Acute Coronary Syndrome I Flashcards
Acute Coronary Syndromes
- aka
- Refers to…
- Result of…
- Associated w/…
- aka
- ACS, syndromes of acute myocardial ischemia, or unstable coronary syndrome
- Refers to…
- ST elevation myocaridal infarction (STEMI)
- Non-ST segment myocardial infarction (STEMI)
- Unstable angina pectoris (UA): syndrome of threatening MI
- Result of…
- Tissue death
- Necrosis
- Hypoxia
- Associated w/…
- Increased risk of systemic or pulmonary embolism
- Supports role of anti-thrombotic therapy as part of therapy
Plaque Disruption (“Unstable Plaque”) & the Pathophysiology of the ACS
- Acute myocardial ischemia in most cases is the result of…
- Underlying pathophysiology
- Plaque
- Acute myocardial ischemia in most cases is the result of…
- Dynamic limitations in coronary blod flow (a “supply” problem)
- Not a “demand” problem that causes chronic stable MI
- Can occur at any time in the course of coronray atherosclerosis
- Dynamic limitations in coronary blod flow (a “supply” problem)
- Underlying pathophysiology
- Deterioration & disruption of an atherosclerotic plaque –> sudden occlusion of coronary artery
- Plaque
- Mildly narrowing & flow-limiting
- Porr in calcium & fibrous tissue
- Rich in lipids
- May become inflamed due to…
- Attaining a certain threshold level of oxidized lipid
- Infection of a plaque
- Involvement in the plaque by a systemic inflammatory process
Dynamic & Transient Limitations in Coronary Blood Flow & the Pathophysiology of the ACS
- Inflammation, “self-digestion,” & ateriosclerotic plaque disruption lead to…
- Transient limitations in coronary blood flow result in…
- Eventual outcome of this process determines…
- If this process is kept in check…
- Inflammation, “self-digestion,” & ateriosclerotic plaque disruption lead to…
- Varying degrees of plaque disruption (prothrombotic)
- Endothelial cell dysfunction
- Abnormal vasoconstriction in the region of the deteriorating plaque
- Transient limitations in coronary blood flow result in…
- Clot & abnormal vasoconstriction wax & wane in the coronary vessel
- Can occur for hours, days, or weeks
- Accounts for the development of MI following unstable angina
- Eventual outcome of this process determines…
- The worst clinical syndrome that will afflict the patient (UA, NSTEMI, or STEMI)
- If this process is kept in check…
- By the normal governing process of thrombosis & thrombolysis
- Total or near-total occlusion of the involved coronary doesn’t occur or is brief
- Unstable plaque may heal
Clots, Occlusion, & MI Timing
- White clots (platelet plugs) vs. red clots
- Partial / short duration total vs. long duration total occlusion
- Timing of acute MIs
- White clots (platelet plugs) vs. red clots
- White clots
- –> unstable angina
- Prone to dispersal in the arteries
- Red clots
- –> MI
- More stable & less prone to dispersal
- White clots
- Partial vs. total occlusion
- Partial occlusion w/ thrombus or total occlusion for a short time (<20 mins)
- Total & persistent occlusion (>20 mins)
- –> STEMI
- Partial occlusion w/ thrombus or total occlusion for a short time (<20 mins)
- Timing of acute MIs
- >1/2 of acute MIs occur during sleep or during mild to moderate physical activity
- Circadian rhythm to time of acute MIs –> greatest frequency b/n 6am & noon
Less Common Causes of ACS
- Thrombus downstream of a chronic high-grade stenosis (~10%)
- Rheological factors associated w/ abnormal blood flow –> thrombosis at site of chornically & critically stenosed coronary artery –> MI
- Greatly increased myocardial oxygen demand
- Hyperadrenergic state
- Acute plaque disruption
- In the presence of fixed & stable atherosclerotic coronary narrowing
- Coronary spasm
- Spontaneous (Prinzmetal’s angina) or due to drugs
- W/ or w/o atherosclerotic coronary heart disease
- Embolism to a coronary artery
Non Q Wave vs. Q Wave Infarction & the Wave Front of Myocardial Necrosis
- Tissue most at risk when myocardial blood flow is limited: subendocardial tissue
- Transmural vs. subendocardial infarction
- 2 categoreis of patients in the 1st hours of acute coronary syndromes
- Coronary vessel occlusion +
- Artery isn’t opened
- Artery is opened within an hour of occlusion
- Artery isn’t opened within 6-12 hours
- 3-4 hours of occlusion
- Factors in necrosis that speed propagation of the wave front
- Tissue most at risk when myocardial blood flow is limited: subendocardial tissue
- Large epicardial vessels give off nutirent mycoardial branches directly from subenpicardial to subendocardial tissue
- Vessel is constricted during systole by the tension from the contracting myocardium
- Transmural vs. subendocardial infarction
- Transmural: necrosis reaches epicardium, Q wave devlops
- Subendocardial: necrosis doesn’t reach epicardium, Q wave doesn’t develop
- 2 categoreis of patients in the 1st hours of acute coronary syndromes
- Coronary vessel occlusion +
- Artery isn’t opened
- Tissue in jeopardy gradually undergoes irreversible damage in a wave front fashion moving from endocardium to epicardium
- Irreversible injury begins within 20 mins
- Artery is opened within an hour of occlusion
- Much of the muscle will survive
- Artery isn’t opened within 6-12 hours
- Little to none of the myocardium will survive
- 3-4 hours of occlusion
- About half of the jeopardized myocardium will be irreversibly damaged
- Artery isn’t opened
- Factors in necrosis that speed propagation of the wave front
- Presence & magnitude of coronray collateral vessels to the involved vessel
- Metabolic state of the myocardium
- Presence of anti-thrombotic therapy
Normal Hemostasis & Control of Hemostasis
- Blood clot formation
- Hemostasis
- Too much vs. too little hemostasis (clot control)
- Following successful clotting…
- 2 essential elements for hemostasis
- Blood clot formation
- Occurs at the site of an injured vessel
- Hemostasis
- Must occur rapidly
- Limited to the local site of disruption / thrombus formation
- Must be under good control
- Too much vs. too little hemostasis (clot control)
- Too much –> severe hemorrhage
- Too little –> occlude
- Following successful clotting…
- The clot must be removed by thrombolysis (fribrinolysis) & the damaged tissue must be healed
- 2 essential elements for hemostasis
- Platelet plug
- Fibrin formation
Platelet Plug Formation
- Platelets: small, plate-like codies that aren’t adherent
- Platelets are activated by thrombin or exposed to collagen
- –> change from a rounded to plate-like shape w/ multiple sticky pseudopods
- –> adhere to the subendothelial matrix
- –> secrete platelet granule products
- –> enhance thrombin generation
- –> activate other platelets
- Feed back loop involving platelet ADP release & platelet generation of thromboxane A-2
- –> aggregate w/ other platelets into a platelet plug
- –> expose the platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIia complex (integrin)
- Site of fibrinogen & fibrin binding at the platelet surface
Fibrin Formation
- Activated factor II (IIa) –> thrombin
- Thrombin releases tissue factor
- Tissue factor + activated coagulation factor VII (VIIa) –> activated factor X (Xa)
- Xa: prothrombin (II) –> thrombin (IIa)
- Thrombin (IIa): fibrinogen (soluble) –> fibrin (insoluble)
- Feedback loop creates more thrombin
- Thrombin (IIa) –> activated factor XIII (XIIIa)
- Aids in crosslinking & stabliizing fibrin into a web
Formation & Propagation of Thrombus
- Fibrin web attach to & stabilize platelet plugs at the glycoprotein (BP) IIb/IIIa complex
- Incorporation fo platelet plug into fibrin –> stabilization of fibrin web –> traps RBCs & WBCs
- Platelet plugs (white clots) quickly convert into propagating, resilient red clots
Control of Platelet Activation & Fibrin Formation
- Platelet activation & aggregation are inhibited locally by…
- Antithrombin/heparin system
- Platelet activation & aggregation are inhibited locally by…
- Local endotehlial production of prostacyclin
- Antithrombin/heparin system
- Controls fibrin formation
- Antithrombin (AT)
- Circulating plasma protease inhibitor
- Inhibits thrombin, Xa, & 3 other coagulation factors
- AT binds w/ endogenous heparin, polymeric chains of monosaccarides, & endothelial heparin sulfate moities –> enhances inactivation
- Heparin binds to thrombin & AT simultaneously –> inactivates thrombin
- Only occurs when heparin contains _>_18 monosaccharide units
- Shorter units inactivate Xa
- Heparins have a pentasaccharide unit important in AT binding
- Only occurs when heparin contains _>_18 monosaccharide units
- Controlled vs. uncontrolled
- Controlled by…
- Caused by…
- Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA)
- Controlled vs. uncontrolled
- Controlled: removes clots
- Uncontrolled: hemorrhage
- Controlled by…
- Thrombolytic inhibitors (local process)
- 4 inhibitory mechanisms
- Caused by…
- t-PA activation of circulating plasminogen to plasmin
- Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA)
- One of two native plasminogen activators in circulation
- Product of endothelium
- Binds to fibrin to maximally activate plasminogen
Anti-thrombotic Drugs
- Treats…
- Categories
- Treat ACS
- Open acutely closed coronary arteries
- Prevent further thrombosis
- Prevent thrombotic & thromboembolic complications
- Categories
- Anti-platelet agents
- Anti-thrombin agents (“anticoagulatns”)
- Local & systemic effects
- Problem: bleeding
- Thrombolytic (fibrinolytic) agents (plasminogen activates)
- Local & systemic effects
- Problem: bleeding
Anti-platelet Agents
- Anti-thrombotic drugs
- 4 types
- Aspirin
- Platelet P2Y12 protein (ADP binding) inhibitors
- Thienopyridines
- Cyclo-pentyl-triazolo-pyrimidines (CPTPs)
- Platelet GPIIb/IIIa blockers
- Protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1), thrombin-binding inhibitors
- Type
- General
- Low dose
- Type
- Anti-thrombotic anti-platelet agents
- General
- Irreversible COX-1 inhibitor for the anuclear platelet
- Permanently decreases thromboxane A2 synthesis in the affected platelet
- Decreases teh positive feedbacl loop of thromboxane A2 in recruiting more activated platelets
- Low dose
- Max inhibition of thromboxane production
- Min decrease on prostacyclin production by endothelial cells
- Endothelial cells have nuclei & can make new COX-1 molecules
Platelet P2Y12 Inhibitors
- Type
- General
- Thienopyridines
- General
- Ticlopidine
- Clopidogrel
- Pasulgrel
- Cyclo-pentyl-triazolo-pyrimidines
- General
- Ticagrelor
- Type
- Anti-thrombotic anti-platelet agents
- General
- Block the binding of ADP to the adenosine binding protein P2Y12
- Decrease the positive feedback loop of ADP in recruiting more activated platelets
- Thienopyridines
- Metabolites of these drugs irreversibly block the platelet protein P2Y12
- Ticlopidine
- Clopidogrel
- Fewer side effects
- Used more frequently
- Pasulgrel
- More potent
- Great bleeding risks
- Superior to clonidine in early ACS
- Cyclo-pentyl-triazolo-pyrimidines
- Bind directly to & reversible to P2Y12 –> block ADP binding
- Ticagrelor
- Superior to clopidogrelin in early ACS but only at low doses
Platelet GPIIb/IIIa Blockers
- Type
- General
- Abciximab
- Eptifibatide & tirofiban
- Type
- Anti-thrombotic anti-platelet agents
- General
- Given IV
- Abciximab
- Non-specific antibody that binds to many integrins
- Long acting (up to 24-48 hours)
- Eptifibatide & tirofiban
- Small moleucles
- Highly specific for GPIIb/IIIa
- Short-acting (~4-6 hours)
Protease-Activated Receptor-1 (PAR-1), Thrombin-Binding Inhibitors
- Type
- General
- Mechanism of action
- Type
- Anti-thrombotic anti-platelet agents
- General
- First agent: vorapaxar sulfate
- For initial ACS recovery to prevent subsequent cardiac ischemic events
- Potent, orally active, tricyclic himbacine-derived, selective PAR-1 antagonist
- Mechanism of action
- Thrombon activates platelets by binding & activating PAR-1 & PAR-4 receptors
- PAR-1 receptros are activated at lower thrombin concentrations & elicit a more rapid platelet response than PAR-4
- PAR-1 inhibitors limit thrombin-activation of platelets
- Competitively block PAR-1 –> inhibit thrombin-induced platelet aggregation
- Thrombon activates platelets by binding & activating PAR-1 & PAR-4 receptors
Anti-thrombin Agents
- Anti-thrombotic drugs
- Block the formation of thrombin &/or inhibit thrombin action
- 3 types
- Heparin (or heparin-like) agents
- Direct thrombin inhibitors (hirudin-like agents)
- Oral vitamin K antagonists (VKAs)
- Type
- Unfracitonated heparin
- Low-molecular weight heparins
- Fondaparinux
- Type
- Anti-thrombotic anti-thrombin agents
- Unfractionated Heparin
- Biological product
- Ginds to antithrombin
- –> makes antithrombin more active
- –> inhibits thrombin , Xa, & other coagulaiton factors
- Molecules > 18 polysaccharide units –> greater effect on thrombin
- Given IV
- Blood clot testing required
- Biological product
- Low-molecular weight heparins
- Created by breaking down larger heparin chains into lower MW chains
- –> inhibits thrombin & Xa
- Molecules < 18 polysaccharide units –> greater effect on Xa
- Given subcutaneously
- Blood clot testing not required
- Created by breaking down larger heparin chains into lower MW chains
- Fondaparinux
- Pentasaccharide heparin analog
- Effect in ACS but cost limits it to patients who can’t receive heparin
- Blocks Xa w/ no effect on thrombin
- Given subcutaneously
- Blood clot testing not required
- Pentasaccharide heparin analog
Direct Thrombin Inhibitors (Hirudin-Like Agents)
- Type
- General
- Bivalarudin
- Argatraban
- Type
- Anti-thrombotic anti-thrombin agents
- General
- Modeled after hirudin (anti-thrombin found in saliva of leaches)
- Act directly on thrombin
- Given IV
- Require blood clot testing
- Used as alternatives to vitamin K antagonists in longer-term management of ACS patients w/ AFib
- Bivalarudin
- Derived from the hirudin molecule
- Used in ACS…
- To replace heparin & IIb/IIIa during angioplasty procedures
- W/ known or suspected heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
- Argatraban
- Small molecule that contains part of the hirudin molecule that blocks the thrombin active site
- Used in ACS w/ known or suspected HIT
Oral Vitamin K Antagonitsts (VKAs)
- Type
- General
- Type
- Anti-thrombotic anti-thrombin agents
- General
- Warfarin (a coumarin)
- Blocks terminal gamma carboxylation of clotting factor II (prothrombin) & 3 other coagulation factors
- Decreases normally functioning thrombin & fibrin formation
- Given orally
- Slow onset & cessation
- Blood clot testing required
Thrombolytic (Fibrinolytic) Agents (Plasminogen Activators)
- Anti-thrombotic drugs
- Available drugs
- Alteplase (recombinant form of t-PA)
- Tenecteplase & reteplase (alteplase analogs)
- Derived to allow solely bolus adminstration IV
- Moderatley selective for fibrinolysis at the site of a clot
- Little action on fibrinogen
Opening Acutely Thrombosed Coronary Arteries: Emergency Reperfusion Therapy for STEMI w/ Thrombolysis (Fibrinolysis)
- Thrombolytic therapy
- Restricted to patients w/…
- Effectiveness
- Adverse effects
- Contraindications
- Emergency angioplasty & stenting
- Thrombolytic therapy
- Restricted to patients w/ high risk for adverse outcome & can’t undergo emergency angioplasty & stenting within 90 mins
- Within 30 mins of admission
- Within 6 hours of MI
- Small benefit b/n 6-12 hours of MI
- Benefit after 12 hours only w/ recurrent or ongoing ischemia
- Not beneficial b/c coronary arteyr isn’t totally occluded
- Risk : benefit ratio isn’t favorable
- Effectiveness: 50-60%
- Adverse effects: bleeding (intracranial or other hemorrhage)
- Contraindications
- High risk of bleeding & intracranial hemorrhage
- Elderly, female, small body size, HTN, recent neurosurgery, prior intracranial hemorrhage, vascular risks
- Emergency angioplasty & stenting
- Superior to thrombolytic therapy if within 90 mins of admission
Aspirin Therapy for ACS
- Antiplatelet w/ low dose following an initial high dose
- Moderate reduction in 1 month mortality from STEMI & recurrent MI / sudden death when given long-term
- Marked reduction in death, progression to MI, & recurrent MI in patients w/ UA/NSTEMI
Platelet P2Y12 (ADP Binding) Inhibitior Therapy for ACS
- Use
- This vs. aspirin
- Clopidogrel vs. pasugrel & ticagrelor
- Duration
- Use
- Adjunctive therapy to aspirin
- Alternative to aspirin w/ aspirin allergy
- Small additional benefit to aspirin in UA, NSTEMI, & STEMi w/o angioplasty / stenting procedures
- This vs. aspirin
- Mildly effective alone
- Moderately effective in addition to aspirin
- Clopidogrel vs. pasugrel & ticagrelor
- Pasugrel & ticagrelor > clopidogrel in early ACS
- Clopidogrel used after 1 month for cost
- Aspirin dose must be < 100 mg when used w/ ticagrelor
- Duration
- Use for > 3-12 months in patient sw/ coronary angioplasty & stent placement
- Use > 12 months in patients w/ drug-eluting stent b/c this slows endothelium recovery time
- Therapy decreases risk of in-stent thrombosis
GP IIb/IIIa Blocker Therapy for ACS
- Abciximab & eptifibatide
- Bivalirudin
- Tirofiban & eptifibatide
- Abciximab & eptifibatide
- Moderate benefit in patients w/ SteMi undergoing emergency coronary angioplasty procedures (before platelet P2Y12s)
- Primraily used as an additional anti-platelet agent in high risk patients (coronray dilation & stenting procedures in clot-burdened vessels)
- Bivalirudin
- Direc trhombin inhibitor
- Substitute for both GP IIb/IIIa blocker & heparin for emerggency, high-risk angioplasty procedures
- Tirofiban & eptifibatide
- Small molecule glycoprotein IIb/IIIa blockers
- High benefit in addition to other drug therapy in UA/NSTEMI w/ cardiac cath & angioplasty/stenting therapy (before platelet P2Y12s)
- Reduce death, MI, & need for urgent repeat vascular procedures
- If used in UA/NSTEMI, limit to high risk patients w/o cardiac cath & w/ planned angioplsaty /stenting procedures
- Provide therapy in 12-24 hours b/n initial eval & coronary arteriography
- Provide therapy in cath lab before dilation or stenting of the coronary arteries
PAR-1 Inhibition of Platelets (Vorapaxar) Therapy for ACS
- Use during active ACS
- Use > 2 months after ACS
- Contraindications
- Use during active ACS
- Unacceptable increased risk of hemorrhage
- Use > 2 months after ACS + aspirin + P2Y12 inhibitors
- Mildly further decreaes risk of additional cardiac ischemic episodes, esp recurrent MI
- Risk fo hemorrhage
- Contraindications
- Post-ACS patients w/ a history of stroke or transient cerebrovascular ischemia or other conditoins w/ increased bleeding risk
Heparin Therapy for ACS
- Short term (1-2 day) heparin
- Low dose heparin
- Bivalirudin
- Short term (1-2 day) heparin
- STEMI: small additional benefits in addition to aspirin & fibrin-selective thrombolytic therapy
- Necessary for max benefit w/ fibrin-selective thrombolytic agents & emergency angioplasty procedures
- Low dose heparin
- Subcutaneous for all MI patients until fully ambulatory
- Prevent DVT & pulmonary embolism
- Unfracitonated heparin, low MW heparin, or fondaprinux + aspirin –> additional protection against death & progression to MI
- Therapy given for 2 days or until cath & revascularization procedures are complete
- Bivalirudin
- Replaces GP IIb/IIia blocker & heparin in STEMI + primary angioplasty procedures
Vitamin K Inhibitor Therapy for ACS
- Vitamin K inhibitors vs. aspirin
- Prevent sudden death & recurrent MI w/o aspirin
- Additional benefit when added to aspirin
- But increases hemorrhage risk
- Prefer aspirin b/c easier, cheaper, & safer longterm
- Except in patients w/ high risk for peripheral or pulmonary thromboembolism
- Reduces stroke risk in patients w/ AMI or apical infarctions & persistent wall motion abnormalities
- 3 months anti-thrombin therapy + shrot-term heparin –> intensive warfarin + low dose aspirin
- High risk patients after MI
- Given warfarin to prevent stroke + intensive regimen + low dose aspirin
- Patients: AFib, large dialted ventricles, prior thromboembolic episodes