Pathophysiology of Coronary Artery Disease Flashcards
Right Coronary Artery
- Origin
- In 90% of people
- In 10% of people
- Right coronary artery
- Origin
- Right coronary ostium –> right in the AV groove
- In 90% of people
- –> right dominant artery –> posterior descending artery –> posterior interventricular septum
- Dominant right coronary artery –> AV nodal artery
- In 10% of people
- –> left dominant artery –> circumflex artery –> posterior descending artery
- Dominant circumflex artery –> AV nodal artery
- Right coronary artery
- –> branches –> anterior right ventricular wall
- –> acute marginal branch –> free margin of the RV
- –> posterolateral branches distal to the posterior descending artery

Left Coronary Artery
- Origin: left coronary ostium
- –> left main coronary artery
- –> left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery
- –> anterior interventricular groove overlying the septum
- –> diagonal vessels that traverse the anterolateral wall
- –> septal perforator vessels that penetrate the interventricualr septum
- –> circumflex artery
- –> AV groove to the left
- –> obtuse marginal vessels
- –> ramus artery at the bifurcation of the LAD & circumflex artery
- –> left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery

Coronary Artery Disease
- Coronary atherosclerosis
- Atherosclerotic lesions in a coronary artery
- Two types
- Differences
- Angiography
- Techniques that can image the vessel wall & provide additional info regarding total disease burden
- Coronary atherosclerosis
- Frequently diffuse down vessel wall w/ segmental areas of more severe obstruction
- Frequently eccentric in vessel wall
- Atherosclerotic lesions in a coronary artery
- Two types
- Circumferential (sometimes)
- Eccentric (often)
- Differences
- Vulnerability to vasospasm at the site of the lesion
- Respond differently to interventional procedures
- Two types
- Angiography
- Silhouette technique to visualize the lumen
- Gives info about the degree of obstruction of the vessel lumen
- Limited ability to quantify the extent of the disease b/c the atherosclerotic burden is intramural
- Techniques that can image the vessel wall & provide additional info regarding total disease burden
- Intracoronary ultrasound
Cardiac CT imaging - Cardiac MRI
- Intracoronary ultrasound

Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality
- CV disease: largest cause of mortality in th eUS
- Equal frequency in men & women
- Occurs 10 years later in women during post-menopause
Of asymptomatic men 30-60yo, 5% per year will develop symptomatic CAD manifested by…
- Myocardial infarction
- Stable angina pectoris
- Sudden death
- Unstable angina pectoris
Oxygen Requirements of the Heart
- Heart: obligate aerobic organ
- To do more work, it has to consume more oxygen
- It has a limited capacity to generate energy through anaerobic metabolism
- Oxygen requirements of the heart are 5x greater than the rest of the body
- LV: particularly oxygen demanding, 20x greater than the rest of the body
Oxygen Consumption
- Total amount of oxygen delivered to an organ is a product of…
- Normal arterial blood
- Oxygen consumption of an organ is a product of…
- Arteriovenous oxygen difference (AVO2 difference)
- Total amount of oxygen delivered to an organ is a product of…
- Oxygen carrying capacity of the blood
- Determined by the hemoglobin concentration in the RBCs
- Total blood flow
- Oxygen carrying capacity of the blood
- Normal arterial blood
- Fully saturated w/ oxygen
- Oxygen consumption of an organ is a product of…
- Blood flow to the organ
- Extraction of oxygen from the blood that perfuses it
- Arteriovenous oxygen difference (AVO2 difference)
- Extraction of oxygen from the blood as it passes through an organ
- Systemic AVO2 difference (total body oxygen extraction) = (oxygen content of the systemic arterial blood) - (oxygen content of blood returning to the pulmonary artery)
Oxygen Extraction
- Blood returning to the pulmonary artery to be re-oxygenated
- Rest
- Exercise
- Blood in the coronary sinus (venous drainage of coronary circulation)
- Rest
- Exercise
- Blood returning to the pulmonary artery to be re-oxygenated
- Rest: 70% saturated w/ oxygen
- Exercise: increase total oxygen consumption by extracting more oxygen from blood it’s already receiving
- Blood in the coronary sinus (venous drainage of coronary circulation)
- Rest: 30% satured w/ oxygen
- Exercise: little capacity to increase its oxygen consumption by increasing oxygen extraction
- Only way the heart can increase its oxygen consumption
- Increase oxygen delivery (perfusion)
- B/c areriovenous oxygen difference in the heart is nearly max at rest
- Heart can’t control hemoglobin concentration to increase oxygen delivery
- Explains why coronary blood flow is so essnetial to myocardial performance
- Explains why CAD limiting this flow has such severe implications
- Increase oxygen delivery (perfusion)
Coronary Blood Flow
- Autoregulation
- Primary determinants of myocardial oxygen demand (& coronary blood flow)
- Congestive heart failure & digoxin
- Autoregulation
- Demand of heart for oxygen is kept in balance w/ supply of oxygen to the heart
- Primary determinants of myocardial oxygen demand (& coronary blood flow)
- HR
- Greatest determinant
- Increase HR –> increase myocardial oxygen demand
- Systolic BP
- Determines wall tension & myocardial oxygen demand
- More expensive to the heart in terms of myocardial oxygen demand
- Hypertension or aortic stenosis –> increase pressure in ventricle –> greater oxygen requirement than increased volume
- LV volume/radius (LaPlace relationship)
- Determines wall tension & myocardial oxygen demand
- Less expensive to the heart in terms of myocardial oxygen demand
- Aortic or mitral regurgitation –> increase volume in ventricle –> less oxygen requirement than increased pressure
- Contractility
- Increase contractility –> increase myocardial oxygen demand
- HR
- Congestive heart failure & digoxin
- Increase HR, BP, & volume –> increase myocardial oxygen demand
- Digoxin: increase contractility –> resolve congestive heart failure –> decrease HR, BP, & volume –> decrease myocardial oxygen consumption
Perfusion Pressure
- Coronary perfusion pressure
- LV systolic pressure vs. aortic systolic pressure
- Coronary perfusion pressure
- Difference b/n aortic pressure & pressure in coronary sinus (venous drainage of coronary circulation)
- LV systolic pressure vs. aortic systolic pressure
- Since LV systolic pressure = aortic systolic pressure, there’s no pressure gradient to drive coronary blood flow through the LV myocardium in systole
- In the LV, coronary blood flow is limited to diastole
- Aortic diastolic pressure primarily drives pressure for coronary perfusion

Systolic Coronary Blood Flow
- Blood flow in the LV during systole
- When flow is limited to systole, transmyocardial flow in teh LV drops
- Flow is preserved to the epicardial vessels for capacitance
- Flow doesn’t proceed through the myocardial wall
- Systolic LV pressure = central aortic pressure
- –> no pressure gradient to drive coronary flow through the LV
- ► coronary blood flow in the LV is primarily a diastolic phenomenon
- ► perfusion to the endocardium is exclusively diastolic
- Blood flow in the RV during systole
- RV systolic pressure is lower than systemic arterial pressure
- –> pressure gradient during systole to drive coronary perfusion to the RV
- RV systolic pressure is lower than systemic arterial pressure

Resistance to Coronary Perfusion
- R1 vessels: epicardial coronary arteries & larger intramyocardial vessels
- R3: vessels contained within myocardium
- R2: smaller arteries & precapillary arterioles
- R2 + R3
- High R3 component in systole in the LV
- Lower R3 component in epicardial regions
- R1 vessels: epicardial coronary arteries & larger intramyocardial vessels
- Vessels seen on a coronary angiogram
- Contribute little to resistance to coronary perfusion
- Primarily serve a capacitance function
- R3: vessels contained within myocardium
- Coronary arteries penetrate from epicardium –> myocardium –> endocardium
- Any force exerted against the myocardium is unevenly distributed across the myocardial wall
- Greatest in the subendocardium
- Least in the subepicardium
- R2: smaller arteries & precapillary arterioles
- Contribute more to coronary perfusion
- Vasodilate in the subendocardial region –> decrease R2 resistance –> overcome R3 resistance & protect subendocardial perfusion
- R2 + R3
- Kept constant to preserve subendocardial perfusion
- High R3 component in systole in the LV
- Systolic wall tension
- Limits perfusion of the LV to diastole
- Lower R3 component in epicardial regions
- Why some systolic perfusion to that region can still occur
- Blood can’t flow into distal vasculature in systole, but its capacitance can flow
- Fills epicardial vessles w/ blood that then perfuses distally during diastole

Coronary Vascular Resistance vs. Pressure
- R1 vessels: epicardial & larger intramyocardial vessels
- R2 vessels: prearteriolar & arteriolar vessels
- R1 vessels: epicardial & larger intramyocardial vessels
- Contribute little to resistance to coronary blood flow
- Serve primarily a capacitance function
- Decrease in pressure as blood flows through them is minor
- R2 vessels: prearteriolar & arteriolar vessels
- Where greatest decrease in pressure occurs as blood flows through the arterial bed to the venous circulation

Autoregulation of Coronary Blood Flow
- Autoregulatory range of perfusion
- As perfusion pressure drops below a critical level…
- If perfusoin pressure increases to very high levels…
- Autoregulatory range of perfusion
- Rest: coronary blood flow is maintained at a constant level through this wide range of coronary perfusion pressures (circled)
- As perfusion pressure drops below a critical level…
- Coronary perfusion can’t be futher protected
- Coronary blood flow decreases proportionally to decreasing perfusion pressure (solid arrow)
- Occurs when the R2 resistance vessels have maximally vasodilated
- If perfusoin pressure increases to very high levels…
- It overwhelms the resistance vessels’ ability to regulate it
- Coronary blood flow increases proportionally to increasing perfusion pressure (open arrow)

Determinants of Myocardial Oxygen Demand at Rest & During Exercise
- At exercise
- Myocardial oxygen demand & coronary blood flow
- HR
- Systolic BP
- LV volume
- Contractility
- Double product
- At max exercise
- Myocardial oxygen demand & coronary blood flow increase
- HR increases –> coronary blood flow increases (most important determinant)
- Systolic BP increases –> myocardial demand increases
- LV volume may or may not increase depending on the type of exercise & the position
- Contractility increases by direct rate related effects (Treppe effect) & by an increase in circulating catecholamines
- Double product
- Product of HR & systolic BP
- Correlates closely w/ coronary blood flow
Autoregulation of Coronary Blood Flow
- Myocardial oxygen demand vs. myocardial oxygen supply
- Myocardial oxygen extraction in the coronary circulation at rest
- Myocardial oxygen demand vs. myocardial oxygen supply
- Increase mycoardial oxygen demand –> increase myocardial oxygen supply in a linear fashion
- Controlled by the autoregulation of coronary blood flow
- Myocardial oxygen extraction in the coronary circulation at rest
- Myocardial oxygen extration is nearly maximal
- Heart can’t increase its oxygen consumption by increasing oxygen extraction from the blood it’s already receiving
- Increase oxygen demand –> increase coronary blood flow –> increase myocardial oxygen supply

Myocardial Oxygen Supply During Exercise
- Systolic vs. diastolic BP during exercise
- Increasing coronary blood flow
- As HR increases during exercise…
- Net effect
- Systolic vs. diastolic BP during exercise
- Systolic BP primarily increases
- Diastolic BP shouldn’t increase
- Increasing coronary blood flow
- R2 vessels vasodilate –> R2 vessels decrease their resistance –> increase coronary blood flow
- As HR increases during exercise…
- Diastole shortens –> coronary perfusion time shortens
- Net effect
- Decreased R2 resistance + shortened diastolic time interval –> increase coronary blood flow during max exercise

Autoregulation of Coronary Blood Flow
- R2 vasodilation vs. coronary blood flow
- Coronary flow reserve
- Max coronary blood flow & coronary vasodilator reserve
- R2 vasodilation vs. coronary blood flow
- Increase vasodilation of R2 vessels –> increase coronary perfusion pressure –> increase max coronary blood flow
- Coronary flow reserve
- Difference b/n resting & max coronary blood flow
- Directly dependent on coronary perfusion pressure
- Max coronary blood flow & coronary vasodilator reserve
- 2 different indices that are both directly related to coronary perfusion pressure

Myocardial Oxygen Supply: Coronary Artery Disease
- Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease
- Compensation for increased resistance to flow in the R1 vessel
- Remaining ischemia
- Overall compensations
- Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease
- Primarily a disease of the R1 (epicardial & large intramyocardial coronary) vessels
- CAD –> resistance to flow through the stenotic lesion –> increased R1 resistance
- Creates a perfusion pressure gradient to flow through the luminal narrowing
- Compensation for increased resistance to flow in the R1 vessel
- Dilate distal R2 vessels –> decreased R2 resistance –> maintain total resistance to perfusion –> preserve flow
- Remaining ischemia
- Some ischemia may remain in the most vulnerable subendocardial region
- Early manifestation: diastolic dysfunction (shift of pressure/volume curve up & to the left)
- Result: localized diastolic dysfunciton in R1 (epicardial) vessels –> increase LVEDP –> increase R3 (subendocardial) resistance
- Overall compensations
- Increased R1 resistance –> decrease R1 resistance
- Increased R3 (subendocardial) resistance –> stenosis in R2 vessels –> R2 (subendocardial) vasodilation –> preserve flow

Coronary Blood Flow in CAD
- CAD coronary blood flow: rest
- CAD coronary blood flow: exercise
- In the presence of coronary stenosis…
- As the ventricle becomes ischemic…
- CAD coronary blood flow: rest
- Preserved via autoregulation despite obstructions
- Primarily preserved via vasodilated R2 vessels
- CAD coronary blood flow: exercise
- R2 dilate –> decrease resistance to flow –> increase coronary blood flow
- In the presence of coronary stenosis…
- R2 vessels have already vasodilated maximally to preserve perfusion at rest
- There’s nothing more coronary circulation can do to increase perfusion
- Increase demand + flow can’t increase –> supply/demand mismatch –> ischemia
- As the ventricle becomes ischemic…
- Systolic & diastolic functions deteriorate
- LVEDP & LVEDV incrase –> increaes R3 resistance –> increase ischemia

Autoregulation of Coronary Blood Flow
- Myocardial oxygen demand vs. myocardial oxygen supply
- In the presence of coronary artery obstruction…
- Ischemic area
- Ischemic threshold
- Ischemic threshold for mild coronary disease vs. severe obstructive disease
- Myocardial oxygen demand vs. myocardial oxygen supply
- Increase myocardial oxygen demand –> increase myocardial oxygen supply linearly
- In the presence of coronary artery obstruction…
- Myocardial oxygen supply increases linearly to increase myocardial oxygen demand
- When R2 vessels vasodilate maximally, coronary circulation autoregulatory reserve is expended
- Further increases in myocardial oxygen demand don’t further increase mycoardial oxygen supply
- Ischemic area
- Difference b/n normal & coronary artery obstruction curves
- Supply < demand
- Ischemic threshold
- Point at which the two curves digress
- Point of max R2 vessel vasodilation
- Measure of severity of obstructive disease
- Ischemic threshold for mild coronary disease vs. severe obstructive disease
- Mild: ischemic threshold occurs at high levels of myocardial oxygen demand
- Severe: ischemic threshold occurs at a lower level of demand

Autoregulation of Coronary Blood Flow vs. Stenosis
- Max coronary blood flow in coronary artery stenosis decreases relative to coronary perfusion pressure
- Curve S1: mild stenosis
- Curve S2: severe stenosis

Coronary Blood Flow Relative to % Stenosis, Rest, & Peak Exercise
- Coronary blood flow at rest
- Coronary blood flow during max exercise
- Stenosis < 50%
- Stenosis > 50%
- Critical zone
- Stenosis length vs. flow
- Coronary blood flow at rest
- Remains normal w/ obstructions up to 80-90% in severity
- Reflection of the vasodilatory reserve of R2 vessels
- Coronary blood flow during max exercise
- Stenosis < 50%: peak coronary blood flow is maintained at normal levels
- Stenosis < 50%: sharp decline in peak coronary blood flow w/ increasing obstructions
- Critical zone: small increase in obstruction –> large decrease in blood flow
- Stenosis length vs. flow
- Increase length of vessel –> decrease peak flow

Percent Stenosis Limitations
- Reproducibility
- Diffusibility
- Techniques that can image both the lumen & vessel wall
- Reproducibility
- Percent stenosis is assessed by coronary angiography (visual analysis)
- Variability in interpretations by coronary angiographers
- Diffusibility
- CAD is often diffuse down the length of a vessel
- Assess percent stenosis
- Estimate lumen at site of stenosis & compare it to another portion of the lumen of the same vessel that appears normal
- –> difference estimates percent stenosis
- If disease is diffuse, area that appears normal may be stenosed
- –> underestimates the true original lumen size & underestimates the severity of the lesion
- Techniques that can image both the lumen & vessel wall
- Intracoronary angiography
- Cardiac CT & MRI

Predicting Flow
- Visual interpretation of coronary angiogram prediction of flow
- Percent stenosis prediction of flow
- Minimal luminal cross sectional area prediction of flow
- Visual interpretation of coronary angiogram prediction of flow
- Poor correlation: visual interpretation underestimates disease severity
- Percent stenosis prediction of flow
- Poor correlation b/n peak flow velocity by doppler measurement & percent diameter / luminal narrowing
- Percent stenosis, while a widely used standard for assessing disease severity, is actually a crude measurement w/ limitation
- Minimal luminal cross sectional area prediction of flow
- Close correlation b/n peak lumenal area & peak doppler flow
- Size of remaining lumen matters more than the percent stenosis of the lesion
- Small vessel w/ 50% stenosis will have a lower peak flow than a large vessel w/ 50% stenosis
- Subendocardium
- Myocardial oxygen demand in subendocardium vs. middle & epicardial layers
- R3 component of resistance
- Oxygen demand in the endocardium
- Subendocardium
- Area of myocardium at greatest vulnerability for ischemia
- Myocardial oxygen demand in subendocardium vs. middle & epicardial layers
- Subendcardium > middle or epicardial layers
- R3 component of resistance
- Greatest in the subendocardial region
- Unevenly distributed across the myocardial wall
- Increased subendocardial oxygen demand requires increased subendocardial blood flow to meet that demand
- Oxygen demand in the endocardium
- Since pressure is a determinant of myocardial oxygen demand, the increased forces exerted against the endocardial wall increase the oxygen requirements in that area
- Since oxygen demand is greatest in the endocardial region, the endocardium requires more blood flow at rest than the epicardium to meet that incrased demand

Systolic Coronary Blood Flow
- Systolic vs. diastolic persuion in the epicardium & endocardium
- Rate of flow in epicardium vs. endocardium
- Mechanisms by which endocardium receives flow
- Systolic vs. diastolic persuion in the epicardium & endocardium
- Coronary perfusion in the LV is primarily diastolic
- Epicardium: receives more flow/perfusion in systole
- Endocardium: receives more flow/perfusion in diastole
- Rate of flow in epicardium vs. endocardium
- Endocardium receives more flow in less time than epicardium
- Rate of flow in endocardium > epicardium
- Mechanisms by which endocardium receives greater rate of flow
- More vessels per unit area
- Increased size of the vascular bed
- R2 vasodilation –> decreased R2 component of resistance at rest
Subendocardial Perfusion
- R2 during exercise
- Coronary blood flow vs. HR
- Subendocardial vs. epicardial blood flow at rest
- Subendocardial blood flow in CAD
- R2 during exercise
- R2 vasodilates –> decreases resistance –> provides increased rate of flow to the endocardium
- Less vasodilating reserve for recruitment int he endocardial region –> makes endocardium more vulnerable to ischemia in the presence of CAD
- Pts present w/ subendocardial ischemia or infarction
- Coronary blood flow vs. HR
- Increase HR –> increase coronary blood flow –> maintain epicardial blood flow at a consistent level
- Subendocardial vs. epicardial blood flow at rest
- Subendocardial > epicardial blood flow at rest
- Increase HR –> decrease subendocardial blood flow
- Subendocardial blood flow in CAD
- CAD: subendocardial blood flow is lower than normal at rest & decreases more rapidly than normal as HR increases
- Peak HR is limited by ischemia