Relationship Development Flashcards
Triangular theory of love
- Intimacy, passion, commitment
- Liking, infatuation, empty love
- Companionate love, fatuous love, romantic love, consummate love
Intimacy - Emotional closeness, emotional component of love
Passion - Physical/sexual attraction, emotional drive component of love
Commitment - Desire to maintain long-term relationship, cognitive component
Companionate - Found in long and happy marriages (intimacy, commitment)
Fatuous - Deep love at first sight (passion, commitment)
Romantic - Beginning of relationship (passion, intimacy)
Consummate - All three
Study: Intimacy and self disclosure
- 3 sets of questions, increasing in intensity
- Control did small-talk only
- Measured how close felt to partner
Exp condition reported greater closeness regardless of gender composition
Disclosure reciprocity
We like ppl who disclose personal info to us
Like ppl more after we disclosed
Communal vs exchange relationships
Communal: Benefits given non-contingently
- Family, friends, romantic partners
Exchange: Benefits given w/ expectation of receiving comparable benefit in return
- Colleagues, acquaintances, strangers
Study: Is interpersonal attraction influenced by behaving in accordance with expected communal/exchange norms?
- Male Ps completed same task as attractive female confederate on monitor
- Told female was unmarried (communal) or married (exchange)
- P finished first and gets opportunity to send leftover materials to female, who either only gives thank you note (no benefit) or also gives one of her points (benefit)
- Exp 2: P asked for return favour
Receiving benefit increased liking only for exchange relationship; No benefit increases liking for communal
Being asked for return favour increases liking in exchange condition only
Conclusion: We feel more positively others that behave in line with expected relationship norms
Intimacy process model
Look at pic
- 3 components
- 3 benefits
Attentive and supportive recognition of one person’s needs and interests by another
- Feeling understood
- Feeling valued, respected, validated
- Feeling cared for
- Ppl who perceive relationship partner as more responsive feel closer, more satisfied, and more committed
- Promotes intimacy by encouraging self-disclosure, trust, interdependency
- Leads to secure relationships
- 2 components
- 4 benefits
Responding w/ enthusiasm or excitement when a partner/friend shares good news
- One person shares good news w/ another
- Other person responds w/ enthusiasm and excitement
- Increases enjoyment/pleasure about event
- Enhances relationship
- Feel closer to person who enhances excitement
- Relationship can be more satisfying and longer lasting
When we attribute motivation to a behav, it’s a guess- What’s this informed by?
What can undermine our understanding of what others mean?
Own motivations and desire
Lack of motivation
External influences
Study: Indirect effects of technology on communication
- Had discussion w/ stranger w/ phone vs black pocketbook and casual vs meaningful topic
- Tested for partner trust, partner empathy for self, relationship quality
No phone - More meaningful convos; higher trust, empathy, quality
- Presence of phone decreased effect
Conclusion: Presence of phone might prevent ppl reaping potential benefits of meaningful convos
Study: Smartphones and real social interactions
- Groups ate meal at local restaurant w/ phone on tables vs phones silent and put away
- Completed questionnaire after on interest/enjoyment and boredom
W/ phone caused less interest/enjoyment and more boredom
Conclusion: Phone use undermined enjoyment ppl derive from real world social interactions
Study: Smartphones and social interactions
- Surveyed 5 times a day for one week; Asked how they were feeling over past 15 mins and what they had been doing (including how much smartphone use and whether activities included face-to-face interaction)
- Tested for interest/enjoyment; boredom, affect, connectedness
- Interest/Enjoyment higher w/out phone
- Boredom higher w/ phone
- Affect more pleasant w/ out phone
- Connectedness w/ others higher w/out phone
Phone use undermines the enjoyment ppl derive from real world social interactions
Find, remind, and bind theory of gratitude
- Promotes interpersonal bonds with partner
Finds new or Reminds of a known good relationship partner
And helped Bind recipient and benefactor closer together
Social capital
- Bonding vs bridging capital
Social support
- Emotional, instrumental, informational
Bonding: Maintained thru interactions w/ similar patterns + focused on shared ideas, group membership
Bridging: Obtained from relationships w/ more heterogeneous partners + focused on gaining new resources
Emotional - Partners listen and talk about emotions (most closely linked to well being)
Instrumental - Tangible resources like assistance, services, material resources
Informational - Exchange of info about the enviro (advice, words of guidance)