Buddhist Practices Flashcards
Where can a Buddhist worship?
At home or a communal space or a temple.
What may a Buddhist temple include?
A main hall: Buddhists can practise together
A gompa: a quiet space where Buddhists can meditate
A study hall: for meetings and lectures
A shrine: a number of shrines dedicated to the Buddha.
A stupa: a tiered tower which contains holy relics and symbolises the 5 elements of air, fire, water, earth and wisdom.
What can be found in a shrine?
The focus of the shrine is a Buddhist-rupa.
Buddhists make offerings such as
candles (symbol of driving away darkness) flowers (symbol of impermanence)
incense (symbol of purity) to remember the eightfold path.
What is a vihara?
A monastery: a building where Buddhist monks or nuns live. These are Buddhists who have dedicated their lives full time to spiritual practice.
Why is a stupa important in a monastery?
When the Buddha died, he was cremated and his ashes were said to have been sent to different places and be held in a stupa.
What does Lama Choedak Rinpoche say about shrines?
‘The time and effort required to keep the shrine clean and replenished with flowers and other offerings is considered a skilful activity to focus one’ mind in the spiritual practice.’
How do Buddhists worship?
Allows Buddhists to express gratitude and respect for the Buddha and through performing puja and reciting scriptures. They are reminded of the Buddha’s wisdom and compassion and can absorb these into their own lives.
Why do Buddhists chant?
Chanting helps them show devotion and it helps calm and concentrate the mind.
What is a mantra?
A sequence of sacred syllables that is chanted over and over or experienced silently in the mind. A common mantra is ‘om mani padme hum’.
What does chanting ‘om mani padme hum’ do?
Helps bring the presence of the Bodhisattva of compassion.
What is a mala?
A beaded necklace that Buddhists may use to recite a mantra to count the number of recitations.
What does meditation do?
Calms the body and mind and can lead to a development of insight into the nature of existence.
What is Samatha meditation?
Mediation that follow the technique called mindfulness of breathing. Samatha means calming and can lead to deeper concentration.
What do people focus on in Samatha meditation?
Buddhists advise people to bring their thought back to breath. The 10 kasinas can also be used.
What are the 10 kasinas?
Earth, water, fire, air, blue, yellow, red, white, space and consciousness.
What does Thich Nhat Hanh say about Samatha meditation?
‘Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.’
What is Vipassana meditation?
Insight meditation: the idea is to gain insight to the true nature of reality. It may consist of reflecting on the three marks of existence.
What do people focus on in Vipassana meditation?
What is Zazen meditation?
Meditation that leads to a deeper understanding of the nature of existence. After a period of mindfulness and breathing the meditator sits with an awareness of the present moment.
What does the Buddha in the Dhammapada say about meditation?
‘Even the Gods envy those who are awakened and mindful ones who are intent on meditation, wise, delighting in the peace if the absence of desire.’
What do Tibetan Buddhists visualise when they meditate?
A deity. They do this to possibly gain some of their qualities; they may even imagine themselves as the deity.
What is a thangka?
A detailed painting of the Buddha or a Bodhisattva. that some Buddhists may visualise.
What is a mandala?
An intricately designed pattern that are sacred as they symbolise Buddhist teachings. Mandalas symbolise impermanence as they are destroyed once created; Buddhists may visualise these.
What is karuna?
The feeling of concern for others’ suffering almost as if it were your own suffering. It is a want to free others from suffering but also recognising your own suffering and being compassionate to yourself.
What is Metta?
A wish for all to be free from suffering without expecting anything in return. It is not discriminatory and can be shown to all including those who are unskilful. It involves more action than karuna.
How can metta be incorporated into mediation?
The meditator may visualise someone else and think of their positive qualities.
What are the 5 Moral Precepts for?
They are five commitments to act in an ethical way. The precepts are voluntarily practiced. Therefore there must be a want to follow them and they may have to be balanced sometimes.
What are the 5 Moral Precepts?
- To refrain from taking life
- To refrain from taking what is not freely given
- To refrain from sexual misconduct
- To refrain from wrong speech
- To refrain from intoxicants that can cloud the mind
What does the Buddha in the Dhammapada say about the 5 Moral Precepts?
‘Whoever destroys a living creature, and speaks untruth, takes what is not given in the world and goes to another’s wife, and whatever man applies himself to drinking liquor and intoxicants, that person digs up his own root here in this very world.’
What are the Six Perfections for?
They express how a Bodhisattva lives according to Mahayana Buddhism. They define what ought to be developed.
What are the Six Perfections?
Generosity Morality Patience Energy Mediation Wisdom
What are Buddhist beliefs about death?
Karmic energy leaves the body and is born into a new one. Death is a transition from one body to another. Buddhists bear in mind that impermanence is natural part of life.
What are Theravada funerals like?
Very little money is spent on the funeral and is instead donated to a worthy cause. Theravada Buddhists believe that they can transfer karmic energy to others. The deceased is more likely to be cremated. All thoughts should be on contemplating the impermanence of life.
What does Thubten Zopa Rinpoche say about death?
‘At the hour of death, the king and the beggar are exactly equal in that no amount of relatives or possessions can affect or prevent death. But who is richer at the time of death? If the beggar has created more merits, then although he looks materially poor, he is really the rich man.’
What is a sky burial?
A Tibetan tradition where the body is left in a high place as a gift to the vultures. It is both generous and practical in mountainous countries.
Why happens with cremation in Buddhism?
Remains are placed in a stupa to become a site of worship.
What often happens in Pure Land traditions for funerals?
The coffin may be placed with the head pointing west while those assembled chant. There is often a reading from the Lotus Sutra.
What is Wesak?
The most important of all Buddhist festivals. It is celebrated on the full moon during the month of Wesak and commemorates the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and passing into parinirvana.
How do Buddhists celebrate Wesak?
They may light their homes with candles and put up decorations. Make offerings to the Buddha and give gifts to the monks. Monks may lead a chant or give a sermon. The Five Moral Precepts are chanted.
Why is light important?
It is a symbol of hope, showing how to become enlightened, and the idea that light can overcome the darkness of ignorance.
What is Parinirvana day?
A Mahayan festival that remembers Buddha’s passing into parinirvana. It is a chance to reflect on one’s future death and to remember those who have recently passed away.
What may Buddhists do on parinirvana day?
Read passages of scriptures.
Meditate at home or with others.
Also a traditional day for pilgrimage and many will visit the city of Kushinagar in India where Buddha supposedly died.
What is the idea of karma in Buddhism?
It is more of a principle that the ethical impulses behind an action either leads to suffering or happiness. Depending on karma generated, it will affect a person’s rebirth in one of the six realms.
What are skilful actions in Buddhism?
Actions rooted in generosity, compassion and understanding.
What are unskilful actions in Buddhism?
Actions rooted in the Three Poisons.
What is said in the Sutta Nipatta about metta?
“So one should cultivate an unbounded mind towards all beings, and loving-kindness towards all the world.”