Globalisation (3) Flashcards
increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas
Economic migrant
a migrant whose primary motivation is to seek employment.
Migrants who already had a job may have set off i in search of better pay, more regular pay, promotion or a change of career
people who are forced to flee their homes due to persecution whether or an individual basis or as part of a mass exodus due to political, religious or other problems
Intervening obstacles
barriers to a migrant such as a political border or physical feature eg desert or mountain
Natural increase
diff between a society’s crude birth rate and crude death rate
migrant population such as those found in the developing world megacities, usually has a high rate of natural increase
due to the presence of a large number of fertile young adults and relatively few older people
Centripetal migration
movement of people directed towards the centre of urban areas
Brownfield site
Abandoned or derelict urban land
previously used by commercial or industrial companies
Cultural traits
culture can be broken down into individual component parts such as the clothing people wear or their language
Cultural imperialism
practice of promoting the culture/language of one nation over another
Soft power
the global influence a country derives from its culture its political values and it diplomancy.
much of the USA’s soft power has been created by Hollywood, Harvard, Microsoft and Michael Jordan
Cultural landscape
the landscape of a place that has been shaped over time in characteristic ways by the combined action of natural and human processes
Absolute poverty
when a persons income is too low for basic human needs to be met potentially resulting in hunger and homelessness
Millennium development goals
eight specific goals for the global community crated and the UN Millennium summit in New York in 2000
Relative poverty
persons income is too low to maintain the average standard of living in a particular society.
Asset growth for very rich people can lead to mor e people being in relative poverty
Informal sector
Unofficial forms of employment that are not easily made subject to government regulation or taxation
Post accession migration
the flow of economic migrants after a country has joined the EU
the dispersion or spread of a group of people from their original homeland
crude birth rate
the number of live births per 1000 people per year
a political movement focused on national independence or the abandonment of policies that are viewed by some people as a threat to national sovereignty or national culture
Post-colonial migrants
people who moved to European countries from former colonies during the 1950’s 1960’s and 1970’s.
the UK received economic migrants from the Caribbean, India, Pakistan,Bangladesh and Uganda