Cardiac Antiarrhythmics Flashcards
Cardiac Antiarrhythmics
- Antiarrhythmic medications
- Tachyarrhythmias occur as a result of abnormal impulse formation due to…
- Antiarrhythmic medications
- Suppress ectopic foci that depolarize more rapidly than the intrinsic conduction system in tachyarrhythmias
- Treat both ventricular & atrial tachyarrhythmias
- Tachyarrhythmias occur as a result of abnormal impulse formation due to…
- Increased automaticity
- Triggered activity
- Reentrant pathways
Tachyarrhythmias due to Increased Automaticity
- Mechanism of arrhythmias
- Examples
- Treatment targets
- Mechanism of arrhythmias
- Caused by an increase in the slope of phase 4 of a pacemaker AP
- Phase 4 depolarization is modulated by the If (“funny”) Na+ current
- Increased transmembrane Na+ conductance –> increased phase 4 slope fo the pacemaker AP –> more rapid depolarization of ectopic pacemaker foci
- If sufficiently rapid, ectopic foci override the intrinsic conduction system –> tachyarrhythmia
- Originate from all conduction system levels (atria, AV node, & ventricles)
- Caused by an increase in the slope of phase 4 of a pacemaker AP
- Examples
- Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
- Accelerated junctional rhythms
- Idoiventricular rhythms
- Treatment targets
- Decrease rate of spontaneous depolarization of the ectopic pacemaker foci by…
- Reducing the phase 4 slope of the pacemaker potential
- Hyperpolarizing the diastolic membrane potential
- Increasing the threshold for phase 0 depolarization
- Decrease rate of spontaneous depolarization of the ectopic pacemaker foci by…

Tachyarrhythmias due to Triggered Activity
- Mechanism of arrhythmias
- Early after-depolarizations (EADs)
- During phase 2
- During phase 3
- Self-perpetuating
- Common causes
- Delayed after-depolarizations (DADs)
- During phase 4
- Common causes
- Treatment targets
- EADs
- DADs
- Mechanism of arrhythmias
- Occur when an extra AP is generated before the phase 4 current of the normal AP crosses the usual depolarization threshold
- 2 forms
- Early after-depolarizations (EADs)
- Delayed after-depolarizations (DADs)
- Early after-depolarizations (EADs)
- During phase 2
- Related to perturbations in Ca2+ current
- Na+ channels are largely inactivated at the higher transmembrane potentials during phase 2
- During phase 3
- Related to perturbations in Na+ current
- Partial recovery of Na+ channels at lower transmembrane voltages during phase 3
- Self-perpetuating
- Result in sustained tachyarrhythmia
- Torsade de pointes: polymorphic ventricular tachycardia associated w/ a long QT interval
- Common causes
- Hypoxemia
- Hypokalemia
- Drugs
- Metabolic abnormalities
- Recent MI
- During phase 2
- Delayed after-depolarizations (DADs)
- During phase 4
- Due to increased intracellular Ca2+
- Occur after complete repolarization
- Activate the Na/Ca exchanger &/or Cl currents
- Generate brief inward transmembrane currents that trigger the DAD
- Comon causes
- Digoxin toxicity
- Catecholamine/exercise induced VT in patients w/ structurally normal hearts
- During phase 4
- Treatment targets
- EADs
- Decreasing the duration of the AP
- DADs
- Correcting conditions causing intracellular Ca2+ overload
- EADs

Tachyarrhythmias due to Reentrant Pathways
- Mechanism of AV-nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT)
- Dual-nodal pathways
- Premature atrial contraction (PAC): early
- Premature atrial contraction (PAC): late
- Premature atrial contraction (PAC): perfect timing
- Similar conditions in the ventricle
- Treatment targets
- Mechanism of AV-nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT)
- Dual-nodal pathways
- Fast limb: fast antegrade conduction velocity & slow recovery time
- Slow limb: slow antegrade conduction velocity & rapid recovery time
- Normally, angegrade conduction occurs across the fast limb
- Premature atrial contraction (PAC): early
- Early wave depolariztion
- Occurs soon after ventricular activaiton
- Arrives at the AV node when both fast & slow limbs are still refractory
- Prevents the premature beat from crossing the AV node
- –> “blocked PAC”
- Premature atrial contraction (PAC): late
- PAC occurs later
- Slow (fast recovery) limb may no longer be refractory
- Permits antegrade conduction of the premature beat across the slow limb
- Premature atrial contraction (PAC): perfect timing
- Depolarization across the slow limb arrives at the distal end of the fast limb just as the fast limb recovers
- Retrograde conduction across the fast limb occurs
- –> self-propagating reentrant arrhythmia
- Similar conditions in the ventricle
- Anatomically defined pathways occur
- Seen w/ scar mediated monomorphic VT related to myocardial infarction or heterogenous pathways
- Can present in ischemic myocardium
- Dual-nodal pathways
- Treatment targets
- Suppressing ectopic beats that may trigger a reentrant arrhythmia
- Interrupting the reentrant loop by…
- Slowing antegrade conduction time of the limbs
- Increasing the effective refractory period of the limbs

Vaughn-Williams Classification System
- Class I
- Class II
- Class III
- Class IV
- Other
- Class I
- Predominant Na-channel blockers
- Class II
- Beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists
- Class III
- Predominant K-channel blockers
- Class IV
- Ca-channel blockers
- Other
- Digoxin
- Adenosine
General Antiarrhythmic Concepts
- Na+ channel blockade
- K+ channel blockade
- Anti-cholinergic effects
- Anti-adrenergic effects
- Na+ channel blockade
- Slows the phase 0 upstroke of the AP
- May lead to an increase in QRS duration
- K+ channel blockade
- Slows phase 3 repolarization of the AP
- May lead to an increase in QT duration
- Anti-cholinergic effects
- May lead to changes in SA & AV node function
- Anti-adrenergic effects
- May lead to changes in SA & AV node function & peripheral vasodilation / BP
Class I Antiarrhythmics
- Strength
- Defined by…
- Potent (strong)
- Weak
- Use-dependency
- 3 categories based on receptor kinetics
- Strength
- Defined by the avidity w/ which the drug binds to the Na+ channel
- Potent (strong): slow receptor kinetics
- Drug binds avidly to & disassociates slowly from the Na+ channel
- Weak: rapid receptor kinetics
- Drug binds loosely to & releases rapidly from the Na+ channel
- Use-dependency
- Characteristic demonstrated by potent class I agents
- Drugs have a greater inhibitory effect on the Na+ channel during prolonged periods of elevated HRs
- The more the Na+ channel is used, the more potent the clinical effect
- Occurs b/c there’s less time for the drug to diassociate from the target receptor during the shorter diastolic interval associated w/ tachycardia
- 3 categories based on receptor kinetics
- Class 1A: moderate Na+ channel blockers
- Class IB: weak Na+ channel blockers
- Class IC: strong Na+ channel blockers

Class IA Antiarrhythmics
- Examples
- General
- Effects on APs
- Most dreaded adverse effect
- Examples
- Quinidine
- Procainamide
- Disopyramide
- General
- Moderate Na+ channel blockers
- Variable effects on K+ channels, muscarinic receptors, & adrenergic receptors
- Effects on APs
- Inhibition of fast Na+ channels –> decreased phase 0 slope –> slows conduction through reentrant circuits
- Na+ channel blockade –> inhibition of If current –> decreased phase 4 upstroke slope –> decreased automatcitiy of ectopic pacemaker foci
- K+ channel activity –> increase refractory period
- Greater effect on the Purkinje system & ectopic pacemakers than on normally funcitoning SA nodes
- Most dreaded adverse effect
- Proarrhythmia related to QT interval prolongation

Class IA Antiarrhythmics: Quinidine
- Characteristics
- Adverse effects
- Characteristics
- Limited direct effect on SA node pacemaker AP
- Anti-cholinergic effects may accelerate conduction across the AV node
- Important to use an AV nodal blocking agent (ex. beta blockers, Ca2+ channel blockers) when using quinidine in the management of atrial arrhythmias (ex. AFib)
- Alpha-adrenergic antagonist effects may cause hypotension
- Esp when administered IV
- Hepatically metabolized
- Should be used w/ caution in patients w/ liver disease
- Adverse effects
- GI: common, esp diarrhea & nausea
- Neurotoxicity (“cinchonism”): tinnitus, hearing loss, confusion, visual disturbances, flushing
Increase serum digoxin via decreased renal clearance
- Follow serum drug levels if used in combination
Class IA Antiarrhythmics: Procainamide
- Characteristics
- Adverse effects
- Characteristics
- Less anti-cholinergic & anti-adrenergic effects when compared to quinidine
- Hypotension occurs less frequently w/ procainamide than quinidine
- Both hepatically & renally metabolized
- ~50% of procainamide is excreted by the kidneys
- Rest is acetylated by the liver to an active metabolite (N-acetyl procainamide (NAPA)) which is then excreted by the kidneys
- Exhibits genetic variability in rates of drug acetylation
- In “fast acetylators” who have renal insufficiency, NAPA can accumulate more rapidly –> drug toxicity, so procainamide shouldn’t be used
- Adverse effects
Lupus-like syndrome: more common in slow acetylators
- __Positive serological markers (anti-nuclear antibody (ANA))
- Systemic inflammatory response
- Pleuropericarditis (inflammation fo the pleura & pericardium
- Fever
- Rash
- Arthralgias (achiness of the joints)
- Hypersensitivity reactions: drug fvere, agranulocytosis (low WBCs), & rash independent of a lupus-like syndrome
Lupus-like syndrome: more common in slow acetylators
Class IA Antiarrhythmics: Disopyramide
- Characteristics
- Adverse effects
- Characteristics
- More potent anti-cholinergic & negative inotropic effects than quinidine & procainamide
- Renally excreted
- Should be avoided in aptients w/ kidney disease
- Adverse effects
Anti-cholinergic: urinary retention, constipation, dry mouth
- Contraindicated in patients w/ glaucoma
Anti-adrenergic: CHF
- Contraindicated in patients w/ severe LV systolic dysfunction
Anti-cholinergic: urinary retention, constipation, dry mouth
Class IB Antiarrhythmics
- Examples
- General
- Examples
- Lidocaine
- Mexiletine
- Phenytoin
- General
- Weak Na+ channel blockers
- Less heterogeneous activity than class IA –> fewer electrophysiological effects
- Exert greater effect on diseased or ischemic myocardium than on normal myocardium

Class IB Antiarrhythmics: Lidocaine
- Mechanism of action
- Adverse effects
- Mechanism of action
- Decreases phase 0 slope of the ventricular AP
- Inhibits small Na+ currents that persist throughout phase 2
- –> no net change or mild decrease in QRS & QT intervals
- Decreases phase 4 slope of ectopic pacemaker potentials, EADs, & DADs
- Potentially effective drug for treating ventricular arrhythmias associated w/ digoxin toxicity
- Only available IV (oral is unreliable)
- Adverse effects
Hepatically metabolized
- Drug half-life may increase in patients w/ CHF & hepatic congestion –> toxicity
- Monitor serum drug levels in these patients
Neurotoxicity: most common
- Confusion, seizures, paresthesia, coma
Heart block: rare
- Occurs primarily in patients w/ intrinsic conduction disease
Hepatically metabolized

Class IB Antiarrhythmics: Mexiletine
- Mechanism of action
- Adverse effects
- Mechanism of action
- Oral equivalent of lidocaine
- Use-dependent inhibition of Na+ channels
- Not particularly effective as an antiarrhythmic when used in isolation
- May be effective as an adjunctive agent
- May be effective in patients w/ congenital long QT, type 3 (associated w/ SCN5A mutation for cardiac Na+ channel)
- Adverse effects
- Neurological: tremor, dizziness, dysarthria (speech difficulties), confusion, nystagmus (eye oscillations), diplopia (double vision)
- GI: nausea & vomiting

Class IC Antiarrhythmics
- Examples
- General
- Electrophysiological effects
- Efects on APs
- Adverse effects
- Examples
- Flecainide
- Propafenone
- General
- Strong Na+ channel blockers
- Increase QRS, QT, & PR intervals
- Decrease HR
- Electrophysiological effects
- Potent Na+ channel blockers
- Mild K+ channel blockers
- Increase the refractory period of the AV node & accessory bypass tracts
- Variable effects on beta-adrenergic receptors (propafenone > flecainide)
- Efects on APs
- Slow phase 0 upstroke to a greater degree than other class I agents
- Delay repolarization during phase 3 –> prolong relative refractory period
- Adverse effects
- Increase mortality in post-MI patients
- Rarely used to treat ventricular dysrhythmias in patients w/ underlying structural heart disase

Class IC Antiarrhythmics: Flecainide
- Characteristics
- Adverse effects
- Characteristics
- Use-dependency
- Stress test to assess extent of this effect once steady state drug levels are achieved
- Both renally (40%) & hepatically (60%) metabolized
- Hepatically metabolized into inactive metabolites
- Use-dependency
- Adverse effects
- Variable effects on AP duration in different tissues (ex. Purkinje fibers vs. ventriuclar myocytes)
- Variability can increase the electrical heterogeneity among cardiac cells –> enhances the substrate for reentrant circuits & proarrhythmia
Conduction abnormalities: bradycardia, AV block
- Should be avoided in patients w/ underlying conduction disease unless they have a pacemaker
CHF exacerbation b/c it’s a negative inotrope
- Should be avoided in patients w/ moderate to severe LV systolic dysfunction
- Neurotoxicity: confusion, visual disturbances, dizziness
Class IC Antiarrhythmics: Propafenone
- Characteristics
- Adverse effects
- Characteristics
- Hepatically metabolized
- Significant genetic variability in rates of metabolism
- Poor metabolizers –> increase drug elimination half-life –> increase risk for drug toxicity
- Adverse effects
- Neurological: dizziness & dysguesia (abnromal taste)
Arrhythmia: proarrhythmia & conduction abnormalities
- Lower incidence than flecainide
CHF: more common
- More potent negative inotrope than flecainide
Class III Antiarrhythmics
- Examples
- General
- Electrophysiological effects
- Examples
- Amiodarone
- Dronedarone
- Sotalol
- Dofetilide
- Ibutilide
- General
- K+ channel blockers
- Heterogeneous group of medications
- Treat both supraventricular & ventricular dysrhythmias
- Electrophysiological effects
- Delay repolarization during phase 3
- May lead to QT interval prolongation

Class III Antiarrhythmics: Amiodarone
- General
- Electrophysiological effects
- Adverse effects
- General
- Most effective antiarrhythmic
- Iodine-rich benzofuran derivative
- Slowly absorbed by the GI tract
- Achieves peak plasma concentrations 5-6 hours after oral administration
- Highly lipophilic
- Stored extensively in soft tissue –> long half-life (25-60 days)
- Electrophysiological effects
- Characteristics form all 4 Vaughn-William classes
- Na+, Ca2+, & K+ channel blockade
- Adrenergic receptor antagonism
- Beta blocking effects: most commonly seen
- Adverse effects
- Increase PR, QRS, & QT intervals
- Bradycardia
- Hypo- > hyper-thyroidism: b/c it’s iodinated
- GI: anorexia, nausea, elevated LFTs (reversible w/ discontinuation)
- Pulmonary: most serious, associated w/ chronic use, may –> irreversible pulmonary fibrosis if detected late
- Skin: photosensitivity, bluish hyperpigmentation (use sunscreen)
- Eye: corneal deposits (don’t impair vision)
- CNS: neuropahty, tremors, muscle weakness, alterations in sleep patterns (rare)

Class III Antiarrhythmics: Dronedarone
- General
- Electrophysiological effects
- Adverse effects
- General
- Non-iodinated oral analog of amiodarone
- Associated w/ fewer side effects than amiodarone (less toxic)
- Less potent & less effective
- Electrophysiological effects
- Characteristics form all 4 Vaughn-William classes
- Na+, Ca2+, & K+ channel blockade
- Adrenergic receptor antagonism
- Adverse effects
- Increase PR, QRS, & QT intervals
- Bradycardia
- Rash
- Photosensitivity
- Nausea, vomiting, & diarrhea

Class III Antiarrhythmics: Sotalol
- General
- Electrophysiological effects
- Adverse effects
- General
- Nonselective beta blocker w/ no ISA activity
- Some K+ channel blockade
- Renally excreted
- Should be avoided in patients w/ renal disease
- Electrophysiological effects
- Nonselective beta blocker w/ no ISA activity
- Some K+ channel blockade
- Adverse effects
- Proarrhythmia
- __Related to QT prolongation (torsade de poitnes)
- Esp in women & patietns w/ CHF
- Bradycardia
- AV block
- Proarrhythmia

Class III Antiarrhythmics: Dofetilide
- General
- Adverse effects
- General
- Potent oral K+ channel blocker
- Treats arrhythmias by prolonging the effective refractory period
- Renally excreted
- Adjust dose in patients w/ renal insufficiency
- Avoid in patients w/ severe kidney disease
- Adverse effects
- QT interval prolongation
- Torsades de pointes

Class III Antiarrhythmics: Ibutilide
- General
- Electrophysiological effects
- Adverse effects
- General
- Administered IV
- Treats arrhythmias by activating slow inward Na+ channels during phase 2
- Rarely used
- Electrophysiological effects
- Activates slow inward Na+ current during phase 2
- Increases the refractory period in the atrium & ventricle
- Adverse effects
- QT interval prolongation
- Torsades de pointes

- General
- Mechanism of action
- Its effectiveness in treating supraventricular arrhythmias is a result of…
- Effects on APs
- Phase 4 resting potential
- Phase 0 slope
- AP duration
- Triggered activity
- Other
- Adverse effects
- Treatment of digoxin toxicity
- General
- Cardiac glycoside derived from teh foxglove plant
- Increases cardiac contractility
- Treats “dropsy” (edema / CHF) & AVNRT
- Improves rate control in patients w/ rapid atrial fibrillation/flutter
- Renally excreted
- Avoid in patients w/ significant renal insufficiency
- Mechanism of action
- Na+/K+ ATPase inhibitor
- Increases intracellular Na+
- Activates the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger
- Moves Na+ ions from intra- to extra-cellular in exchange for Ca2+
- Increases intracellular Ca2+
- Increases myofibril contractility & cardiac output
- Na+/K+ ATPase inhibitor
- Its effectiveness in treating supraventricular arrhythmias is a result of…
- Enhanced vagal tone (primary effect)
- Increased CO –> carotid baroreceptor stimulation –> increased parasympathetic tone –> decreased sympathetic stimulation of the AV node –> slowed AV node conduction
- Reduction in the relative refractory period (modest effect)
- Enhanced vagal tone (primary effect)
- Effects on APs
- Less negative phase 4 resting potential
- Inhibition of the Na+/K+ ATPase pump –> decreased outward Na+ current –> less negative membrane potential
- Hyperpolarization –> increased automaticity of non-pacemaker cells
- Decreased phase 0 slope
- Less negative resting potential –> parital inactivation of fast Na+ channels
- Significant heterogeneity in the depolarizaiton of adjacent cardiac cells –> risk for reentrant arrhythmias
- Decreased AP duration
- Increased intracellular Ca2+
- –> activated Ca2+ dependent K+ channel –> K+ efflux during phase 3
- –> decreased Ca2+ influx shortening duration of phase 2
- Decrease effective refractory period –> increase window where ventricle may be vulnerable to ectopic arrhythmic foci
- Increased intracellular Ca2+
- Increased triggered activity
- Intracellular Ca2+ overload –> trigger DADs –> sustained tachyarrhythmias
- AV block
- Less negative phase 4 resting potential
- Adverse effects
- Narrow therapeutic window
- GI: anorexia, nausea, & emesis (vomiting)
- Ophthalmologic: greenish-yellow visual halos
- Cardiac: malignant tachy- &/or brady-arrhythmias
“Dig toxic” arrhythmias: arrythmias associated w/ digoxin toxicity
- Low extracellular K+ –> suppressed Na+/K+ ATPase pump –> hypokalemia –> arrhythmia exacerbation
- Treatment of digoxin toxicity
- Correction of hypokalemia & hypomagnesemia
- IV lidocaine suppress ventricular tachycardia
- Digibind (digoxin specific antibodies) control malignant arrhythmias

- General
- Mechanism of action
- General
- Endogenous nucleotide
- Short half-life (~9 seconds), so few contraindications as an IV bolus
- Treats AVNRTs
- Used as a diagnostic tool in differentiating supraventricular arrhythmias
- Mechanism of action
- Activates K+ channels –> K+ efflux –> hyperpolarized cell membrane –> decreased automaticity
- Inhibits adenylate cyclase –> decreases cAMP –> decreases If / Na+ current –> decreases automaticity
- Inhibits protein kinases –> decreases Ca2+ influx –> slows AV node conduction