Marriage and Family Flashcards
What are the changing attitudes towards marriage, divorce and family life?
- Most people have sex before marriage
- Average age of marrying has increased
- Divorce is more popular and excepted
- Many more re-constituted families
- Socially treats gays equally
- Gay marriage allowed
Reasons for changed in attitudes towards marriage, divorce and family life?
- Cohabitation and marriage - more contraception, less religion, media portray as normal,
- Divorce - cheaper, women have more rights, women have better jobs and don’t depend on husbands, age expectancy has raised
- Family life - cohabitation more popular and respected, more divorce = remarriage, more women work so grandparents more influential, accepted divorce has lead to more single parents
- Homosexuality - allowed to be gay (law), Research shows its genetic, more gays in the media, lots of gay rights organisations
Christian attitudes towards sex before marriage
- God gave sex for procreation
- Bible teaches it is sinful
- Catechism says that pre-marital sex is wrong
- Adultery is a sin and christians are against is as it breaks wedding vows
- Adultery is in 10 commandments
- In Jesus teachings he condemns adultery
What is the purpose of marriage for catholics
- Can give couple life-long love and faithfulness
- Couple can support and comfort each other
- Brings children
- Allows you to raise a christian family
- Receive gods grave and strength through sacrament
P - Permanent
E - exclusive
L - Life giving
How are the purposes of marriage shown in the wedding ceremony
- Vows - promise to be faithful until death
- The bible readings state the ways people should live their married lives (love/faithfulness)
- before wedding meet with priest to understand the nature of marriage and how to be their for each other
- Priest says in vows - love and support each other
- Priests asks will you accept children in vows
- In preparation couple thought how to bring up a good catholic family
Catholic attitude towards divorce
- Made a covenant with god so can’t be broke by any earthly power
- Catechism teaches that marriage can’t be dissolved and religious divorce is impossible
- Jesus taught that divorce is wrong and we should follow his teachings
- You have made a binding promise so being with someone else is bigamy and adultery so they don’t allow divorce
Non -Catholic attitude towards divorce
- In the bible Jeuss did allow a divorce (matthew)
- Situation ethics if the marriage is so bad and whole family effected it may be the best thing to do
- If you repent and confess sins you can be forgiven meaning you should get another chance to marry
- It is better to live in happiness then in a bad marriage
Why is family life important to Catholics
- Main purpose of marriage is children
- Catechism teaches that family was created by God as the basis of society and best for upbringing of children
- Without family children cannot learn the differences between right and wrong
- Family is where children learn most about faith through baptism… so it helps religion grow.
How do parishes help with the upbringing of children?
- Most parishes have a school connected to them to teach children about religion and the difference between right and wrong
- Parishes provide baptism, first holy communion… to help children grow and understand faith
- Litergies during mass - let parents concentrate in mass and lets them bring their kids up as good catholics
- Youth clubs - stop bad influences and keep off streets
How do parishes help keep families together?
- priest offers advice and support to parents and children
- Give financial support to families
- Remind people of marriage vows and reasons not to divorce in mass
- Run national programs of support for marriage and family life (Celebrating Family) to help people
Catholic attitude towards homosexuality
- Bible condemns homosexual activity
- Purpose of sex is procreation
- Allowed to be gay but can’t act on it
- Cannot discriminate against people for being gay as its a sin
Evangelical Protestant view on homosexuality
- Bible says its a sin and they believe bible is a direct word of God
- Believe the salvation of christ removes all sins including homosexuality
- All churches have taught it is wrong in some way but just don’t want to admit it
The Liberal Protestant attitude on homosexuality
- Things in the bible show beliefs at the time not Gods view
- Major Christian belief is love and acceptance so gays should be accepted
- Believe that is gays feel the holy spirit excepts them then so should we
- We cannot tell lies so gays should be honest and not lie about feelings
Natural methods of contraception
- Natural family planning (NFP)
- Measure hormone levels in urine
- Be in a happy, loving relationship and trust you partner
Artificial methods of contraception
- Condoms
- The pill
- The coil
- Morning after pill