Relationships and Families Flashcards
Voluntary sex with a married person who has a spouse
age of consent
when a person is legally allowed to agree to having sex
Catholic church ruling that a marriage was never valid
marrying someone while married to someone else
Civil Partnerships
a legal union of same sex couples
a couple living together and having sex without marriage
staying loyal to partner
giving permission for something to happen
method to prevent pregnancy during sex
a legal ending of marriage
being equal in status, right and opportunity
Extended Family
a family that expands beyond parents and children
a group if people related by blood, marriage or adoption
Gender discrimination
to act against someone because of gender
Gender Equality
the idea someone should be equal regardless gender
Gender prejudice
holding biased opinions about someone based on gender
to be sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex
to be sexually attracted to members of the same sex
Human sexuality
how humans express themselves as sexual beings
a legal union between a man and woman (also same sex)
Nuclear Family
a couple and their dependant children are socially recognised
having more than one wife at the same time
Protection of children
keeping children safe from harm
when someone married again while ex is still alive
a duty of care
a part played by someone in a certain situation
rites and rituals thought the believers receive gift of grace
Same sex marriage
marriage between partners of the same sex
Same sex parents
people of same sex raising children together
Sex before marriage
sex between unmarried people
sex outside marriage
sex where on if them is married
Sexual Stereotypes
having a fixed general idea of how men/women are
a family that is formed by a divorce that includes children
What is a Christian teaching about human sexuality
god invented sex as a gift to married couples
What is a christian quote about human sexuality?
“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth”
What is a Christian teaching about human sexuality?
Sex is a given to bond two people for life to create and intimate closeness
What are some teachings about homosexuality?
God made Adam and Eve as an ideal couple
God made everyone in his own image
Why is 16 chosen as the age of consent?
Physical maturity
Can leave home
What is an argument to support homosexuality?
given to bond people for life
What is an argument meant against homosexuality?
doesn’t allow reproduction
What are Christian teachings about homosexuality?
God made Adam and Eve as an ideal couple
God intended humans to reproduce
What are Christian teachings in support of homosexuality?
‘Do not judge others, or you too will be judged’
God gave humans free will
Why is the age of consent 16?
Physical and emotional maturity
What is a quotation against adultery?
“whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body”
What are Christian beliefs about sex outside of marriage?
disobeys bibles
What is a quotation about sex outside of marriage?
‘You shall not commit adultery’
What are Christians beliefs about gender discrimination?
Women must submit to their husband
Women must remain silent in church
God created everyone in his image
What are methods of contraception?
What are British attitudes to family planning?
duty to procreate
Natural methods to prevent
What are the purposes of families?
To have children
marriage is a physical earthly representation of god
What is a quotation for homosexuality?
Do not have sexual relations with a man
Love thy neighbour
What is a quotation for contraception?
Be fruitful and increase in number
The sanctity of life
What is a quotation for marriage?
A man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife and they become one flesh
What is a quotation for divorce?
Anyone who divorces his wife and married another woman commits adultery against her
What is a quotation for Nature of Families?
Honour your mother and father
What is a quotation for gender equality?
nor is there male and female for you are all one in Christ Jesus
Love thy neighbour