Regenerating Places D - E Flashcards
the mass closure of industries in regions traditionally associated with secondary industrial production, also features high unemployment levels.
Partly due to the global shift in production.
Demographic Change
Changes in the population characteristics of a place.
This could be numbers of people or types of people
Demographic characteristics
Data about a group of people, such as their age, gender or income
The study of population and population change
A significant and sustained decline in the population size of a region or country
When people lack the things they would expect to have in the 21st Century such as -
a certain level of income
affordable housing,
access to services such as schools and healthcare.
The process of reducing or removing rules governing economic activity in a country with the aim of encouraging investment
The process of reducing or removing rules governing economic activity in a country with the aim of encouraging investment
Derelict Land
Previously used land in cities, that has fallen into disrepair because buildings have closed and no one is there to maintain them
Usually considered as economic growth leading to an improvement in the standard of living.
Development can measured in other ways, such as freedom, equality or the well-being of the natural environment
The movement of a population away from their homeland
In times of low far income farmers seek alternative incomes such as B&B, wind turbines, off roading trails and conversion of farm building to offices or workshops. It may also link to the political decision by the EU to encourage farmers to find alternative business users for their land other than growing surplus food
The degree of variation within a population
eg age, ethnicity, culture
Economic Sector
A way to group jobs that have a similar purpose
The amount of money being transferred between different players leading to wealth creation
the decision by individual members of the public to get involved in tackling political issues eg. through volunteering running for election
Environmental impact assessment
part of planning stage
all large projects must carry out a study of what the likely impacts will be of the project.
focus often on natural environment to ensure it remains sustainable but can include impacts on people(social and economic environments)
Environmental Quality
condition and attractiveness of the surroundings within which people live - includes both natural and build environment - open space and levels of air, water and land pollution
cultural background of group of people often religion based or country of origin
Ethnic composition
info about the ethnic characteristics of group of people