Relationships & Families Flashcards
Define “Family Planning”
Controlling how many children couples have and when they have them
Define “Cohabitation”
A couple living together and having a sexual relationship without being married to one another
Define “Polygamy”
The practice or custom of having more than one wife at the same time
Define “Bigamy”
The offence of marrying someone while already married to another person
Define “Procreaction”
Bringing babies into the world
Define “Gender Prejudice”
Unfairly judging someone before the facts are known; holding biased opinions about an individual group based on their gender
Give 2 Contrasting beliefs about same sex marriage
-Christians may believe that it is allowed as “love thy neighbour as thy self” shows that they should love regardless. In addition, scholars believe that the teachings against homosexuality has been taken out of context.
-Traditionally Christianity has always been against homosexuality because it is viewed as unnatural and against Gods wishes. “A man who lies with another man … should be put to death”
Give one belief about contraception
Contraception allows people to enjoy sexual relationships without becoming pregnant, whilst also giving couples the ability to ‘family plan’.
In modern Britain, why is homosexuality acceptable?
Since 1967, when legalised, much work has been done to be equal. E.g. same-sex marriage act 2013
Give a belief about same sex marriage in Buddhism
-Buddhists believe that homosexuality is acceptable as part of a loving relationship. However ‘sexual misconduct’ is discouraged.
What is a traditional roman catholic belief about pre-marital sex?
The purpose of sex is to reproduce, in addition stability is important, therefore, they are against pre-marital sex
Why is adultery considered to be wrong?
“do not commit adultery”
Why may people forgive people who have considered adultery?
Jesus said, “leave your life of sin” to a women who committed adultery
Is sex before marriage forbidden in Buddhism?
No as long as it is respectful and loving
What is a Roman Catholic belief about contraception?
-It should not be used as the point of sex is pro-creation. “go forth and multiply”
What do Buddhists believe about contraception?
Buddhists normally agree with the use of contraception, however the morning after pill should only be used if a women is in danger of loosing her life.
Does the Roman Catholic permit a divorce?
No as it is made in God’s eyes. “what god has put together, let no man separate”
What did Jesus say about divorce?
“Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another women commits adultery against her”
What is a child’s job in a family?
-to honour your father and your mother” one of the ten commandments
What is the job of the parents in a family?
- Teach the religion to the children
- Protect the children and provide stability.