
Professor John Polkinghorne believes there should be no contradiction between the Big Bang and Darwin’s Theory.
Which figures reject Darwin’s theory?
The Bishop of Oxford - took part in a famous debate where he criticised and rejected Darwin’s theory.
Modern Creationists - ‘insulting and unbelievable’ that we evolved from monkeys.
What is Ted Haggard’s position on the relationship between religion and science?
An American evangelical who claims to fully embrace the scientific method but believes biblical truth to be superior and that future discoveries will show that.
What is Richard Dawkin’s position on the relationship between religion and science?
Believes religion and science are fundamentally opposed.
He said, ‘(religion) peddles false explanations or at least pseudo-explanations where real explanations could have been offered and will be offered.’
What is Stephen Jay Gould’s position on the relationship between religion and science?
Believes that religion and science look at entirely different things, operating on different spheres of life and knowledge (ethics and factual knowledge).
What is Alister McGrath position on the relationship between religion and science?
He believes that science and religion is complementary- contrary to what Stephen Jay Gould says. The two work together to give us an explanation of the world.
What are the traditional ideas of Dominion in Christianity?
Humans are the primary species with a God given right to rule the world. Extreme versions of this view believe sustainability is a pointless concept because God will destroy the world anyway and recreate a new one.
What is a quote supporting the idea of dominion from Genesis?
‘And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth over the earth.’
How do more modern Christians interpret the idea of dominion?
As stewardship-careful and respectful management of the world.
What is St Augustine’s stance on animal rights?
Animals are irrational and so inferior to humans.
He said ‘To refrain from killing animals…is the height of superstition.’
What is St Augustine’s stance on animal rights?
Believed that humans could not sin against animals, only against humans.
What is Assissi’s stance on animal rights?
Believed every creature created by God were precious and must be respected.
‘Every human act of irresponsibility towards creatures is an abomination.’
What is Revd Professor Andrew Lindzey’s stance on animal rights?
‘Animals are God’s creatures, not human property, nor utilities, nor resources, nor commodities, but precious beings in God’s sight.’
What is Descartes’ stance on animal rights?
Believed animals are not properly conscious and so can not experience pain.
What is Kant’s stance on animal rights?
Humans have no moral duty toward animals, who were irrational.
‘Animals are merely a means to end. That end is man.’
What is Peter Singer’s stance on animal rights?
He has campaigned for the moral equality of animals because of their sentience.
What is the quote that shows humans are the summit of creation because God created us last?
‘So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them.’ Genesis
What is the quote that shows only God has the right to end life?
‘You shall not murder.’ Exodus
Which is the quote that shows God intended each human to exist before it was made?
‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart.’ Jeremiah
What terms must be met in the UK in order for abortion to be carried out?
Danger to mother’s physical or emotional wellbeing
The foetus will be born with disabilities.
The mental/physical health of existing children will be put at risk.
What does Joseph Fletcher think about abortion?
Argued Christian love should enable abortion as an option.
‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Luke
What may Buddhists think about abortion?
In the case of rape, it would be lacking compassion to deny a woman the right to an abortion.
What does Sam Harris think about abortion?
Argues that there are millions of spontaneous miscarriages in the world, if God was against it, why does he let it happen.
‘The argument from a cell’s potential gets you absolutely nowhere.’
What does Peter Singer think about abortion?
Believes legally and morally you cannot treat a prince as a a king before they are a king.
What do Roman Catholics think about abortion?
Life begins at conception and so an abortion would be murder.
What does Pope Francis think about abortion?
Likened abortion to ‘hiring a contract killer.’
What does St Theresa of Calcutta think about abortion?
Argued continuously saying that there were other alternatives such as adoption.
Argued that it also threatens peace ‘If we can accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another.’
What does Kant think about abortion?
Abortion disregards the human rights if equality for the unborn child.
What does Judith Thomson think about abortion?
A mother has the right to refuse to carry a foetus for 9 months just as we can refuse permission to be hooked up to another person to help them survive for 9 months.
What does the law say about Euthanasia?
Illegal under the Suicide Act 1961 of UK. It carries a custodial sentence of 14 years.
What is Voluntary Euthanasia?
When a person is able to clearly request and consent to Euthanasia.
What is involuntary Euthanaisa?
When a patient is unable to request it so a family/friend requests it on their behalf.
What is active euthanasia?
Use of drugs to end life
What is passive euthanasia?
Withdrawing medication or life support to hasten death.
Why may Christians condone euthanasia?
It is an act of love and Agape lies at the centre of Jesus’ ethics.
Jesus would want to enable people to have the option of euthanasia: the theologian Kung wrote ‘No person is obligated to suffer the unbearable as something sent from God.’
What is the Tony Bland Case?
Tony suffered cardiac arrest but was revived and put on life support. His family wanted him to be helped to die but his body was able to maintain life independently. Tony died after 4 years and critics argue that it was inhuman for Tony’s family to witness such an end and so doctors should be able to actively inject such patients so that death is instantaneous.
What does Peter Singer think about euthanasia?
People shouldn’t be forced to live when their conditions made life unbearable..
‘Why should we not be able to decide for ourselves(…)when our quality of life has fallen to the point where we would prefer not to go on living?’
Who is Dr Anne Turner?
She suffered from Progressive Supra-nuclear Palsy to argue for the right to die. She argues that people with severe terminal and degenerative illnesses should have the right to choose the conditions of their death.
What do Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa think about euthanasia?
It is a grave sin to actively shorten a person’s life and only God should end it.
What Christian principle do both Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul II follow?
Sanctity of Life (strong)
What is Palliative Care?
A hospice and show of Christian Love: Dame Cicely Saunders trained as a doctor and opened the world’s first hospice to support people who were dying to have the best possible death they could have.
What is Care not Killing?
A campaign group that argue against euthanasia for a number of reasons such as governments using legalised euthanasia to get rid of patients that they see as costing too much.
What is the Hippocrates Oath?
An oath sworn by doctors to not give deadly medicine to anyone that asks.