Regional and State Bowl questions 2014 Flashcards
What two countries does the turkey industry export to the most?
Russia and Mexico
What is the major difference between male and female chicken feathers?
Males are pointed and females are rounded
Where does the Saddleback Pomeranian originate?
The Khaki Campbell lays many eggs, is a triple purpose breed, and has an English origin, like what other duck breed?
What is the wing carriage for the Japanese bantam?
Drooping or carried low to the ground
Why, when being judged, are the runner ducks held in a circular enclosure?
So the judges can see them on the move, or walking around.
What is the first characteristic of a runner duck that is considered when being judged?
It’s body shape and their upright carriage
What happens when you cross a Muscovy duck with any other species?
The ducklings become sterile
How much skin can be missing from a grade C carcass?
No limit
When candling the egg white, what is a way to tell how thick it is?
The movement of the yolk when the egg is spinned
What happens to the yolk membrane when an embryo forms in the egg?
It is absorbed by the growing embryo
What are feathers that curl up and back?
What is a castrated male called?
What is substance made in the pigeon’s crop that is regurgitated to the squab?
Pigeon milk
When does the mallard duck molt?
What two enzymes does the true stomach secrete?
Hydrochloric acid and pepsin.
How many minutes after a hen lays an egg does she start a new one?
30 minutes
How many hours does it take for a hen to produce an egg?
24¬26 hours
What color skin and eggs does the Cornish have?
Yellow skin and brown eggs
What vitamin is found in green plants and certain vegetables?
Vitamin K
What is the term used to describe the carriage and body placement of the modern game?
How many goose eggs can a chicken hen incubate?
6 (depends on breed)
List 5 factors of cannibalism
Light, nutrition, territorial aggression, age, overcrowding, temperature, sanitation, external parasites, equipment.
The creator of this duck breed entered the breed in the Saxony fair. What is the breed?
The Saxony duck
In what state was the first poultry exhibition held?
Name three parts of the wing
Primaries, secondaries, primary coverts, secondary coverts, wing bar.
What is biosecurity?
Measures taken to prevent disease caused by infectious agents.
What are bits and pieces of mixed grain fed to pigeons called?
Pigeon pellets or checkers
A. Churchill was the first to develop a vaccine against a significant cancerous growth in what disease?
Marek’s disease
What State is the leading broiler production?
What disease is not caused by Viral Infection?
How many Hens can use 1 nesting box?
4 to 5 Hens
Why should you remove early born hatchlings?
To keep the hen on nest so rest of eggs will hatch
What are Guinea hen babies called?
What is keel headed?
Not provided answer anyone know?
What is budding?
Not provided answer anyone know?
Duck weights and age when go to market?
7-8 weeks age and weighs 4 lbs
When do pigeons leave nest?
when they are sick of their mom and dad
What are two ways to help hatch waterfowl?
stop turning the eggs 2 – 3 days before hatching, humidity, turn eggs horizontally
Horizontal Passage is?
disease transmitted from bird to bird
What is the most common lameness in adult waterfowl
What is knock kneed?
deformity where the hocks are closed together than at the feet.
What are the Marek’s Diesease Symptoms?
paralysis and death
What is white cake, tall and light in texture and leavened only by beaten egg whites?
Angel Food Cake
What is Faking?
Self-evident attempt to remove or conceal a disqualification or serious defect, thus creating a look that does not naturally exist. This will cause you to be disqualified.
What disease can poultry have a grey eye?
Marek’s Disease
What do you feed young ducks?
Non-medicated feed
How fast does Salmonella Poison affect Human?
within 12 to 36 hours you start to have diarrhea, fever, and vomiting that could last 2 to 7 days
What is Tufts or Ear Tufts?
feathers protruding on both sides of the neck, located below the ear.
What is Stub?
short section of the stem of a feather sometimes with a few short barbs attached.
When can a stub cause you to be disqualified?
When this is found on shanks, or on or between the toes of clean legged breeds.
What are the External symptoms of Fowl Pox on Chickens?
White to yellow bumps on comb, face or wattles turning to scabs,
What are the Internal Symptoms of Fowl Pox on Chickens?
Internal cankers in membranes of mouth, throat, and windpipe, causing difficulty to breath; nasal or eye discharge.
What is Plumage?
The collective feather covering of the entire body of a fowl, including the head, neck, wings, tail and where specific for breed the shanks and toes.
What Continental Breed lays tinted eggs?
What Breed was discovered in South America?
Brooding Chickens how much light do they need for the first 48 hours?
24 hours
How much light do Brooding Chickens need after the first 48 hours?
take advantage of the natural daylight
Describe the Class A Caracass?
Not have any cuts, tears, or missing skin.
What missing parts are allowed on a Class A Carcass?
The wing tips and tail missing where the tail joins the back.
How many disjointed and broken bones can a Class A Carcass have?
No Broken Bones and one disjointed
What type of comb does a Large Cochin have?
What are the requirements for good laying flock?
Good Breeding stock, food, management, disease control
Squab age released from nest for market?
4 weeks
Broiler pounds at market?
4.5 lbs
What are some of the items can use for pigeon bedding?
coarse hay, chopped straw, or tobacco stems
What are the benefits of plastic versus wooden crates?
More easily cleaned and doesn’t harbor disease
Name parts of the egg that are in the yolk?
Ferminal Spot, Latebra, yolk membrane
What is in the shell membrane
Air Cell, Outer shell membrane, Inner shell membrane
Albumen consists of four alternating layers of thick and thin consistencies – List what they are?
Inner Thick = chalaziferous white, Inner thin white, Outer thick white and Outer thin white
The Albumen consists of most of the eggs liquid weight – What is the Percentage?
If an egg has no blood spots what is the grade?
AA Quality
If an egg has an air cell that is > 3/16 inch depth, what would its grade be
B quality
If the yolk is slightly defined, what grade?
AA Quality
What do ridges on a shell result in?
Weakened shells
What is a disjointed bone?
A bone that is out of its socket
Name 2 symptoms of staphylococcus aureus (Staph) within 2 to 8 hours of eating?
Vomiting and Diarrhea (Lasts about a day or two)
What are the symptoms of Salmonella within 12 to 36 hours?
Diarrhea, Fever, Vomiting (which last 2 to 7 days)
What are the Duck Breeds?
Heavy, Medium, Light, Bantam
What Ducks make up the Heavy Breed?
Aylesbury, Muscovy (Pato), Pekin, Rouen
What Ducks make up the Medium Breed?
Buff, Cayuga, Crested, Swedish
What Ducks make up the light breed?
Campbell, magpie, runner
What Ducks make up the Bantam?
Call, East India, Mallard
What are the Geese Breeds?
Heavy, Medium, Light
What Geese make up the Heavy Breed?
Toulouse, Embden, African
What Geese make up the medium breed?
Sebastopol, Pilgrim, American Buff, Saddleback Pomeranian
What Geese makes up the Light breed?
Chinese, Tufted Roman, Canada, Egyptian
During the first week have the temperature at 90 degrees after 10 days what do you do with the temperature?
Reduce the temperature 5 degrees per week until you reach 70 degrees
Incubation period for most ducks is?
28 days
Incubation period for Moscovy Ducks?
35 days
Most Geese Incubation period is?
30 days
Canada and Egyptian Geese Incubate for how many days?
25 days
What is a twisted wing on waterfowl?
When the primary feathers on one or both wings grow away from the body.
Can a twisted wing be inherited?
What is a blowout?
Part of the cloaca and oviduct are forces out of the vent. Occurs usually in young female lays an oversized egg or when overweight breeding females come into production.
Name two ways to prevent infestations of lice or mites?
Raise waterfowl on well-drained soil, keep bedding or laying areas clean, keep bedding or laying areas clean, keep feed dry, discourage any contact between your birds and wild waterfowl.
Lustrous feathers on a birds wing?
Artificial Incubation all require what?
Humidity, Heat, Turning, Ventilation
What is the difference between Angel Food Cake and Sponge Cake?
Sponge Cake can be made with Whole Eggs where as Angel Food Cake only uses Egg Whites.
What are two paracidic diseases in game girds?
Coccidiosis, Black head
As an egg ages what leave through the pores of a shell to make an air cell bigger
Moisture and CO2
Belaching Order
Vent, Eye-ring, ear lobe, beak, foot, shank, hock, toes
How many eggs per year to bantams lay?
> 350
Where do cocketeils come from?
What is the only Ratite with 2 toes?
What is keel Headed?
Disqualification in chickens
When is it easier to pluck a ducks feather?
In the fall because they are mature
What is the color of a black astralorp
What makes a walnut comb?
Rose and a Pea comb