Environmental and Medical issues Flashcards
What are the causes of global warming?
^The Greenhouse effect (burning fossil fuels)
^Natural Climate change
^ Solar Activity - increase in suns radiation
How can we solve global warming?
^ Renewable energy (wind,solar,tidal...) ^ Cars - electric - use gas made from ethanol, biodiesel... ^ Reduce amount of pollution we emit ^ Use more public transport ^ Recycle more ^ Better sewerage
What are the forms of pollution?
^ Acid Rain
^ Human waste (rubbish, sewage)
^ Eutrophication (lack of oxygen in rivers killing fish and plants)
^ Radioactive pollution
What is the difference between renewable and finite resources?
Renewable - use over and over again
Finite - once you have used them they are gone.
Why do christians believe in stewardship?
- given the right to rule over the earth as stewards - in genesis
- Bible says we should treat animals and plants kindly
- Parable of the Talents - Leave the earth in a better place than we found it
- Jesus teachings show we need to make sure the earths resources are shared fairly.
- In heaven God will judge us on whether we were good stewards or not (from Jesus’ teachings)
How does a belief in stewardship affect christian attitudes to the environment?
- To be gods stewards and to leave the earth in a better place than we found it means that christians should try to reduce pollution and save resources.
- Should show stewardship by working to share the earths resources more fairly and improve living in LEDC’S
- If christians are judged by God on their behaviour then they should work with groups who reduce pollution and conserve resources
- Christians should judge what they do in life by the standards of christian stewardship - living like this makes them a good christian.
Why do Hindus follow stewardship?
- Believe they have certain duties towards the earth (dharma)
- Respect animals - Many hindu Gods have appeared as animals and people could have been animals in a previous life (so many are vegetarian)
- Respect nature - Plants special as the last stage of life is to live in the forest and find union with God.
How does a belief in stewardship affect Hindu attitudes to the environment?
- Must respect the eternal law of nature so Hindus should try and preserve resources and reduce pollution.
- As their Gods appear as animals they should respect animals and be vegetarian.
- Should show stewardship by working to share resources fairly and improve LEDC’S.
- Hindus believe in the respect of life so should help reduce pollution and conserve resources.
Why are infertility treatments important?
- Infertility is a growing problem
- Research shows that 1.5million men alone have fertility problems
- It is human nature to want kids and a family, it treatment can help this then it is very important.
- Psychological problems are caused if people who really want a baby cannot have them. However the treatments can help them and reduce metal health problems.
What are the Catholic views on infertility treatments?
- God gives life and only he has the right to give a couple a child.
- IVF is as good as murder - fertilised embryos are killed
- It is a sin as it involves masturbation
- The purpose of sex was procreation and treatments takes this away, could develop to worse things
Other Christian views on infertility treatment
- Purpose of marriage is kids so it is a good thing.
- It is a biological offspring - theres no difference
- The disgraced embryos are not foetuses so its not murder,
However say it could lead to designer babies which are wrong.
Why do Hindus agree with infertility treatments?
- all hindus are expected to have a family and treatments allow this.
- The egg and sperm are from the husband and wife.
- The discarded embryo had no soul transferred to them yet.
- Law of Manu encourages infertile couples to adopt so would approve these treatments.
Why do Hindus disagree with infertility treatments?
- Cast is passed down through parents - has to be natural
- They believe once an embryo has been created it is alive so can’t be killed.
- They see AID and egg donation as adultery which is banned.
Why is transplant surgery important?
- Cures life-threatening diseases and improves peoples lives.
- Save 3000 lives a year
- More people need a transplant each year so transplants are essential to keep people alive.
- Allows people to help others after their death by using organs which would have otherwise been lost.
- It is pioneering surgical methods that allow this - lead to greater things in the future.
Christian attitudes against transplant surgery
- It ignores the sanctity of life
- It is playing God - which is a sin
- Raises the problem of when someone is dead - are people more important than other (not saving someone for their organs)
- Uses up resources which could have been used to help more than a single transplant
- Gives humans too much control