reliability Flashcards
what does reliability refer to?
how consistent a measuring device is
how could a particular measurement be described as being reliable?
if it is made twice and produces the same result
what are 4 ways of assessing reliability?
- test-retest
- inter-observer
- inter-rater
- inter-interviewer
what does test-retest reliability involve?
- give the same test / questionnaire to the same person (or people) on different occassions
- if the test / questionnaire is reliable, the results should be the same or similar each time it is given
- can also be applied to interviews
why must there be sufficient time between test and retest?
- to ensure pt cannot recall their answers to the questions
- not so long that their attitudes / abilites have changed
what happens to the data after the retest?
- two sets of scores are correlated to make sure they are similar
- if correlation is significant (and positive) then measuring instrument has good reliability
what is an issue of observational research?
- one observer’s interpretation of events may differ widely from someone else’s
- this introduces subjectivity, bias and unreliability into the data collection process
how many observers should be present in an investigation?
teams of at least two
how can inter-rater reliability be established?
- small-scale trial run (pilot study) of observation to check that observers are applying behavioural categories in the same way
- comparison may be reported at end of study
how should data be colected during an observation?
- observers should watch the same event or sequence of events
- record data independently
- data collected by the two observers should be correlated to assess its reliability
what is inter-rater reliability used for?
content analysis
what is inter-interview reliability used for?
how is reliability measured?
- using correlational analysis
- in test-retest and inter-observer reliability, the two sets of scores are correlated
- correlation coefficient should exceed +0.80 for reliability
how could a questionnaire produce low test-retest reliability?
questions could be:
- complex
- ambiguous
- interpreted differently be the same person on different occasions
how can the reliability of questionnaires be improved?
- remove or rewrite some questions
- replace open questions (with more room for misinterpretation) with closed alternatives which may be less ambiguous