Religion and Community Cohesion Flashcards
How have womens rights changed?
- The contraceptive pill - 1960 - women could choose when they had babies
- Equal Pay Act - same pay and benefits as men
- Sex Discrimination act - 1975 - illegal to discriminate based on gender
- 1929 - women got the vote and could be MP’s
Why have the attitudes towards women changed?
- Work of the suffragettes
- women’s work during the wars
- The UN declaration of human rights made women equal to men
- Other countries made women equal and more important so UK followed to stay a powerful country
Catholic view on women’s roles
Should be equal in society but can’t be priests as
- Men were created first in the bible and women came from men
- All of Jesus apostles were men and priests are following on from them
- Jesus was a man and priests are meant to represent Jesus in mass
- In Timothy it says that women cannot “assume authority over a man, she must be quite” suggesting men are superior
Other christian views on roles of women
- Men and women created at the same time so are equal
- Jesus appeared to many women - after resurrection he appeared to them first
- When Jesus died many male disciples ran away - but the women stayed
- Image of God
Effects of discrimination and racism
^ People who feel like they are discriminated against may turn against society
^ Politicians believe young black people turn to crime as they feel discrimination means they won’t find a well-paid job
^Lead to groups like the EDL & BMP
^ Muslims turn to groups like ISIS as they feel they have no chance of success in prejudice Britain
Problems of discrimination and racism
- won’t get job because of discrimination/racism
- prejudice landlords refuse accommodation
- prejudice teachers affect a childs learning and development
- prejudice police officers arrest the wrong people for the wrong reasons
Benefits of a multi-ethnic society
- Learn more about different nationalities and groups
- Life is more interesting - more variety of food,clothes,music…
- less chance of war as people know more about different ethnic groups
- People bring new ideas - changes and developments….
Government action to promote community cohesion
- appoint cabinet ministers and judges from different ethic minorities
- Made community cohesion part of the national curriculum
- Passed the Race Relations act so you cannot discriminate because of race, colour, nationality….
- Financial support to groups who support community cohesion
Why is community cohesion important for multi ethnic and faith societies?
- groups would have different ideas about what society should be like which leads to violence (London riots)
- Leads to things like 7/7 bombings - Bombers lost sense of allegiance to Britain
- Countries without community cohesion have a violent way of life (Iraq,Kosovo)
- Makes it impossible for people to communicate and for society to run as normal.
Why should catholics promote racial harmony?
- Good samaritan (jews and samaritans hated each other)
- St Paul taught that all races were equal since god created all races in his image
- The catholic church has members from every race
- Theres catholic priests, bishops, cardinals and popes from many races and colours
- St Peter had a vision that told him not to discriminate as he has no favourites among races
How does the catholic church help asylum seekers?
- Provide masses in different languages
- Parishes set up legal advice clinics to help immigrants cope with legal issues they face when entering Britain
- Provide leaflets and booklets in a variety of languages and provide english-language classes
- Office of Refugee Policy - keeps watch on what is happening and prepares reports on immigration issues for bishops
Why does the catholic church help asylum seekers?
- Jesus was an asylum seeker
- Parable of the good samaritan
- all created in the image of god
- God is god of justice - so we should help seek justice for all
Benefits of living in a multi-faith society
- Learn about different religions and find similarities
- Understand why certain religions believe what they do, makes you think about your own religion
- less chance of war
- Become a lot more understanding and respectful of other religions
- Religious freedom - people feel happier and safer
What is inclusivism, exclusivism and pluralism?
Inclusivism - Can get to god through all religions but christianity is the full truth
Exclusivism - Only way to god is christianity
Pluralism - all religions are equal and are just different ways of finding God
Catholic views on other religions
Inclusivism - Teaching in the catechism
Jesus is the son of god and shows what god is like
The bible teaches that even through christianity is the full truth - we are all crated in the image of god
Exclusivism - Jesus said he was the only way to god
Believe conversion is a sign of loving your neighbour
Jesus said christians have to convert all nations
Pluralism - dont regard the bible as the word of God
If you live a good holy life you will go to heaven
Jesus said there is room in heaven for all religions