Matters of life and death Flashcards
Why do catholics believe in life after death?
- Jesus rose from the dead
- St Paul taught that people would have a resurrection like jesus
- In the creeds it says that Jesus rose from the dead and so will we
- The Catechism teaches that there will be life after death
- Gives life meaning and hope
How does believing in an after life affect how catholics live their lives?
- Believe that only if you have lived a good catholic life will you go to heaven - so live good lives
- To please god and live a good catholic life to get into heaven - catholics go to mass and pray to god
- Good samaritan shows we should help everyone and this is the best way to live a good catholic life as you are doing what jesus wanted - so they live like this
- Catholics believe that sin will prevent you from getting into heaven so they avoid sin.
What are the non-religious reasons for believing in god?
^ Near-death experiences - People have out of body experiences and they normally see white light and enter a heavenly place where there are dead relatives - this would suggest there is life after death
^ Ghosts - Seeing people who have died suggests they are still around somewhere so they must be in a form of the after life
^ Mediums - People who believe they can contact the dead and can be between the maternal and spiritual world - if this is true then there must be an afterlife for people to be in
^ Reincarnation - If after death your soul can be turned into something else then there must be an afterlife for this to happen
Why do some people not believe in the after life?
- People who don’t believe in God then they will believe he has no power so when people die they don’t go to him - no afterlife
- All religions contradict themselves and give a different version of afterlife - surely if it was true they would all be the same
- There is no evidence
- Things to back it up - paranormal activity can be explained by science
- People can find no heaven in space missions
When will an abortion be allowed?
- mothers life at risk
- mothers physical and mental condition at risk
- Child to be born badly handicapped
- Effect existing children
Why do people disagree with abortion?
non religious
- Many believe life does begin at conception
- Foetus has a right to live
- People think that 20 weeks is still to far in for an abortion
- If humans have human rights then so do babies
Why do people agree with abortion?
non religious
- Mother has free will
- Saves killing two lives
- Some believe life starts at 14 days or after birth
- Could affect lives of existing children
Catholic view on abortion
- Sanctity of life
- Life begins at conception so its murder
- Many other options like counselling, adoption…
- Playing God
Other christian view on abortion
- Life beings at 14 days
- Situation ethics
- If the mothers life is at risk - we are still protecting sanctity of life
- Way of loving your neighbour
Why do people disagree with euthanasia?
Non religious
- Nobody can ever be 100% sure and then its too late
- You might find a cure for the disease
- Is it a doctors job to kill people - too much power
- Could escalate and people are killed without supervision
Why do people agree with euthanasia?
Non religious
- Why should people live in agony then die anyway
- Same as refusing treatment or DNR
- If people can commit suicide - its not fair to force those who can’t to live
- Free will
Why do catholics disagree with euthanasia?
- Sanctity of life
- It is murder
- People can have treatment or go to a hospice - not the only option
- Bible forbids suicide
Why do some christians accept euthanasia?
- If doctors are keeping people alive anyway - god might actually want them to die
- Form of loving you neighbour
- Situation ethics
- It is a human right which Christians are taught to follow
What are the causes of world poverty?
- Natural disasters - earthquakes…..
- Debt - LEDC’s borrow money and then can’t pay it back
- Wars - destroy land, homes, workplaces and use up resources
- Unfair trade - MEDC’s pay LEDC’s low wages so they can’t get more money
- HIV/AIDS - killing people, people can’t cope with the loss of numbers - uses resources
- Education - not skilled enough to get good jobs and help economy
How is CAFOD trying to end world poverty?
- Short term aid - after war/ natural disaster they provide food, water, medicine, shelter…
- Long term development - spend money on schools, hospitals, work schemes …
- Raise awareness - produces newspapers on the lives of people in LEDC’s and how we can help - run events
- Speak on behalf of poor communities - inform people on their suffering so they get more help - e.g. make poverty history campaign