Religion 1547-1558 Flashcards
H8’s Will on Religion
No religious changes till E6 turned 18.
Book of Homilies
Clergy forced to preach in English + Book of Homilies provided model sermons.
1547: Chantries Act
Chantries were dissolved.
Act of Six Articles Repealed
Helped remove Catholic Church.
July 1547: Royal Injunctions
Removal of superstitious images.
1547: Repeal of Treason Act
Allowed radical unlicensed preachers, which threatened law + order. Many Acts were passed trying to control preaching + unrest. Sep 1548: Public preaching was banned.
Jan 1549: Act of Uniformity
All churches had to use the First Prayer Book, a Prot form of worship + belief. Clergy - allowed to marry. Holy Communion - said in English + laity could partake, with stone altars being changed for wooden tables. Clergy imprisoned/fined if they didn’t use Prayer Book. But, laity weren’t fined.
Putting away of Books and Images Act 1549
Destroy images.
New Ordinal
Priests ordained with Prot attitudes.
Why was there resistance?
Changes were too cautious, needed to be more decisive + less confusing. Western (Prayer Book) rebellion + Kett rebellion.
Bishop Hooper - imprisoned for failing to stop preaching and unhappy that he had to swear oath to the saints. 1551: Removed Tories, such as Earls of Arundel + Southampton, from office to increase power.
1552: 2nd Act of Uniformity
Required the use of the more Prot 2nd Prayer Book, e.g. Consubstantiation.
1553: Treason Act
An offence to question Royal Supremacy or any beliefs of the Church.
Forty Two Articles
Cranmer submits this in Nov 1552, but only comes into operation during Liz’s reign because of M1’s reign.
Daughter of C of A, devout Catholic. Although she was welcomed, it wasn’t because she was Catholic, it was because she was rightful heir. Although she said that she wouldn’t compel her subjects to follow her beliefs, many Prot clergy lost jobs + Cranmer + other bishops arrested.
1554: Heresy Laws Restored
Only after guarantees were given that former monastic lands wouldn’t be taken away + given back to church. Even Catholics wanted to keep former monastic land.
Cardinal Reginald Pole returns + England’s excommunication was lifted + all anti-Papal legislation was removed, bringing country back to 1529. New Book of Homilies + new Church parliament (London Synod). By 1558, England was fully Catholic again, but, because M1 has no heir, throne passes to Prot Liz.
Nearly 300. John Rogers, Hooper, Latimer, Ridley, Cranmer.