Christian Beliefs Flashcards
Give three qualities to describe God?
God is Omnipotent, Benevolent, Just, Omniscient and Omnipresent
Define Omnipotent?
Having great power and influence.
Define Omniscient?
Having great knowledge (All knowing).
Define Omnipresent?
Being present everywhere all the time at the same time.
Define Benevolent?
Being well meaning and kindly.
Explain the three personas of God.
God the Father (Creator)
God the Son (Incarnation: Jesus)
God the Spirit (Inspires and interacts within the world)
Christians believe that all three personas of the trinity are part of God, however they are separate/different from each other.
What is the book of Genesis.
The Genesis account is the creation story and it teaches Christians that he created the world in 6 days with a 7th of rest.
Why is the book of Genesis important to Christians?
The book of genesis is important to Christians as it shows that the world was created intentionally and that nature is as it should be. It might lead Christians to believe that it is a sin to go against what is natural as that is what God intended.
How did God the Father help in the Creation?
God the father is traditionally seen as the persona of God that is most clearly involved in creation.
How did God the Son help in the Creation?
It can be hard to see how God the Son- Jesus- could be involved in creation, however in the Gospel of John it states: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and The Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” ‘The Word’ is thought to mean Jesus, and therefore this shows that Jesus was also part of creation
How did God the Holy Spirit help in the Creation?
The Holy Spirit is referenced in the Genesis account. “and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters”. This suggests that the Holy Spirit was also present and involved in creation.
What are some Christian beliefs about Judgement.
Christians believe we will be judged by God based on our actions and our Faith. This either will be when we die or at the end of the world (Judgement Day) Christians believe we will be separated by Jesus just as a ‘shepherd separates sheep from the goats”
Christians believe that humans will be given eternal life as a gift from God for believing in Him/ for our positive actions. Most Christians call this state of eternal life “Heaven”, and consider it to be a state of pure peace/happiness some believe it is a place, some believe it describes being ‘with God’ but all agree that it is desirable.
Finish the quote “The word became ____ and ____ _____ ____”
Who is this quote about?
‘(the Word became) flesh (and) lived among us’
The quote is about the incarnation of God (Jesus)
Is Jesus considered more God or more Human and how is this important to Christians?
He is considered to be fully both this is important Christians as it shows them that God truly understands what it is like to be human, whilst also leading by example by living his teachings.
How many books in the Bible are there about Jesus’ life and how are these Important to Christians?
4 (Mark, Luke, Matthew and John known as the 4 gospels) These books teach Christians how they should live.
Why did Jesus die?
Christians see Jesus’ death as fulfilment of God’s plan to reunite humans with Him. Jesus atoned (made up for) the sins of everyone. Christians are very grateful for this.
How is the Resurrection important to Christians?
This is important to Christians for many reasons, such as It shows that Jesus was the Son of God which shows that his teachings are important.
It is the event that opened up heaven for Christians- without it, humans couldn’t go to heaven and also shows a victory for good over the evil of death.
Define sin
Sin is thoughts or actions that go against God’s wishes
Why do Christians believe that all humans will sin?
Because we are all descended from Adam and Eve, who committed the ‘original sin’.
Define Salvation
Salvation is being ‘saved’ from our sins and going to heaven
What are the 2 ways Christians believe will have Salvation?
Either By:
Works- by doing good/ following the example of Jesus
Grace- God forgiving us for what we have done wrong (even if we don’t really deserve it) because He loves us unconditionally.
Give a Christian Belief about free will?
Free will
God gave humans the ability to make their own decisions and choose good or evil. This meant Adam and Eve were able to choose to do wrong.
Give a Christian Belief about peace?
Christians believe war is sometimes justified, but Jesus also said that peace is more important
Give a Christian Belief about the sanctity of life?
Life is sacred, special, important and given by God. Christians believe this applies to all humans
Give a Christian Belief about stewardship?
Christians believe that God made the world for people and we should look after it for him.
Give a Christian Belief about kindness?
For Christians Jesus is someone who was kind to all people. They try to do the same. This means charity and helping people is important to Christians.
Who is Libby Lane?
The first women bishop in the Church of England - in 2015