Regulation of the Cardiac Output I and II Flashcards
Preload and Afterload
- Preload
- Afterload
- Factors contributing to afterload
- Effect of increasing afterload on preload
- Preload
- Pressure stretching the ventricle after passive filling & atrial contraction
- Major factor that augments cardiac output via the Frank-Starling mechanism
- Heart can contract more with greater ability to stretch/contract
- Increased by the same factors that increase venous return
- Afterload
- Mean tension produced by a chamber of the heart in order to eject blood
- Force that must be overcome to eject blood from the ventricle
- Total peripheral resistance (TPR): main determinant of afterload
- Hypertension –> increased pressure –> more afterload –> heart has to work harder
- Factors contributing to afterload
- Aortic pressure: an increase in peripheral resistance increases afterload
- Aortic valve closes earlier during the cardiac cycle, cardiac output is reduced, & end systolic volume increases
- Aortic valve stenosis increases ventricular stiffness
- Aortic pressure: an increase in peripheral resistance increases afterload
- Effect of increasing afterload on preload
- Increasing afterload increases preload
- Increased end systolic volume is added to normal venous return
- Increase in preload activates the Frank-Starling mechanism to compensate for the reduction in stroke volume caused by the increase in afterload
Treatment following a heart attack where the left ventricle is damaged
- Vasodilator drugs
- Augment stroke volume by decreasing afterload
- Reduce ventricular preload
- When arterial pressure is reduced, ventricle can eject blood more rapidly
- Increases troke volume
- Decreases end-systolic volume
- Ventricle won’t fill to same end-diastolic volume before the afterload reduction
- Higher stroke volumes can be sustained by weaker ventricular contractions
- Diminishes risk of congestive heart failure

Intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence cardiac output
- Intrinsic factors
- Heart rate
- Contractility (end systolic pressure-volume relationship)
- Extrinsic factors
- Preload (end diastolic volume)
- If preload increases, CO increases w/o any changes in HR & contractility
- Afterload (end systolic pressure / mean arterial pressure)
- If afterload increases, CO decreases unless HR & contractility also increase
- Preload (end diastolic volume)
Influence of heart and vasculature on cardiac output
- Vascular function curve (venous return curve)
- Cardiac function curve
- Assumptions
- Equations
- Significance
- Vascular function curve (venous return curve)
- Considers how changes in vasculature (flow, cardiac output) affects systemic venous pressure (pressure in the circulation, atrial pressure)
- Cardiac function curve
- Considers how changes in systemic venous pressure affects cardiac output
- Assumptions
- Cardiac output = venous return
- Central venous pressure = right atrial pressure
- Equations
- Pa = systemic arterial pressure
- Pv = systemic venous pressure
- R = 20 mmHg / L/min
- Q = CO = 5 L/min
- R = ΔP / Q = (Pa - Pv) / Q
- Pa = 100 mmHg + Pv
- Significance
- Systemic arterial pressure is 100 mmHg greater than Pv

Systemic filling pressure (Psf)
- Definition
- Value
- Compliance & pressure
- Systemic filling pressure (Psf)
- Effective pressure head in the systemic circulation pushing the blood back into the heart
- Equal pressure in the veins & arteries when the heart is stopped
- Pv = 2 mmHg, Pa = 102 mmHg –> Psf = 7 mmHg
- Psf is closer to venous pressure than arterial pressure b/c venous compliance is ~19x higher than arterial compliance
- Compliance & pressure
- C = ΔV/ΔP
- ΔVa = ΔVv when the heart is stopped
- CaΔPa = CvΔPv
- Cv = 19Ca
- ΔPa = 19ΔPv
- The change in arterial pressure is 19x larger than the change in venous pressure when the heart is stopped

Vascular function curve (venous return curve)
- Equations
- Cardiac factors
- Vascular factors
- Equations
- Pv = Psf - (R*Ca / Ca+Cv)*Q
- Pa = Psf + (R*Cv / Ca+Cv)*Q
- Cardiac factors
- Venous pressure (Pv) = right atrial pressure
- Flow through the vascular system (Q) = venous return = cardiac output
- Vascular factors
- Peripheral resistance (R)
- Arterial & venous compliance (Ca & Cv)
- Systemic filling pressure (Psf)
Relationship b/n right atrial pressure & venous return (cardiac output)
- Relates venous return (cardiac output) to right atrial pressure
- When right atrial pressure = Psf, venous return (or cardiac output) is 0 since there’s no pressure difference to drive blood flow
- As right atrial (venous) pressure increases, venous return (cardiac output) decreases
- As right atrial (venous) pressure decreases, flow through the CV system (venous return or cardiac output) increases
- Little additional venous return b/n right atrial pressure of 0 & -8 mmHg
- Negative right atrial pressure tends to suck together the walls of the large veins near the heart, limiting further increase in blood flow

Resistance to vascular return (RVR) & its relation to the vascular function curve
- Resistance to movement of blood through the vasculature
- Total peripheral resistance + consideration of compliance & vasculature
- RVR = (R*Ca / Ca+Cv) = (Psf - Pv) / Q = 1mmHg / L/min
- Slope of vascular function curve = 1 / RVR
- As RVR increases, slope decreases
- Higher RVR
- A given change in right atrial/venous pressure causes smaller changes in cardiac output/venous return
- Max cardiac output / venous return is lower

Circulatory blood volume
- Unstressed volume
- Stressed volume
- Circulatory blood volume vs. Psf
Unstressed volume = 4L
- At a circulatory blood volume of 4L, Psf = 0
- Volume is insufficient to contribute to pressure b/c there’s insufficient stretch of the vessel walls
Stressed volume > 4L
- Any additional volume inside the CV system above the unstresed volume
- Small change in circulatory blood volume –> huge change in Psf
- –> vascular function curve shifts up & to the right
- –> at a particular right atrial pressure, cardiac output & venous return are much larger
- When circulatory blood volume increases, it’s easier for the heart to fill w/ blood, & cardiac output increases

Cardiac function curve
- Definition
- Right atrial pressure vs. cardiac output
- Heart rate vs. cardiac output
- Hypereffective vs. hypoeffective ventricle
- Cardiac function curve
- Effects of right atrial pressure on cardiac output
- Effects of changing preload on cardiac output & blood pressure
- Right atrial pressure vs. cardiac output
Low right atrial pressure –> cardiac output = 0
- Too little blood in cardiac chambers to generate pressure during systole
Right atrial pressure > 4 mmHg –> cardiac output = max
- Ventricle fills maximally & can’t accommodate more blood
Low right atrial pressure –> cardiac output = 0
- Heart rate vs. cardiac output
- Modest increases in HR facilitate cardiac output despite shorter ventricular filling time due to the Bowditch effect
- Large increases in HR shorten filling time so much that cardiac output plummets
- Hypereffective vs. hypoeffective ventricle
- Hypereffective ventricle: when SNS activity is high or ventricle is hypertrophied, muscle mass has increased, & afterload increases
- Hypoeffective ventricle: when SNS activity is low or ventricle is damaged, afterload decreases

Equilibrium Point
- Definition
- Normal
- Increased blood volume
- SNS stimulation
- Exercise
- Equilibrium point: where vascular function & cardiac function curves intersect
- Indicates cardiac output, venous return, & right atrial pressure at this physiological condition
- Normal
- Right atrial pressure = 0 mmHg
- Cardiac output & venous return = 5 L/min
- Increased blood volume
- Psf increases
- Shifts vascular function curve up
- Doesn’t affect cardiac function curve
- SNS stimulation
- Cardiac function shifts up & to the left
- Vascular function curve shifts up & to the right
- Due to…
- Increased cardiac contractility
- Increased heart rate
- Decreased venous compliance
- Increased total peripheral resistance
- Increased afterload opposes this shift so cardiac output only rises a little
- Exercise
- Afterload decreases as arterioles dilate
- Skeletal muscle pumping –> increase venous return –> increase cardiac output

Pressure volume relationship: external work, diastolic & systolic pressure curves
- External work (EW): funcitonal pressure-volume curve
Diastolic pressure curve: end diastolic pressure-volume relationship (EDPVR)
- Below 150ml: diastolic pressure doesn’t increase greatly w/ increased volume in noncontracting ventricles
- Above 150ml: diastolic pressure increases rapidly b/c the ventricle is fully filled & the heart tissue can’t stretch anymore
Systolic pressure curve: end systolic pressure-volume relationship (ESPVR)
- Represents the max pressure at a particular ventricular volume
- During ventricular contraction, systolic pressure increases & reaches a maximum at a ventricular volume of 150-170ml
- As volume increases further, systolic pressure decreases b/c the actin & myosin of cardiac muscle are pulled apart to suboptimal lengths

Pressure-volume loops
- Aortic valve closure
- Slope of ESPVR
- Effect of increasing cardiac output on MAP & afterload
Aortic valve closure: upper left corner of pressure-volume curve
- Pressure at this poitn is nearly MAP
- ESPVR shows mean arterial pressure generated at different ventricular volumes
Slope of ESPVR: dependent on ventricular contractility
- Under sympathetic stimulation, slope steepens so that at a particular ventricular volume, pressure is greater
- Increasing cardiac output increases MAP & afterload
- Increasing contractility facilitates & opposes increasing cardiac output
- Increases in cardiac output are thus relatively modest

Stroke volume vs. afterload and preload
- Effects of increased afterload on stroke volume
- Effects of increased preload on stroke volume
- Factors that contribute to an increase in preload
- Venous compliance (venoconstriction)
- Resistance to venous return (RVR)
- Blood volume
- Intrathoracic pressure
- Heart rate
- Ventricular stiffness
- Posture
- Skeletal muscle pumping
- Effects of increased afterload on stroke volume
- Alpha-receptor agonist increases afterload
- Ventricular pressure must increase for aortic valve to open
- Valve closes earlier
- Stroke volume is reduced
- Effects are ameliorated when contractility increases w/ afterload
- Effects of increased preload on stroke volume
- More filling of ventricle during diastole
- Stroke volume increases w/ additional filling due to the Frank-Starling effect
- Factors that contribute to an increase in preload
- Decreased venous compliance (venoconstriction)
- Decreased resistance to venous return (RVR)
- Increased blood volume
- Negative intrathoracic pressure
- Decreased heart rate (more time for ventricle to fill)
- Decreased ventricular stiffness
- Supine posture
- Increased skeletal muscle pumping

Effects of cardiomyopathy and myocardial infarction on the pressure-volume relationship
- Cardiomyopathy
- Causes scarring & stiffening of the left ventricle
- EDPVR curve shifts up
- Pressure inside ventricle increases quickly as fluid enters the chamber
- Filling is limited before intraventricular pressure matches atrial pressure
- EDV decreases –> SV decreases
- Myocardial infarction
- Causes scarring of the ventricular wall
- Loss of contractility
- SV decreases